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Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare

In the modern era, with almost all industrial sector adopting new technologies, healthcare sector is no exception. Artificial Intelligence has changed the way in which we seek medical care.The use of artificial intelligence in medicine has reduced manual tasks and increased efficiency and patient care. With robots already assisting in various surgeries, few other AI systems used in medical sectors are WOEBOT,DA VINCI, PARO etc. As of now, there is always a high skilled surgeon in total control of the robots. It is believed that we have to still go a long way before robots have the sensitivity to perform surgeries on their own. They lack the common sense and the experience that humans possess. Thus a balance between human and machine is required. Read more at: https://community.nasscom.in/communities/iot-ai/artificial-intelligence-in-the-healthcare-sector.html

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The five most important applications of machine learning

These days, artificial intelligence becoming very common in everyday life. Some people can feel scary with the rise of AI technology especially machine learning. But, at the same time, it is also very exciting and has the capability to make the world a better and safer place. The author, Mark Blitz, an analyst, takes us through the five most important and practical applications of machine learning that are currently making an impact. They are driver less technology, facial recognition & security, law enforcement, healthcare and language translation. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/markblitz/the-5-hottest-practical-applications-of-machine-learning-022218


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Healthcare Application

Healthcare application is in increasing demand due to its ease in use and portability. Developers try to ensure that the applications are precisely goal oriented. These apps are developed in a short time frame so that they may be tested and put to use, however there is no certainty that the apps will develop quickly. Electronic health record compatibility is a challenge as these might not be updated, or it might not integrate properly with the application. This challenge can be solved by backend as a service(BaaS). BaaS allows the developers to connect the frontend applications with backend data, so eliminating the challenge. Read more at: https://hitinfrastructure.com/news/what-are-benefits-of-healthcare-application-backend-as-a-service


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Pioneering in the Field of Healthcare

India after having taken steady and fast steps in the field of healthcare has reached a point where it tends to supply over 20% of the world’s generics and about half the vaccines globally. This upsurge is because of the advancements and detailed research made in the field of biology which has enabled the pharmaceutical companies to understand specific health ailments and target them accordingly. Even after all the innovations and developments that have been taking place India’s position in the health related sustainable development seems to be grim. To address this, the government has to come up and take the necessary steps. It is necessary that we embrace innovation. Care should be taken that there is no disruption arising in the health systems and also that there is no financial crunch faced by the pharmaceutical companies.                                                                      TO READ MORE: 



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Artificial Intelligence Has An Unimaginable Potential!

According to authors, both Artificial Intelligence and Pattern-Recognition algorithms, which metamorphoses horses into zebras and winter scenes into summer, have revolutionised healthcare, where robot radiologists, can visually diagnose and examine  X-rays ,stained breast cancer slides and medical signs involving correlations between normal and abnormal health patterns,  in detail and with remarkable precision, thereby empowering the doctors to conduct a detailed research and to better  patient’s welfare. The core activity of AI is to make the machines intelligent and using this intellect, an entity can function smoothly, efficiently and  with perfect foresight in its environment, thus allowing an organisation to flourish and expand its operations. Read more at https://aitrends.com/healthcare/supercharge-healthcare-ai/


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Artificial Intelligence in Practice

Artificial Intelligence is development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Therefore, AI can process a lot more data than human brain can, and thus can do more work accurately in less time. Along with data analysis AI can perform much more complex tasks such s determining customer preferences for products based on previous buying habits and understanding unstructured data. AI is augmenting the capabilities of human by solving such complex challenges. The importance of artificial intelligence can also be seen in healthcare industry for suggesting appropriate treatments for patients, fraud detection, financial services and retail. AI can be incorporated in business by using machine, deep and memory based learning which is AI’s core. Read more at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/artificial-or-augmented-intelligence-talks-with-intel-s-chief


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Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Big data analytics are helping organizations connect their data and use it to identify new opportunities. Big data analytics examines large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations and other insights. Here are some sectors where big data are making an impressive impact-: 

# 1. Healthcare 

Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector helps patients and the healthcare ecosystem to be aware of the appropriate treatments and measures to be taken.

#2. Retail

In the retail sector, analytic solution offers insights to understand and respond to changing customer experience.

#3. Banking

The financial sector has to deal with vast volumes of data. This sector poses higher vulnerabilities to fraud and financial crimes.

#4. Manufacturing

In manufacturing, operations managers can use advanced analytics to dig historical data to study and improve production.

