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Can Business Analytics Improve Healthcare Overnight?

Could business analytics provide a solution to the pressures faced by the American healthcare system? As in the case of Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Miami, business analytics generated a very high payoff because it involves efficiency driven, intensive, statistical exploration of an organization's data. In the above case, it determined that the center was overpaying for the pacemakers. At the HIMSS conference, we witnessed plenty of startups peddling immediate business analytics solutions to healthcare organizations. Eventually healthcare organizations will adopt business analytics, but the process will take several years for the following reasons: Lack of Compatibility between Systems as introduction of business analytics and then integrating it with existing infrastructure is challenging. For business analytics to get to market it needs to undergo trials in one or two hospitals. Organizations require their softwares to be customized. So suppliers require time. Staff members need to be trained on how to use the software correctly. All these are time consuming. Hospitals should approach their management strategy from a higher level, planning systematic solutions. Read more at:


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Success of Healthcare Business Intelligence Strategy is Impossible without Clinical Data Warehouse

Healthcare is altering rapidly and so is the industry's need for analytics and business intelligence. Sometimes business intelligence refers to a large group of analytics, data warehousing and revelation tools. Sometimes, business intelligence tools are associated to the visualization coating only - tools that take the data and gives a visual illustration of it. The core of data warehousing is a dimension to assist the understanding, approaching and exploiting data in terms of BI. In general, a data warehouse is a centrally managed and easily available copy of data gathered from the transactional information systems of a health system. Such research and analysis enable measurement, which helps in accepting and the most informed business and clinical decisions. Sources can be internal , such as electronics health records (EHR) systems, patient happiness systems, prices or financial systems; or exterior, such as systems linked with a state or central administration . Read more at:


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Healthcare to see exponential innovation in 2014

Healthcare industry has changed a lot from what it was five years ago. Thanks to influx of technology, policy reforms and care model innovations. Patients, today, are better informed by instant access to health information sources. According to a recent study by Intel, patients today are ready to see technology play a greater role in their care. Technologies like ingestible monitors can collect valuable health data and also the providers are eagerly using mobile devices and telemedicine tools to better care for their patients which in turn helps to increase operational and administrative efficiencies. Health systems are also dependent on big data to improve and better manage population health. Physician and hospital use of health IT has already more than doubled in 2013, and 2014 is going to see another exponential innovation. Cutting costs and broadening access to quality of care and also emphasizing on patient's experience, providers are refining ways to better serve their patients. Apart from such innovations, use of sensor technology, relying more on big data will increase. Health systems will become more transparent. Read more at:http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/leadership/healthcare-in-2014-innovate-or-be-left-behind/d/d-id/1204285

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Analytics to decrease non-compliance of patients

It is found that big data and healthcare analytics help patients to stick to their treatment plans following doctor's orders. According to a New England Journal of medicine report, despite having treatable ailments, about 125,000 people die in United States every year just because they don't take their medication properly advised by the doctors. According to a doctor, to overcome the problems, they needed to identify the gaps in scores and ratings which includes Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information set (HEDIS), Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS) etc. As non-compliance hurts healthcare provider's goal of improving care and reducing costs, many organizations are handling the matter by growing their insights built from big data and analytics to deploy human resources like managers and social workers in better ways. Medicare, Medicaid, dual-eligible, and commercial plan members on care management strategies incorporate technologies such as big data, analytics and integration to improve health outcomes, enhance satisfaction and compliance, also increases income and lower cost. For populations who often have chronic conditions and don't want to comply with doctor's orders because of homelessness, financial instability, joblessness and emotional issues, one can use big data to solve the problem in a logistic-driven way to help those patients comply on their care plan. Read more at: http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/analytics/analytics-help-patients-follow-doctors-orders/d/d-id/1278717

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Big Data in Healthcare Analytics: Its potential

The healthcare industry historically has generated large amounts of data, driven by record keeping, compliance & regulatory requirements, and patient care. While most data is stored in hard copy form, the current trend is toward rapid digitization of these large amounts of data. Driven by mandatory requirements and the potential to improve the quality of healthcare delivery meanwhile reducing the costs, these big data hold the promise of supporting a wide range of medical and healthcare functions, including among others clinical decision support, disease surveillance, and population health management. Big data in healthcare refers to electronic health data sets so large and complex that they are difficult to manage with traditional software or hardware; nor can they be easily managed with traditional or common data management tools and methods. Big data in healthcare is overwhelming not only because of its volume but also because of the diversity of data types and the speed at which it must be managed. The totality of data related to patient healthcare and well-being make up “big data” in the healthcare industry. To read more about the advancement of big data in Healthcare visit: http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/health_systems_and_services/the_big-data_revolution_in_us_health_care.

