
SigmaWay Blog

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Right CRM Systems

There are many CRM systems in the market. Each one of them are unique and have minor differences with each other. So, take time to carefully evaluate prospective systems when are choosing any CRM systems and choose a system that is the right size for your business and has the capacity to grow with you.  Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/mistakes-to-avoid-with-crm-78709


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Local CRM versus Cloud Based CRM

While choosing a CRM system, it is important to decide whether you want it to be hosted locally or in the cloud. Both the approaches have their advantages and disadvantages but both offer you with lot of choices. Local CRM can give you more control about everything and offer capital-based payment system. In local CRM, you are responsible for all the maintenance and takes time, effort and expenses. On the other hand, Cloud-based CRM can take most of the administrative load off your organization and tends toward an operating expense method of payment. It can offload most of the administrative effort and maintenance on to the service provider and the overall effort is much less. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/cloud-or-local-choosing-your-crm-system-78708



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Business Automation through Chat Bot

Nowadays, business value increases when you decide to go for automation. To automate business, you have to create chat bots as it is the core driver. In layman’s term, a chat bot is mode of communication between computers and people to have a meaningful two-way dialog. The chat in chat bot is the interaction that makes you feel like a real conversation, and the bot is the robotic part that makes it clear to the user this is not a person-to-person interaction. The main actions of a chat bot is to manage routine, repeatable task that do not require people at both ends of the connection. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/why-chatbots-represent-new-value-for-your-business-78546



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IoT and how it is applied as a part of security

Nowadays, the cameras installed are wireless and are linked into the internet, so are part of the IoT.  Each camera has an ID and a default password (‘admin’) which can be changed as soon as the system was installed. Since the camera data is to be displayed and controlled internally, the system is linked into the internal security system, which in turn is linked into the main data servers. Using the external cameras as the entry point, it will not take long for anyone with the right tools to have free access into the main server system. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/datasecurity/getting-serious-about-iot-security-78550



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Cleaning database through automation

Database is the most important part of your CRM system and is effective only when the entries are correct. But, keeping them correct is a never ending struggle. If not attended, it will slow your database and eventually corrupted. When that happens, the database is of no use. Preventing database corruption is a huge task for everyone who uses the database. Correcting individual database entries does not take long, but it should be done all the time. Automation is the only solution. Many of the misspellings and duplication work can be done by your CRM system or third party software. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/winning-the-clean-data-battle-78542



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ERP and Blockchain Technology

We are moving towards a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) digital transformation with the introduction of blockchain technology, also known as a digital ledger i.e. distributed database behind cryptocurrency. Several businesses are nowadays adopting blockchain as a trusted system through which to share records with partners. This is where the blockchain enter the enterprise. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/when-erp-meets-blockchain-78538



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Mitigation of risk through ERP

New markets are ruled through calculated risk, but it is best to avoid it firms whenever possible. Risk signifies lost revenue, disrupted partnerships, idle equipment, brand damage and a host of other effects that are not advantageous to corporations. So, mitigation of risk is important. The less risk, the better. Your ERP system can reduce risk by the following ways: Use Demand-Driven MRP, Automate Reorders and Manual Tasks, Share Supply Buffers with Partners, Beef Up Compliance Management, Boost Risk Management with Predictive Analytics, Improve Decision Making, Keep Better Tabs on Suppliers. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/seven-ways-erp-can-improve-risk-mitigation-78526





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Insurance agencies and the role of CRM

Small, independent insurance agencies must stay competitive by investing in technologies including CRM systems.  Smaller insurance agents are not in a good place due to their lack of leverage to negotiate with large carriers, thereby missing the financial resources to invest in IT upgrades. So, agencies are focusing on their connections with carriers, accounting procedures and the generation of new business. CRM is playing a big role in helping to automate this. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-delivering-a-competitive-edge-for-insurance-agencies-78529



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Advantages of having IT dept.

Most businesses employ IT specialists. But, the question, is IT dead, or has IT simply taken on another form in order to survive the growing changes in technology? Advantages of having an IT dept. helps in:


·         Maintains the servers, machinery and networks

·         The backbone behind supporting people who use the complex interfaces presented by the above-mentioned machinery.

·         Build and integrate new capabilities on top of that machinery.

Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/scingularity/i-is-for-information-t-is-for-technology-redefining-the-it-trade-78509



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Managing Cash Flow

Sometimes, small businesses can not accurately manage their cash flow. You do not need to be a finance person to keep your cash flow in order. You can develop a strategy that fits into your schedule and your business model. The following five cash flow management tips that will significantly improve your business’ financial health are: 1. Know your break even point, 2. Streamline your accounts receivable, 3. Maintain a cash reserve, 4. Extend your accounts payable, 5. Identify which expenses are essential for growth and which are not. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/finance/cash-flow-management-tips-small-business-01915621#oDfWZ0ZGTO4YxymO.97



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Choosing the right CRM project

You should select the right projects for your CRM so that you have a positive return on your investment. It is found that many of the things CRM will let you do won’t show a positive payoff. Others will show long-term benefits that is worth doing. You should choose the projects as a lot of CRM projects are started because they sound like a good idea, without a careful consideration of costs and benefits. Therefore, the projects fail wasting efforts and time. The most important question you should to ask before starting a CRM or any other kind project is “Is it worth doing the project?” Usually a lot of people skip this step and end up wasting time and resources on projects that never pays off. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/is-it-worth-it-selecting-the-right-projects-78498




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All About Marketing Automation Process

In today’s business world, marketing automation is more than software with many features. It actually represents an entire approach to the marketing process that is designed to make it faster, smoother and more profitable. A successful marketing automation project usually starts with the objective of simplify everything about the marketing processes and it is important to make marketing process run smoothly. Read more on how marketing automation will work for you at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/making-marketing-automation-work-for-you-78499



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Planning a successful sales campaign

Campaigns are important for sales. Most business houses are continuously running campaigns to attract customers and convince them to buy. Sometimes, they run several campaigns at once. But, this can get complicated, particularly in a multi-channel environment. Fortunately, your CRM system can help you. However, campaigns need planning. Before sending the first emails you need to plan carefully to get the maximum impact out of your sales campaign. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/planning-a-campaign-78483



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How to get response from email marketing

Email is the one of the most popular form of direct customer contact today.  But, companies still have trouble getting their emails read. The response rate for business emails is in the low single digits despite all the effort and money companies put into email campaigns. Luckily, there are things that companies can do to make their emails more attractive to their customers and get higher responses. Some of these things are amazingly simple and supported by extensive research. Every email must include a call to action. This is an explicit statement which asks the reader to take the next step in the sales process. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/three-secrets-to-successful-emails-78484



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New Features of ERP

Enterprise resource planning or ERP is essential for organizations that manage multifaceted work processes to achieve business goals and grow their business. The ERP technology is changing rapidly, offering new features and challenging companies to reexamine how they do business. Organizations can take advantage of new features in ERP in order to leverage the benefits from supply chain management to profitability and the bottom line. These features are: Improving efficiency, Streamlining Business Processes with Real-Time Solutions, Integrate Data between Departments, and Run Progress Reports. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-ways-to-take-advantage-of-erp-78464



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How Artificial Intelligence Track Sales

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence can track sales and every word can be analyzed for personal insights that can reveal what and how and even when to sell you something. It is capable of analyzing the entire context of every phone conversation which helps organizations to identify customer intent and behavior. By analyzing these results, marketers can determine exactly how to approach each caller, knowing in advance what they are looking for. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/ai-listening-to-your-calls-78447



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Advantages of ERP System Going Mobile

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system can provide priceless insights into business operations and helps control the processes that in turn gives a company its competitive edge. But, global business marketing is changing and so is the ERP system. In order to keep up with your competitors, you need to be super efficient in the connected marketplace. That means your ERP needs to go mobile. Going mobile means greater productivity, quality of service is higher and you get a competitive edge over your competitor leading to more business. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/business-on-the-go-with-mobile-erp-78463



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Artificial Intelligence Applications in Business

Artificial Intelligence technology usually uses algorithms to analyze data and then uses this data to spot trends and irregularities. It can also analyze huge data sets much faster than any data analyst, thus, proving an efficient tool for businesses. This article explores the ways that A.I. applications can be applied in multiple areas of your business today. Read more at: http://www.sage.com/za/business-resources/essential-reading/5-practical-artificial-intelligence-applications-to-support-your-business



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Arduino Basics


Arduino platform consists of two parts -  the hardware and the software and is hooked on sensors. You can build as simple as pressing a button, or as complex as using ultrasound to detect distance or sending a message to your computer. So, the Arduino is a simple computer which you can built yourself. It is popular because the hardware is cheap, it is easy to program and there is a huge web community. Read more at: https://www.wired.com/2008/04/just-what-is-an/

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Key for success in digital marketing

Today, visual information is important for business. So, info graphics find a special place in today’s marketing strategies or to be specific, in digital marketing. a great user experience on your website must be good as it is a major key to success in digital marketing. Your website is your brand and must offer easy tools to sell products to drive customers to your product. Website landing page must be user-friendly and mobile friendly. You should focus on mobile advertising as more people are using mobiles nowadays. SEO are a must to drive business. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/13-keys-success-digital-marketing-single-map-01911356#go2SUvMmqqdiqQKE.97



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