To know more, please read the article by Arya MM (Writer at infotechlead) -: http://www.infotechlead.com/big-data-2/biz-booms-investment-big-data-analytics-38700


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Future of healthcare with social media

Social media is now being frequently used by hospitals and medical professionals as a substance to express general health information. It is a great way to empathize not only with those who just need just relevant health news but also to needy ones. Social media feeds not only give medical professionals a platform to connect with patients, but with fellow doctors as well. In this technologically driven world, our best interest-whether you are a physician catering to your patients' queries or an individual seeking proper medical treatment, Social media has all answers for you.
To know more, please read the article by Bill Siwicki (Managing editor of Healthcare IT News):-


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Big Data helps in saving Health Care cost

In healthcare, information comes from multiple sources and it does exist in multiple forms like images, video, text, numerical data, multimedia, paper, electronic records or what not. These all are very important in the healthcare industry. Data mean the world to them.  So it is really necessary to have the right analytical tools to analyze such huge volumes of data. Moreover, jargons used in healthcare are often alien to patients or a layman. Inconsistent definitions, unstructured data is very hard to aggregate and maintain. Hence, if big data analytics used wisely can help save hundreds of billions every year. Read the complete article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2016/02/22/can-big-data-analytics-save-billions-in-healthcare-costs/#4fdcfd7f6253

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How wearables became a game changer in corporate world

Every company wants happy and healthy employees and for better operations, it is way more than just productivity. As fit employees are happy and healthier, many companies have corporate wellness programs. But involving employees to participate in such activities is a real challenge for HR officials. Thanks to technology, corporates have fitness wearable devices for employees and Fitbit is the market leader in this category. It has revolutionaries the wellness programs by adding a social and competitive component. Not only fitness, but it is improving the work environment in companies also. It is economical for corporate as there are company-specific online storefronts where companies can get subsidized Fitbit as per their needs. Read more about this in the article written by Sarah K. white (Senior Writer) at -: http://www.cio.com/article/2980242/wearable-technology/how-hr-uses-fitness-trackers-to-increase-company-wellness.html 


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Big Data and Healthcare

In the Healthcare industry, what we really need? Better healthcare results to improve our lives. Healthcare industry generally takes decision using data- like case histories. Well the good news is, now we have lots and lots of data. This is the era of big data, where millions of bytes of data are generated every second. And the bad news is we can't keep up with this fast rate of generation of data. Big data is unstructured which makes it difficult to hunt down relevant helpful information. Using data science with health care we can predict epidemics, advance cures and can provide better, safer and more pleasant experience for patients. Read full article here - http://www.cio.com/article/3001216/analytics/4-big-reasons-why-healthcare-needs-data-science.html



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Healthcare – The IoT and Big Data Revolution

When it comes to the healthcare industry and its ongoing revolution, Big Data and Internet of Things have become an integral part of it. As more and more health data is now being digitally stored, the seer amount collected on patients is growing at exponential rates. Big data, already used for the mapping of the human genome, is now showing its value in the analysis of large complex data and thereafter in predictive analytics to find people most at risk of a certain illness. Predictive analytics isn't the only place where Big Data and IoT have helped in the advancement of healthcare services. There is now the possibility of analysis of data generated by IoT devices to help calculate medication tailored for each patient and also calculate their results in advance. Read more at: http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/patimes/the-iot-and-big-data-are-teaming-up-to-push-healthcare-further-than-ever-0627156/

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Social Network Analysis Identifies Cancer Biomarkers

Growing social networks have caused rapid development of tools for understanding the interactions between members of the network. The Department of Computer Engineering, at TOBB University, in Ankara, Turkey used Social Network Analysis (SNA) tools to identify the biomarkers present in patient genomic data. Genomic databases comprise of about 20000 genes. Such an approach dramatically decreased the features that need to be analyzed to find useful biomarkers. The team demonstrated their proof of principle with three types of cancer: lymphoma, colon cancer and leukemia. They combined clustering and classification to help in detecting the links between the various genes to validate the outcome. Now they shall extend it with a view to improve diagnostics and tailoring therapy for individual patients based on their personal Biological Network Analysis. Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-06-social-networking-analysis-cancer-biomarkers.html

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Implementing data privacy in healthcare sector

A chunk of healthcare information is being generated through electronic medical records, wearable devices and centralized databases leading to improvement in care, lowering of costs and driving efficiency. Healthcare, in recent times, is characterized by data-driven technologies thus leading to betterment of treatment, quality, safety and efficiency. These modern data-driven techniques also raise serious privacy and security questions as pointed out by Chris Boone, executive director of the Health Data Consortium. Concern over security arises when organizations pile sensitive consumer data. To mitigate the problem of data privacy, researchers recommend encrypting health data both in transition and at rest as healthcare companies are the popular targets of cyber criminals. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/2914170/healthcare/how-to-balance-data-privacy-and-healthcare-improvements.html


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Healthcare set to Grow with Big Data

The global healthcare big data market is set to grow at 17 percent compounded annually according to the predictions of ResearchFox Consulting. Predictive and prescriptive analytics shall be the main area of focus in the United States. The Internet of Things (IoT) Industry is likely to get a big push from internet-enabled blood pressure monitors, mHealth apps, and wearable technologies. With the increasing need for interpolation of health data, improved healthcare coordination and robust big data analytics are becoming highly essential. Healthcare is in need of accurate data, real-time insights into patient care, and a better understanding of population health management, big data analytics is expected to gain importance. Read at: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/healthcare-big-data-analytics-driving-billions-in-market-growth