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Sayak Dutta
Even pharma companies can adopt big data analytics for making business decisions and achieving desired goals.They can get a cleare... Read More
Thursday, 19 June 2014 06:51
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ACOs challenged by unrestricted patient choice, study shows

A recent research report shows that Medicare ACOs are facing difficulty to control and manage patient care because most beneficiaries have unrestricted choice over choosing healthcare providers. Much of the specialty care received was provided outside the patients' assigned ACO. The potential challenges in outpatient care are: the proportion of patients assigned to an ACO in 1 year who remained assigned the next year

• The proportion of office visits outside a patient's contracting organization

• The proportion of Medicare outpatient spending billed by a contracting organization that is devoted to assigned patients.


For more details please visit Mark Crane’s article in this link: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/823951

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Healthcare data goes from big to great

With the advent of healthcare industry, the flow of data has increased by leaps and bounds. Now with the presence of analytics, huge number of unstructured data can be easily analysed to find out patterns and behaviours which in turn helps the companies associated with healthcare to take more sound and logical decisions.

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Hispanics: the future of health care in America

America according to a recent survey, the healthcare industry in America, have a large untapped market. The Hispanics (an inhabitant of one of the countries of Spanish America), besides being cost conscious are also reluctant in going to doctors but depend more on pharmacists. Thus a potential market lies in the Hispanics. But the Mexicans, Puerto Ricans etc. who fall under various categories of Hispanics must be approached differently as their behaviours and mentality are different.

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Big Data for your better health

When talking of Big Data, most of the times we mean business. But now, Big Data can improve your health too. Yes, it’s true.

Big Data is increasingly playing a role to modernize biomedical researches. Scientists, researchers and clinicians are leveraging the power of Big Data to generate aggregate of digital data through DNA sequencing, biomedical imaging and transforming a patient’s health record electronically.

With the help of Big Data, linkages can be found out between various genes, diseases and traits. Given that there is a huge database of genetic variants associated with diseases, like that of VARIMED, a list of gene-disease pairs can be established. This can be tracked down to the traits by developing disease – trait associations, depending on which a prediction can be made whether an individual will develop a particular disease.

To know more on how Big Data can play a role in improving our health, read at http://www.govexec.com/excellence/promising-practices/2014/05/how-big-data-can-improve-your-health/84904/?oref=voices-top

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Wearable technology: the revolution in healthcare

Wearable technology is the latest trend in healthcare industry. This technology helps doctors, by assisting them in the operating room and providing real time access to electronic health records. By collecting information through this technology, healthcare providers now have more complete and essential real-time data to treat patients. David Peterson - CMO Emdeon Inc., believes that the adoption of wearable healthcare-related devices could indeed be a significant step in patient engagement and improving population health. Not only doctors, now patients can also monitor their own health continuously. Read more about this technology at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vala-afshar/wearable-technology-the-c_b_5263547.html

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Healthcare: new recommendations

The universal healthcare system should be divided into private and public spheres according to the commission of audit. The audit suggested a complete reform in health system in order to be sustainable. As per the report, more deregulated and competitive markets with appropriate safeguards have the greatest potential to improve the sector's competitiveness and productivity. In the current community rating system, risks are shared and therefore insurers can't charge a sick person higher premium than a healthy person. They also recommended that high income group should take out private health insurance. For more details please visit the following link: http://www.afr.com/p/national/end_universal_healthcare_audit_says_zrc6GH6VmXQx2YBwlB7gSJ

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Study: fragmented health care system could hamper medicare ACOs

The goal of Accountable Care Act is to lower costs and improve outcomes through the creation of Medicare Accountable Care Organization but deep fragmentation in the health system is preventing to reach these goals. To know about this research, please follow this link: http://www.californiahealthline.org/articles/2014/4/23/study-fragmented-health-care-system-could-hamper-medicare-acos

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Accountable Care Organizations now serve up to 17% of Americans

A recent study suggests that more than two-third of US population is being served by the ACOs. According to Department of Health and Human Services' the latest approval of ACOs in January brings the total number of Medicare ACOs to 368, up from 259 last year. Currently there are total 522 ACOs serving both Medicare and non-Medicare patients. According to CMS, 10% of Medicare beneficiaries will receive their healthcare from ACOs. The research also found that Medicare ACOs are serving near about 33 million non-Medicare patients. Though there is a significant growth in ACO participation, Mr. Niyum Gandhi, a partner in Oliver Wyman's Health & Life Sciences practice and one of the firm's experts on ACOs, criticized the fact by saying "The process of shifting American healthcare to a new, sustainable model is nowhere near the finish line. On the other hand, these numbers mean we have a critical mass lined up at the starting gate." To know more, follow the article written by Oliver Wyman (leader in management consulting) at: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/accountable-care-organizations-now-serve-up-to-17-of-americans-2014-04-23?reflink=MW_news_stmp

