
SigmaWay Blog

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Trend in influencer marketing

This year is the age of influencer marketing. In 2020, it is found that more than 46% of brand published advertisement with hashtags #ad on Instagram; almost one-third of Instagram channels are currently filled with micro-influencers. They enjoy better commitment with their viewers because they work hard to build their brand, amuse their followers, and build relationships with their clients. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/marketing/the-future-of-influencer-marketing-is-here-02382332



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Importance of elevator pitch

Elevator pitches are important and is part and parcel of any business. It requires to be easy and get  noticed. But it takes a lot of effort in creating a truly effective elevator pitch. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/strategy/3-ways-to-deliver-an-elevator-pitch-that-will-sell-anyone-02381832




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All About Cyber Security after Pandemic

Businesses are now reopening and struggling to find a balance as the operations moved online, cyber attackers are making a comeback. Today’s cyber threat landscape is expanding to include new and more sophisticated vectors. It is said that SME businesses are exposed to security breaches. It is said that about 43% of cyber-attacks happen with small businesses. It is also found that cyberspace crime recorded that there is 30% increase in security breaches post-pandemic. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/cybersecurity-checklist-for-small-businesses-in-2021-and-beyond-02381997



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Building your brand with company logo

Creating your company logo memorable involves some brainstorming and also creative graphic designing. Your company logo can help you to make a position into customers’ mind. Logo also helps you to utilize it in your business and marketing strategy. This article describes five ways to build your brand with a company logo. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/branding/learn-how-to-build-a-brand-with-your-company-logo-02381251



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Myths about Viral Marketing

Viral marketing entails propagating your message quickly through your target market. It is found that most social media channels are believed to be a vital for viral marketing since it has the potential for engaging your content to strengthen your message. It is basically done through Word of Mouth that increases the credibility of your message when shared by friends. Nevertheless, viral marketing is a myth when you need to build a sensible digital marketing strategy. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/the-secrets-of-viral-marketing-optimizing-your-content-for-engagement-02380820?traffic_source=Connatix


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Acquisitions for SME Business

Mergers and acquisitions speed up growth. This is done by creating strategic acquisitions. And for small and medium companies, locating an acquisition target to speed up growth takes concentration, dedication, skill, disciplined attitude, knowledge, time, and diplomacy. A positive acquisition process can have a high probability of success. This article will describe success with respect to acquisitions as how to close an agreement at a reasonable price or terms, and second how to achieve effective post-acquisition amalgamation. Read more at:



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Lead Generation for Small Business

Lead Generation is important for small business and it starts at the educational level as a small business you need to learn most of the concepts in lead generation from the very beginning. Nowadays, it is absolutely essential for marketers to include it in their marketing strategy. Here in this article, we will explore some of the primary concepts, particularly relating to building social media audiences for small businesses. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/small-business/social-media-lead-generation-for-small-business-02380900


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Cyber security tips

Cyber security is evolving, and it is not advisable not to follow the techniques that you have already used to mitigate risk. This article link gives you some suggestions to get your company well-equipped for 2020 and all the threats it could bring. They are: Implementing AI Into Your Strategy, Keep All IoT Devices Secured, Teach Employees About BEC Phishing Scams etc. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/guest-article/6-it-cybersecurity-tips-for-2020


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Know all about Managed Service Provider

Nowadays, managed service provider or MSP is becoming important as several organizations outsource IT processes. It is a good sign, but you need to have a MSP contract and must know what kind of information to be included. This article tells us about six things that you need to include in an MSP contract. Read more at: 


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Know about different types of mobile geolocation marketing

Marketers are discovering different ways to utilize location marketing but, the most prevalent is mobile geolocation marketing. According to a report, it is found that almost 9 in 10 marketers found location-based advertising and marketing resulted in higher sales, further supported by growth in their customer base and higher customer engagement. This article explores different types of mobile location-based marketing. Read more at: 



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Predictive analytics and IoT Data

It is a fact that Internet of Things or IoT is becoming predominant in business as you can gather data to analyse at real time. But, if it is not used diligently, it will be a cost and not an asset to the company.  Traditional business intelligence shows only IoT data from the past but with predictive analysis tells what to do with that data now. This article tells us some common useful applications of predictive analytics on streaming IoT data. Read more at:




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Know more about managing business uncertainties

Business always involve uncertainty even if the economy is conducive to do business as clients come and go, competitors enter and leave the market; leases are not renewed, technology changes overnight. This article give us valuable tips on how to manage business uncertainty easily. Read more at: 



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How to keep customers happy with the help of ERP system

It is a fact that ERP or resource planning platform can manage the key business activities like production and supply chain operations. But, nowadays, this ERP system when integrated with machine learning technology, also plays a vital role in keeping your customers happy. And this ERP system can have greater control over the products they eventually receive, thus cutting down on errors. Read more at:  



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Why B2B brand awareness is important

Many businesses spend a ton of time, effort, and budget to get visitors to B2B website but do not put any effort into staying in front of a website visitor once they leave the website.  Building brand awareness is important as creating brand awareness is critical to the success of your business. There are many reasons as to why it is significant to create brand awareness. Read more at: 



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Know the trends of performance management

According to a research, it was found that 58% of companies do not even believe performance management is an effective use of time. And that is why nowadays, organizations are continually updating their performance management systems to achieve better results and improve the process. This article explores some of the most common trends that can add value if implemented effectively. Read more at: 



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Need for social media optimization for small businesses

Nowadays, the internet is transforming the way companies find and reach their customers. It is a fact that these small businesses are no longer reliant on billboards and television ads to gain visibility as they can launch powerful, focused campaigns to target their specific niche in the market. In a study it was found that organic searches are favored 94% of the time, and according to another research, the first page of links receives 92% of all clicks. This article explores why a strong search engine optimized content strategy is needed for small businesses. Read more at : 



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How Artificial Intelligence is redefining industry

The Artificial Intelligence industry is growing at an exponential rate and the artificial intelligence market is projected to grow in value to $191 billion by 2024 with a CAGR of 37%. Artificial industry has the capability for machines to make decisions based on logic, data, and information from the past is impacting several industries. From self-driving vehicles to chatbots, thus transforming the way business is done on a global scale. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/artificial-intelligence-is-redefining-these-5-major-industries-02232853


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Discover the latest trend in eCommerce

A new study has discovered ecommerce marketing insights about the current state of online shopping and how marketers need to adapt to the latest trends. These key findings from this report revealed that customers want guidance. They also want guidance regarding shipping matters. This report also found about that content is important, marketplace dominates and son. Read more at: 


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Improve marketing strategy with the help of Artificial Intelliegence

Business world is now dominated by artificial intelligence and there is no exception in the world of marketing intelligence too. It is found that the future of marketing will be transformed by a powerful, nonhuman force i.e. artificial intelligence. But, even at present, AI and marketing-powered solutions can rationalize your marketing efforts and give you an edge on your competition. Read more at:  https://www.business2community.com/marketing/4-ways-ai-can-improve-your-marketing-strategy-02190347


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How to overcome the challenges of hybrid cloud

Everything is in the cloud, but there are many challenges. So, with knowledge and a bit of planning, your company can avoid many of the challenges associated with migrating to a hybrid cloud solution. It is important that you research your cloud partner thoroughly to verify that that provider takes all the necessary steps to ensure security for its clients. Read more at: 



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