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The influence of economics in sports


Nowadays, you can find the influence of economics in your favorite sports. The sports industry is using data and research to evaluate players, strategies and even leagues that are particularly driven by the rise of game theory in economics as game theory in sports industry uses models to figure out optimum strategies like what kind of Baseball pitches to be made or whether American Football teams should pass more. Some teams hire economists to solve specific strategic problems. The rise in sports economics is continuing as the data gets better and teams compete for a strategic edge. Want to know more about sports economics, visit: http://theconversation.com/how-and-why-economics-is-taking-over-sports-88574

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Technology Trend in PEO

Technologies like SaaS has changed the PEO’s. A well-designed SaaS HRIS makes Human Resource easier, but a PEO who is also software expert will get much more value out of it than a small firm with little HR expertise or experience. According to experts, only 14 to 16% of SMEs are using PEOs and the number is likely to grow as the mega trend of starting small business continues. Advanced HR cloud technology in PEO helps them to hire the right people and will allow them to serve more customers in less time. Read more at: https://blog.hrcloud.com/hr-tech-creates-a-new-opportunity-for-peos


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An introduction to UI/UX Design


In simple word, UX Design means User Experience Design, while UI Design means User Interface Design.

Before proceeding into details, first, let us explore what is UX/UI all about. User Experience is an accumulation of tasks which focuses on optimization of a product for effective use; User Interface Design on the other hand, is the look and feel, the presentation & interactivity of a product. But, UX is usually and is often confused by the industries that employ UI Designers.

User experience design (UX, UXD, UED or XD) is the procedure of how to enhance user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product.

Now, UI and UX design consists of different aspects of creative flow for digital products. Fundamentally, UI design aims to create effective and attractive user interface whereas UX design aims to provide the positive user experience. You can relate a merchandise through the user interface as it is always part of user experience, therefore, UX design is much wider and includes UI design as its vital part.

So, when designers work on UX and UI for any digital product such as a website or a mobile app, they need to focus on some core aspects like:

·         Usability – The product should be convenient, clear, logical and easy to use

·         Utility – The product should provide useful content and solves users’ problems

·         Accessibility – The product should be convenient for different categories of users

·    Desirability – The product should be attractive and problem-solving. Thereby, it should retain users and create the positive experience which they are ready to repeat.

The website or mobile application which are planned and designed by UI/UX designers are developed or build by programmers or developers. In other words, they just give life to the plan, with the code they create. Programmers can transform the structure and visual performance, which are meticulously planned and created by designers, into the real interface.

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Applications of IoT in the field of healthcare industry


In today’s world, medical organizations are taking the help of innovative healthcare solutions allowing healthcare providers to reduce costs, improve patient treatment, and optimize workflow and thereby, the solutions significantly transform the industry. So, new technologies like mobile applications, smart devices, biosensors, wearables, home virtual assistants, blockchain-based electronic medical record systems, predictive analytics, and web health portals indicate a truly new stage in the healthcare environment. These innovative tech solutions, help the healthcare organizations to take the advantage of automated decisions, continuous patient state monitoring, and successful diagnoses. Research tells us that IoT in the healthcare market is expected to reach nearly USD 409.9 billion by 2022 and by the end of 2018, healthcare providers will have saved $1 billion using robotic process acceleration (RPA) tools. Read more at: 



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How chatbots are helping in business

Business requires you to be as productive as possible so that the overhead costs are lower and profits are higher. But, not all business utilizes the tools they could be to make that really happen and one new tool that is gaining popularity, however, is not yet used by all businesses are the chatbots, a computer suite that interacts with humans over the internet. Their replication of human language and behavior provides several benefits that can be used in your business. They are: Saving time, saving money, providing greater customer satisfaction, increase customer base, cutting down errors etc. Read more at: 



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Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing

In today’s date, Artificial intelligence is controlling our lives and with each passing month, AI is becoming ever more integral to our world. It is true that advertising and marketing are important in terms of partnering with digital creative agencies to find unique uses for the technology. It is also true that AI is transforming digital marketing in many ways from machine learning to building custom content. This article link explores five of the applications for AI that are already revolutionizing digital marketing. They are : Machine Learning, Behaviour analysis, Integrating Insights, Creating and Presenting Personalized Content. Read more at:  



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Importance of implementing IoT security

Now, IoT technology is important for any organization as IoT technology has the probability to help companies in reaching the next stage in their journey of digital transformation, but positioning this new tech without sincerely considering how to ensure data security is risky. Read more at: 


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How to implement CRM in a better way

Taking full advantage of CRM system is not easy. But, many go unused because employees do not use it properly. Successful CRM utilization is done when teams use it not out of compulsion. This article link by Peter Kowalke (tech writer) explores the Keys for Better CRM Utilization. They are: seeking widespread involvement during implementation, implementing in small steps, getting Mobile CRM right, automating data entry, provide integration when employees need It. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/peterkowalke/five-keys-for-better-crm-utilization-050718


