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IoT data and Artificial Intelligence

It is a fact that the Internet of Things produces a lot of data for companies. So, dealing with this massive amount of data is both a large task and a continuous process for organizations. But, now most companies have some idea about the potential value of IoT data for their operations and IoT data which keeps streaming in, artificial intelligence is a natural choice for analyzing and making sense of them. Read more at: 



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Know all about insider threat prevention strategy

Data breaches nowadays are creating a lot of buzz. It is a fact that a new event happens every week, and even though organizations rightly fear an attack from an external source, internal threats also pose a hidden risk, accounting for a substantial number of data breaches. According to reports, it is found that 90% of organizations feel vulnerable to insider attacks. This article gives us some tips to develop an insider threat prevention strategy. Read more at: 



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Why video marketing content is important

Every business wants themselves to be noticed and it is found that the average click-through rate (CTR) of display ads is 0.05 percent. So, it is important to add video in your marketing content strategy as video is becoming an increasingly effective way to engage your followers and gain new subscribers and can also use video to provide your customers with valuable information. Read more at: 



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How to track social media reach

Social media is important for any business as reach is a measure to how many people your brand and content are getting in front of. It is said that reach is top-of-funnel metric, but still is a metric that every social media marketer should be closely monitoring and continuously working to improve and can track your reach in all your individual social media platforms by looking at your follower growth, individual post reach, overall campaign reach, and your audience growth rate in various social media platforms.  Read more at:  https://www.business2community.com/social-media/the-top-8-social-media-metrics-for-advertisers-02148290


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All about event marketing

In an era of social media marketing, event marketing, both online and offline, is becoming one of the most effective ways to combat weak messaging, missed opportunities, and dwindling interest as it can still be easy to lose sight of the personal connection that helps brands build loyalty with customers old and new. Besides, event marketing can create that connection while boosting awareness, adding value, and generating conversation. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/brandviews/upwork/what-is-event-marketing-02150532


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How technology will revolutionize the future workplace

In the world of technologies, it is found that machine learning has by now begun to improve human decision-making, and the rising use of remote access technology will empower humans to influence faraway people and events by being present in multiple devices and locations. So, the increasing use of these technologies to analyze, identify and respond to changing trends in real-time and will make human workers digitally ever-present across departments, businesses, factories, and devices.  Read more about how technology will revolutionize the future workplace at: 



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Make a good social media strategy

It is important for SMEs and startup businesses, to build up social media marketing strategy in building a local network, growing brand awareness and developing an all-important engagement with potential customers. So, your first task, therefore, is to match your product to the different platforms available. You must remember that social media is about engaging, connecting and having fun rather than buying. So, make your goals realistic; consider making them around brand recognition, relationships with customers, and research on how to get your customers talking about the reasons they connect with your product. Read more at: 



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What is brand identity

Earlier, branding identity was not an absolute necessary for SMEs, but now it is an absolute ‘must have’ for every business no matter the size. Now, brand identity is the essence of you that differentiates your offering. It is more than the company name and logo. It helps grow your business, is one that combines clarity around what your selling, and most importantly, the sales experience you offer your customers. Read more at:  https://www.business2community.com/branding/how-to-create-a-brand-identity-02147543


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Upcoming trends in cyber security

Cyber security has become important for any organization and in 2019, it is expected that the cyber security industry will identify and employ new ways of using user behavior analytics to better address security threats, both internally and externally, through next-generation solutions and wider adoption. They are: mass adoption, use of machine learning and artificial intelligence etc. Read more at: 



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All about YouTube marketing strategy

According to reports, YouTube has now become the second-largest search engine in the world. So, it is time for business houses to devote some time to your video strategy as the influence of video on sales is irrefutable. It is found that a positive experience with a video ad increases brand association by 139% and purchase intent by 97% and it is particularly important if your target demographic is 25-44 years old. Read more at: 



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Importance of having social media accounts