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Special survey on dementia care by CMS

CMS has announced that surveyors will scrutinize dementia care and Minimum Data Set coding in an upcoming pilot program. The programs are expected to start from mid 2014. The survey will be concentrated on the processes of antipsychotic prescribing. The special Minimum Data Set surveys will evaluate coding practices and examine how well facilities link care plans to MDS assessments. For more details please visit:http://www.mcknights.com/special-surveys-on-dementia-care-minimum-data-set-coding-will-launch-by-mid-year-cms-announces/article/343573/


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Mergers key to community hospital survival

US Community hospitals are facing issues like declining volume, shrinking patient care and other financial problems. In this situation most of the community hospitals are merging with large entities to survive. In Virginia, Community Memorial Healthcare of Virginia will join Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, the biggest health safety-net provider in the state, to help improve its bottom line and maintain quality care access throughout the region. Community Memorial expects $2.7 million in Medicare cuts next year and $2.9 million in 2016. For more details please visit Katie Sullivan's article link: http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/mergers-key-community-hospital-survival/2014-04-22

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Private equity firm invests in ACO company's data analytics merger

Orange health solutions had acquired MZI healthcare. Great point partners, a private equity firm based in Greenwich, has helped in this merger. Orange health mainly serves hospitals and healthcare organizations to establish ACOs and value based care models, whereas MZI supports the healthcare providers with data analytics, predictive modelling, medical care management and health benefit management technologies. This merger will provide an integrated, one-stop solution that allows providers to solve their technology and service needs. For more please visit: http://www.beckershospitalreview.com/accountable-care-organizations/private-equity-firm-invests-in-aco-company-s-data-analytics-merger.html

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Healthcare: India’s new investment sector

The health care industry in India is growing at 1.5 times the GDP growth rate, but still use of information technology in healthcare is insufficient. Currently, Government of India is encouraging private participation due to constraint in public funding capability. Government has launched Health Management Information System (HMIS) in order to take better decision on public health delivery. HMIS portal will convert local health data into real time information, management indicators and trends. A research suggests that the growth rate of India’s health care market is 25%. Also the research suggests that India has the fastest growing healthcare IT market in Asia. Currently seeing the growth rate, many multinational companies are entering in to India’s healthcare industry with innovative and customized products. For more details please visit: http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2014/24904/intelligence-by-variety-where-to-find-and-access-big-data-infographic

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Hospital association wants CMS to ease ACO rules

The American Hospital Association (AHA) is lobbying CMS to modify the shared savings rule. According to AHA, the current rules are bringing too much financial risk to the providers without offering them enough financial rewards. A recent report suggests that out of 114 providers in Medicare Shared Savings Program, only 29 were able to realize the savings. AHA has recommended that CMS should extend ACO engagement period from 3 year to 6 year. As per Linda E. Fishman, an AHA senior vice president of public policy analysis and development, the only way CMS can encourage ACO participation is by modifying shared savings program. For more details please visit Ron Shinkman's article link: http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/hospitals-want-cms-ease-aco-rules/2014-04-21

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New age of healthcare

As healthcare industry changed dramatically and became more consumer driven- prevention, personalization, prediction, pre-emption and personal responsibility have become important. Telecommunication companies are coming with advanced and customized products to meet unique requirements of the healthcare industry. Products range from providing connectivity for enterprise mobility, asset management and exchange of health data in various formats, platforms for healthcare IT tools; mobile apps for physicians and healthcare professionals to patient engagement solutions. As healthcare moves toward "On-demand, anytime, anywhere" concept, sensor technology will revolutionize the healthcare industry. For more details please visit: http://www.forbes.com/sites/reenitadas/2014/05/19/healthcare-beware-new-intruders-are-coming-introducing-the-new-gold-rush/

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Independent role recommended to drive healthcare changes

Healthcare policymakers recommended that a politically independent working group or health commission is needed to drive significant changes in the industry. The reason behind establishing health commission is to avoid healthcare funding crisis. A research group in New Zealand predicted that the country has only around eight years to make changes in spending patterns of the industry before health costs start to impact the Government's ability to keep the country within budget. For more details please visit: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE1405/S00065/independent-role-recommended-to-drive-healthcare-change.htm

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