
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training

Lean Six Sigma is a globally accepted set of tools, techniques and project management practices that can improve the performance of any process and is coveted by leading international corporations

Become a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt…gain problem solving skills; learn to leverage analytical tools; make your resume stand out from your peers.

Learn from the best in class – our trainers are certified Master Black Belts / Black Belts with international experience.

Contents: Lean and Six Sigma concepts; Group exercise and Case study; Reference Material handouts; Online access to key reference material

Our Key Differentiator: Post training access to online discussion forums and periodic Webinars, and 1 Green Belt project mentoring session by seasoned Black Belt..



Eligibility: No pre-requisites. Students need ID proof to avail discount

Certification: GB Trained and Tested - On 100% Attendance of Classroom Session and passing Online Assessment. Certification means: Competent in basic Lean Concepts and Six Sigma analytical tools necessary for executing Green Belt projects. (If you complete our training and then do a live project, we also provide Green Belt Project Certification, on review of project report and Affidavit from your organization)

Register at: trainings@gosigmaway.com or visit: http://www.gosigmaway.com/events/lean-six-sigma-training/25-green-belt-training-delhi-india-19-22-december-2016

Date: 19th to 22nd  December, 2016, Delhi, India

Address: Unit - 603, DDA Building, District Centre, Plot No. 4, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi – 110092


Investment for Students: Rs. 5,000 + 15% taxes

Investment for Professionals: Rs. 20,000 + 15% taxes


Early bird discounts also available! And progressive discounts for Groups (conditions apply)

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4958 Hits

Sigmaway Workshop - IoT

Sigmaway Workshop - IoT

We all have access to the internet these days! Either we want to shop something, visit some place or some other stuff we want to do. We give a surf over the internet. How smart we are.

What if we tell you, your pet, car, lights or any other daily life object you interact with can be smarter? In this era of the internet and computing just being smart isn’t enough, we have to make things smart we should deal them in a smarter way.

Internet of things aka IoT is the technology which deals with the ever-growing network of objects or living being or any other thing that feature an IP Address for internet connectivity and the communication that occurs between these objects and other internet enabled devices/systems.

Sigmaway has designed IoT Sigma Workshop which gives you an introduction towards how to make smart devices and how to let anything be on internet in a very friendly and easy way.

Get Trained in IoT……Build the future.

Contents: IoT Introduction; Raspberry Pi Session; Web Technologies Intro, Live Projects; Online access to key reference material.

Our Key Differentiator: Post training access to online discussion forums and periodic Webinars

Eligibility: No pre-requisites. Students need ID proof to avail discount

Certification: IoT Sigma Certification - On 100% Attendance of Classroom Session and completing task given.

Certification means that he/she is competent in basic Concepts of IoT techniques and tools necessary for development of an IoT Platform. (If you complete our training and then do a live project, we also provide IoT Certification, on review of project report and Affidavit from your organization).

Register at: http://www.gosigmaway.com/events/robotics-iot/iot/29-iot-sigma-workshop-delhi  or email: trainings@gosigmaway.com

Date: 27-28 December, DELHI, India

Address: Unit - 603, DDA Building, District Centre, Plot No. 4, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi - 110092

 Investment for Students: Rs. 1,500 + 15% taxes

Investment for Professionals: Rs. 5,000 + 15% taxes


Early bird discounts also available! And Progressive Discounts for Groups (conditions apply)

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4381 Hits

Customer relationship and CRM

Maintaining a good relationship with customers is the most important thing in any business. Promises made to customers must be fulfilled. The CRM system can help in this area by reminding you the details of your interactions with customers and also can remind you of the details of all your contacts with the customer, i.e. everything from the initial sales calls to follow-up and service work. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/giving-customers-what-they-want-with-crm-75060



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All About Mobile Security

Nowadays, mobile CRM is important for businesses. Data theft is a serious issue for any organization. This article explores some of the steps that an organization need to protect your business from the hazards of data theft. They are: Encryption of data, set strong passwords, track laptops with remote software, and you must be able to wipe files from mobile devices if they are stolen or lost. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/mobile-security-with-crm-75054


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Future Trends In Digital Branding & Advertising

2017 is just around the corner. It’s the time to evaluate the digital approach of the organization. According to the author, Gal Borenstein (founder and CEO of the Borenstein Group) writes in his article that in 2017, GPS-Based SEO will overtake keywords as mobile dominates search, Most of the social media platforms will now focus on generating sponsorship and advertising, Website branding will pose a major design challenge, Content Marketing will face some challenges, Marketers will find it difficult to develop and differentiate between authentic and relevant content. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/infographics/top-10-digital-branding-marketing-trends-2017-infographic-01719513#KGPtk6OPstaYWKVk.97



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Future Tech Strategies For Entrepreneurs

Every entrepreneur wants to expand their business and while doing so, one need capital, smart strategy, passion and more importantly to invest in technology. But, one need to invest in the right tech strategies to be successful. This article focuses on the right tech strategies that business owners should concentrate on. These are: Focus on Mobile, Leverage on Social Media, Become a Third-Party Seller, and Harness the Power of Big-Data. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/understanding-crm/5-tech-strategies-for-commercial-business-expansion-75037


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Online marketing strategy for start-up owners

Strong online presence is a must for every business. Customers search the Internet for information before purchasing. Start-up owners should keep in mind before creating a digital marketing strategy. They are: 1. Use your starting position as a baseline to measure your overall progress against, 2. Determine your startup’s goals; ensure these goals are specific, measurable, and realistic, 3. Identify your customers, and 4. Study your competitors. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/infographics/develop-digital-marketing-strategy-startup-infographic-01716308#pzq2KMyLHcEZeDKJ.97