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How PR can help in lead generation


It is true that lead generation is the ultimate goal of every brand. Now, many companies operate under the misconception that public relation dept. only functions at the top of level of the organization. But, this is not true as this dept. has the authority to influence all aspects of the sales i.e. from the first stage of the buyer’s journey to its conclusion. The first thing to get a B2B lead, you should make your landing page very attractive to your audience so that they can engage with your content and company. This in turn will build your reputation and attract high quality leads, thereby help in building brand awareness and credibility. This article by author, Wendy Marx, takes us through some Incredible B2B lead generation best practices that can leverage public relations. Read more at: 



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Importance of Document Management System

In the present business world, document management have proven to be more reliable and easy-to-use, especially for organizations who use SharePoint platform as their document management system.  Some of these document management tools have good integration option to enable a more reliable software experience and even though the system is easy to use, there are many management practices that should be put into consideration. This article link describes some of the critical management practices like using a thorough metadata strategy to replace your folder structure, consistent naming, proper user access and aligning index according to business needs. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/hughjackman/top-4-best-practices-in-document-management-050218


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Importance of creating a business website

Creating an effective business website is important as well as vital, since it requires you to be skilled in both web design and basic principles of marketing intelligence. While it is unquestionable that the main objective of a website is to send a message, but, the nature of this message varies on factors such as the industry, product, audience and even the way in which they reached you in the first place. The author explains the principles you must follow while creating a website. Read more at: 



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Why chatbots are becoming important

Chatbots really have revolutionized the way small businesses handle customer support. Chatbots help to provide 24-hour support with zero costs. It is a fact that businesses use chatbots to communicate with a company than using an app. A research says that 37% of Americans also prefer to use chatbots in case of an emergency to get a quick answer to their questions. In the last few years, there have been great advancements in chatbots and AI technology.  This article explores the use of chatbots to generate leads, grow your email list, and boost sales. Read more at: 



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Raspberry Pi and its importance in collecting data

It is a fact that data has grown to become the most important side of today’s economy. Businesses need constant access to informative data to succeed in today’s market. Thanks to the importance of data, companies and entrepreneurs around the world are pioneering in collecting data and analyzing technologies to boost their business prospects. As predicted by industry experts, you have to rely on Raspberry Pi while collecting manufacturing data and this is the way to go if you really want to get in on the era of big data analytics. This article by Gary Eastwood, IT Analyst , will give you an insight about everything you need to know about Raspberry Pi and how you can adopt it into your own operations to harness the power of your data. Read more at: 



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Importance of UX and UI in Mobile Application Development

Mobile app creation is on the rise, but of them few of them manage to strike top positions in the international mobile rankings and fascinate users’ attention as well as deserve their admiration. According to surveys, it was found that there are several important factors defining the popularity of an app and the most prominent one is the design of an app, especially UX and UI design. If we discriminate the chief principles of UX and UI’s design influence on users, it will help us to establish the critical sides of building an outstanding mobile app. This article by author, Tasha Bronitska, takes an insightful look into the major aspects of UX/UI design and its leading role in successful application development. Read more at: 



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Cost effective ways to reassess your business

Every business sometimes need to reassess their marketing intelligence spends and look at the ways that can be cost effective. The motto of businesses should be to stand out of the crowd and generate more success stories. According to the author, Warren Knight, there are hundreds of cost effective ways you can market your business but shares the top seven. They are: Infographics, Active on Social Media, Influencer Marketing, updating the email database, Webinar, Video Marketing and Loyalty or referral program. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/marketing/7-cost-effective-and-powerful-ways-to-market-your-business-02051313


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Make the most out of email marketing

Creating the right email for your subscribers is very important because subscribers expect to get something valuable in return from you. Besides, you need to have a solid strategy in place, for sending the emails as a part of your email marketing.  This article by Kevin George (Marketing Head at EmailMonks), takes us through the list of 6 questions which are backed by data and insights. These questions will help you create more effective and relevant emails and a better overall experience for the marketing intelligence. Read more at: 



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Know the Power of Advanced Excel


The awesome power of Excel lies not only in its processing ability but also in its uniqueness. It is just like oil and water; our lives are governed by Excel from the beginning of office work. Most people will only cautiously sum up the odd columns, but there are many others who can really take advantage of complex calculations and analysis by using the advanced formulae and other analytical tools. So, take some time to play with the formulas and Excel will reward you big-heartedly with some great magic. It will immediately show you error when you use some wrong formulae e.g. it would hourglass for a while before finally concluding that there were not enough resources for that operation. 