Social networks are not just about you but connecting with your customers. It also it allows them to connect with you as it is a fact that by having a social site, you have fundamentally increased your channels to share and syndicate your content. According to reports, 73.4% of users will follow a brand because of their interest in the product or service and fits well with the attention span of today’s people and if you’re a marketer you probably realize you have just a few seconds to grab someone’s attention. Read more at: 



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Effects of AI on ERP

From bots that use natural language to interface with your consumers to manufacturing systems that customize on the fly, and warehouse systems that can plan goods near based on predictions of future orders, there are key updates to ERP systems that can have a huge impact on a company’s success. Read more about the updates on ERP at:  



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Why Big Data is important

Nowadays, in business, people are using artificial intelligence and multimedia visual marketing, and these are also connected to the concept of Big Data as every action of internet users take generates a data trail, and the amount of machine-generated data is growing too. So, using data effectively can give businesses an edge in today’s competitive environment as analyzing Big Data helps them to achieve better results in many areas of business with minimum wasted effort and costs. Read more at: 



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Use Data to Your Advantage

Big Data in theory is easy to understand. But, unearthing insights from streams of data into action and make a difference to your business is not easy. Companies have now found out how to not only capture data but also connect them to create BI which helps in getting feed back into the business to give them a competitive advantage. Therefore, a set of dependable best practices can help you take advantage of the big data momentum. Read more at: 



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Benefits of identity resolution

In today’s business world, there are specific channels and tactics and they matter than the overall consumer experience. So, identity resolution has surfaced to create competitive advantage.  Identity resolution is the regulation of identifying individuals across channels and devices and associating them with information used for marketing and advertising. It is the foundation that fuels a people-based marketing and size strategy and by knowing who they are interacting with, marketers can tailor their activities in a way that drives both the behaviors and business outcomes they care about most. Read more about the benefits of identity management at:  



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Benefits of animation videos

Nowadays, in the world of visualization, animated videos bring ideas to life in a simple yet effective way, allowing your business to tell a story that your customers will listen to as they are shared with more than ever across social media platforms. With animation being one of the effective ways of communication, you can increase conversion rate and search traffic, shape the image of your business. Read more at: 



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Automating repetitive work

Smart work is vital for any business as you and your employees can focus on more important tasks. Sometimes, new businesses struggle from lack of time and resources to grow their business proficiently. Automating tedious and repetitive tasks through software can save time and thus progressing overall productivity as automation means automating one or more work processes with the help of technology to reduce or eliminate human intervention. To know more about automation, read at: 



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Use of Predictive Analytics in Education Sector

The role of education as well as education institute has changed over the years and is becoming more daunting to achieve. Universities, nowadays, have a lot to do to equip their students for the jobs that are to come. Universities can improve the quality of education is one way to do is to use predictive analytics. This article explores how big data is influential in improving the quality of education by allowing educators to monitor progress, alter curriculum based on data and customize the learning experience. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/deepthiudyawar/predictive-analytics-in-improving-the-quality-of-education-101618


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Implementation of AI and Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is going through tremendous change with artificial intelligence being adopted and marketers are adjusting themselves to a new digital environment and its practices. These trends are also changing the way businesses advertise their businesses and generate leads. Content Assistance, Enhanced Email Marketing, Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis, Voice Search, Implementation of Accelerated Mobile Pages will assist small business owners in comprehending and applying the improvements that AI brings to the world of digital marketing. Read more at: 



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Improving customer service through automation

Customer service is very important for any sales team but, they can be overwhelmed by poor ticket deflection and routing. They are equipped with all answers but, if they need to sort through through issues outside of their filed, then they are not maximizing the ways in which they can help customers. This is where ticket deflection and routing come in to make the most of the time and effort of your customer service personnel. This article explores the ways ticket deflection and routing can help customer service teams. They are: Automated routing improves efficiency, Ticket deflection increases self-service usage, Quick self-service access makes it easier to meet SLAs and Sentiment analysis for smarter routing. Read more at:  



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