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Why print medium is important in any organization

In today’s business world, digital marketing should be an important business strategy. But, it should not be limited to the online spectrum only. Businesses should consider the print medium as a part of online marketing strategy. Print and digital medium should work together to grow your business. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/print-important-part-online-marketing-strategy-01717842#3TKoSv2DtBUQkVi1.97



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How CRM helps in cross-selling and up-selling

In any organization, cross selling and up selling are the two most important things. Cross-selling and up-selling increases your revenue and then strengthen your relationship with your customer and build loyalty as well as trust. CRM helps cross-selling and up-selling in several ways. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crosssell-upsell-and-crm-75010


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How CRM helps organizations in re-branding

Branding is important for any organization. It helps organizations to brand your business. But, you must constantly fine tune your brand. The CRM system is a major tool for reforming your brand. An organization can use the data in your CRM system to help re-target your messages which will in turn help to publicize your business. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/refreshing-your-brand-with-crm-75011



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Sales Cycle and CRM

Most organizations use sales pipeline as a snapshot of future cash flow, but, you can do more that by using sales pipeline. You can use sales pipeline as a strategic growth tool, using it as a channel to help you prioritize resources for critical sales, identify stuck opportunities, and create new opportunities based on metrics from historical data. CRM can help any organization by capturing more leads, team with marketing team to engage prospects, tailor content to match prospects, measure your performance and improve, and control your sales cycle. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-crm-can-drive-better-sales-results-in-every-phase-of-the-sales-cycle-74937


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Uses of CRM system

A CRM system is successful only when it is used correctly and efficiently. It saves money if it is properly implemented and used. CRM system should be such that people will want to use it. Generally, CRM systems are used by leaders, so it can be treated as another leadership tool which can help to increase productivity and enhance sales outcomes. It can also be used as a sales tool in meetings, to generate managerial reports, and as a customer analytics tool. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/your-crm-system-is-only-as-successful-as-the-people-feeding-it-74938


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Importance of Mobile Apps

Apps are important for any marketers. So, it’s important to optimize their mobile apps. Marketers must create an app such that customers want to come back to that app again and again. So, it requires continuous testing and optimization. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/app-prepared-holiday-season-01714411#licV3563IasBkJzv.97



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New Trends in SEO

 We are at the end of 2016 and as we are moving on to 2017, can see the shift in the SEO market. Based on the current situation, the following SEO trends are likely to succeed, and you may have to change your existing website. Some of them are: Voice Search is set to dominate, Secure sites will be favored more, Social content may emerge as a new SEO strategy, Integration of machine learning may open new doors etc. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/seo/6-upcoming-seo-trends-set-affect-ranking-2017-01713657#s14Jlg5SurMsSFOj.97


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CRM and Higher Education Sector

The higher education sector is evolving at a great pace. Tuition costs are soaring. Higher education software providers are also offering a customer relationship management platform tailored to their client base. Nowadays, most CRM vendors are targeting higher education as this sector is highly profitable. This article explores the different ways CRM is helping the higher education business. They are: Manages Student Learning Outcomes, Improves Student Data Tracking, Improves Campus Management, and Enables Personalized Learning Management. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-crm-makes-the-grade-in-higher-education-74958



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Importance of IoT In Improving CRM Data

Nowadays, companies are using the Internet of Things (IoT) as a source of data. But, most companies are not using IoT data for their sales and marketing departments. We need to know the reason of this discrepancy. The gap is generally technical, and two different technical groups need to work together to tie the IoT to customer relationship management systems. This article explores the ways IoT data streams will improve the quality and impact of CRM data. They are : Usage rate, preventive maintenance and cross marketing. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-iot-data-streams-that-improve-the-quality-of-your-crm-data-74960


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Benefits of controlling ERP costs

In today’s business world, due to tough competition, some organizations find it difficult to control ERP budgets both at the implementation stage and well beyond into the full life cycle of the application. But, organizations need to find some ways to gain control of ERP costs. ERP implementation managers should identify and plan to reduce the chance of overrunning the budget from the beginning of the implementation stage. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/6-ways-to-gain-control-of-erp-costs-74917



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All About AI In ERP

Artificial Intelligence or AI is gaining importance in today’s business world. But, we must know what is AI in ERP before proceeding. It is a powerful way to efficiently and accurately extend the capabilities of ERP. One of the most important functions of ERP is to help organizations streamline their activities and take decisions about everything from production to sales. AI extends these abilities by analyzing large historical data sets and organizations can then use these historical data sets to learn past patterns of behavior. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/3-ways-ai-improves-erp-74922


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Big Data Applications In Holiday Season

The holiday season is important for retailers and manufacturers as consumer buying increases by as much as 40% which in turn increases shipping. Thus, companies will deliver more products and financial institutions will also see a noticeable increase in transactions. Nowadays, consumers purchase products online. So, it is important for companies to have a good big data application which must focus on product and customer analytics, which will improve customer service, decrease time-to-market, and provide analysts with actionable intelligence to make business decisions. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-administration/big-data-planning-for-peak-season-74893



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CRM System and Segmentation

Organizations need to segment their customers and deal with each segment differently. In this way, an organization can give more attention to customers and in return will lead to more profit. This segmentation can be done using tools included in your CRM system. The segmentation becomes easy with the help of CRM tools. But, you must decide how to segment meaningfully. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/segmenting-customers-by-quality-in-crm-74857



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