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Data Analytics for Health Care


According to Stefan Groschupf (CEO of Datameer), big data analytics can prevent healthcare industry from fraud as technology is providing powerful means to catch and prevent perpetrators.  Data-analytics will help in securing patient privacy and mitigating prescription fraud.  According to 2014 analysis of Standard & Poor's 500-stock index companies, it was found that healthcare and pharmaceutical companies have worse security performances. Big data analytics can be used to combine, integrate, and analyze data at once regardless of source, type, size, or format and identify   patterns needed to address fraud and compliance-related challenges. Big data can help to combine multiple data sources, analyze data and quickly deliver insights, pharmacies, doctor offices, and hospitals can track abnormal activity to mitigate prescription drug abuse. Read more at: http://venturebeat.com/2015/03/31/big-data-analytics-can-prevent-health-care-fraud-heres-how/


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Real estate investment trusts and assessing them

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are a major consideration for any fixed income portfolio and offer a wide diversification and higher returns. There are many types of REITs available but we will have a look here at some of them. Approximately 24% of REIT investments are in shopping malls and freestanding retail. This represents the single biggest investment by type in America and is known as Retail REITs. REITs that own and operate multi-family rental apartment buildings as well as manufactured housing or the residential REITs are mostly urban centered. Healthcare REITs invest in the real estate of hospitals, medical centers, nursing facilities and retirement homes. The success of this real estate is directly tied to the healthcare system. Office REITs invest in office buildings and they receive rental income from tenants who have usually signed long-term leases. Approximately 10% of REIT investments are in mortgages. Here investing in mortgages instead of equity does not imply that they are risk free. The bottom line is REITs, like every other investment in 2008, suffered greatly. But despite this, they continue to be an excellent addition to any diversified portfolio. Read more at: : http://www.investopedia.com/articles/mortgages-real-estate/10/real-estate-investment-trust-reit.asp

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Factors Affecting Healthcare Analytics

The healthcare analytics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 25% over the forecast period 2014-2019. Increasing healthcare IT adoption, centralized healthcare mandates across the globe, emerging fields of predictive, prescriptive analysis and venture capital are the factors driving the market growth. Digitization of world commerce, the emergence of Big Data and increase in the number of advanced technologies are other growth providing factors. Factors hampering the growth of the healthcare analytics market include lack of skilled labor with analytical skills, data securing and patient data privacy. North America holds the largest share of healthcare analytics market driven by US centralized healthcare mandates such as Meaningful Use and The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA). These initiatives assist to improve the acceptance of Electronic Health Records and Healthcare Information Exchange, thus improving the usage of analytics to influence the generated data. Read more at:


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How Big data boosts healthcare industry


Big data has a vital application in healthcare industry. Social media will increase communication between providers, patients and communities. This will not only work to globalize and democratize healthcare, but it is also a potentially important source of big data.  It will impact how these players engage with the healthcare ecosystem, especially when globalization, external data, regionalization, mobility and social networking are involved. The problem in healthcare isn't the lack of data but the lack of information that can be used to support decision-making, planning and strategy. In healthcare, big data challenges are compounded by the fragmentation and dispersion of data among the various stakeholders, including payers, data vendors, standards organizations, providers, labs, ancillary vendors, financial institutions and regulatory agencies. The entire healthcare system can realize benefits from democratizing big data access. Big data can make decision support simpler, faster and ultimately more accurate because rational decisions are based on higher volumes of data that are more current and relevant. Read more at:

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Reasons to care about Big data despite being personal

The impact of big data in health care is tremendous and it has potential impact on every person as well. It helps in the advancement of disease diagnosis and treatment. Big Data is able to determine whether men need to undergo prostate cancer surgery or not, also can assess the risk of heart disease later in life, based on our health status as teenagers. Genomics, the genetic information, aims to discover the basis of heritable traits and understand how genes work to prevent disease and we may soon be able to see Web-based patient profiles that aggregate genomic data with other types of Big Data and produce "risk map" mobile apps that people can download to a smartphone. If it is about the hospital treatment, then also comes the importance of big data which requires the integration of information including admissions, records, nursing, diagnostic imaging, rehabilitation and home care. Researchers around the world are investigating ways to access, analyze and apply Big Data in healthcare. Corporations are looking for ways to use it to support their product development. Moreover, regardless of whether it's how patients are treated in the hospital or how they keep themselves healthy at home, they are learning about, interacting with and embracing Big Data .

Read more at:http://analytics.theiegroup.com/article/53a31b043723a81ea9000096/Making-It-Personal-Why-Everyone-Should-Care-About-Big-Data

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