Most importantly, did you ever harness the power of Advanced Excel i.e. macro, goal sheet analysis, what-if analysis, forecast sheets, data validation and pivot tables. These unique operations will not only help you to present data in a systematic, but will also help you in taking managerial decisions without wasting much time. Moreover, the knowledge of Advanced Excel will make you valuable in the eyes of your team members and boss. So, Excel is still indispensable in this age of big data.

If you still do not know Advanced Excel, it is better to up skill yourself rather than to do nothing.

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Why Video Marketing Strategy is Gaining Importance

Video marketing strategy is growing in a big way. According to a recent research, it was found that 75% of video viewers account that they will generally click through to a website after watching a high-quality video. So, video marketing is an effective tool for engaging with digital consumers, but the only thing you have to keep in mind is that you have do it in a right way. It is a fact that by producing high quality video content can generate customers for your business but that does not necessarily require a huge budget. You need to have a solid video marketing plan. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/video-marketing/video-marketing-strategy-the-importance-of-effective-planning-before-execution-02047785


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Benefits of Knowing Advanced Excel


What automatically comes to our mind when you hear the term, Microsoft Excel? Well, there are many possibilities that may come to your mind. You may think of number-crunching careers like accounting, finance or you can think of organizing and interpreting information more easily, making your resume more attractive. But, do not rule out other fields, such as non-profits, administrative work, health care etc. where you could really make the most of your Microsoft Excel training. 

Whether you are working with cells or protecting relevant information or creating charts or formulae or integrating Excel with other software, you may find numerous uses for Excel as a student or an employee or an entrepreneur or a COO.  

But, first let us understand why Microsoft Excel is becoming a valuable as well as universal tool in today’s business world. MS Excel is a spreadsheet that empowers users to organize huge data by performing functions like calculations, graphs, pivot tables, data analysis among numerous other features. So, in short, Microsoft Excel makes it easier to interpret numbers and information in an organized manner and thereby, helping in taking managerial decision quickly. Moreover, MS Excel has several abilities that are suitable for information management. They are: 

• Arranging information in an organized manner

• Filter those information with the help of the tools available and

• Lining up and reviewing that information to take any decision.

the common jobs, besides finance or accounting, where Microsoft Excel skills are necessary are:

• Business analysts and Consultants

• Students

• Marketing managers

• Project Managers

• Administrative assistants etc.

Therefore, if you want to gain some knowledge of Microsoft Excel, here are some convincing reasons to learn it:

1. Improve your skills - Advanced Microsoft Excel training teaches you a huge array of skills including the ability to:

a. Visualize and manipulation of data

b. Build complex equation to get answers about company finances, efficiency, workflow, inventory etc.

c. Clean up data, analyze data and information quickly and accurately

d. Put data intelligently and usefully in front of high level management

e. Solve business problems with the advanced application of data etc.

2. Make your resume look better – It is a fact that recruiters are always on the lookout for hot keywords in the resumes and when they find that Advanced Excel is listed on your resume, they may be more likely to give your resume a closer look. 

3. Organize and interpret information more easily – MS Excel is not just a huge spreadsheet with endless rows and columns.  It is that instrument that sorts and filter lists, track numbers, create formulas, perform calculations, develop graphs and charts and many such things. If these skills give you the impression that they could be a great enhancement to your career, then an online course in Excel is good for you. 

4. Upskilling and Increase Value as an Employee – It is imperative to upskill yourself at work. It is obvious that more skills like Advanced Excel will increase your value as an employee as you will do quality work in a minimum span of time and become indispensable to your employer. So, upgrade yourself by constantly learning, starting with advanced Excel.

Learning Advanced Excel online course from SigmaWay will provide you the whole new dimension in your career as you will be capable to build solutions in different worksheets and workbooks, produce multifaceted charts, organize and arrange information, forecast data accurately, make use of advanced functions, safeguard information and design standard design templates. The case based training fulfills the significance of developing complex Excel results with using improved solutions, dashboard, pivot tables and pivot charts. 


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Important Benefits of Using Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is becoming increasingly important for organizations as the tools that help employees to make the most use of data and in turn maximizing the return on investment. Companies now are collecting even greater volumes of data from multiple sources which includes in-store-transactions, online sales and social media. These data are helping organizations to collate and analyze data quickly and effectively.

Excel spreadsheets are regularly being used across all domains of business to display financial information and other data which are meaningful and relevant to the business. For example, this can be data which are relevant to the sales, finance, marketing, HR or the CRM dept. You can build top quality charts using Excel that can be used effectively for adding extra emphasis to business reports and make an efficient marketing material. Besides, the users of Excel can make the full advantage of conditional formatting and analyzing trends and make helpful forecasts by the use of some advanced formulas and forecasting tools. it also help users to bring information from various files and documents together so that it exists in a single location. Read more at: https://blogs.business.microsoft.com/en-gb/2016/07/08/top-5-benefits-microsoft-excel/


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