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All About Hybrid Optimization

A study found that adults in the USA spent 87 hours per month consuming mobile media in the USA and between 50 and 70 hours in European countries, while desktop navigation is done on an average of 30 hours monthly by each user. So, IT specialists and business professionals have developed hybrid optimization. Business must address the needs of their audience effectively; managers and marketers also need to include hybridization in their plans. Discover some more reasons to switch to hybrid optimization at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/scingularity/5-ways-hybrid-apps-will-impact-your-business-78890



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All About Cloud ERP and Supply Chain Management

Cloud ERP nowadays is helping businesses from retail to manufacturing in developing more complex, agile supply chains that will be able to share information across suppliers and dynamically adjust when manufacturing, shipping or other logistical challenges arise. Cloud-based ERP is making it easier for all parties within the supply chain to get more visibility. It also helps in quality control and traceability. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/how-cloud-erp-is-improving-supply-chain-management-78881




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Importance of Flash Storage

Storing and managing data is changing every day.  Now, most of the world's data are stored on physical drives. But, in recent years, flash storage and solid-state drives (SSD) have become much more popular. Flash storage has no moving parts and all operations are performed silently and electronically and flash storage offers many benefits to business users, such as: Faster data access, Durable, Reduce Energy Consumption, Portability etc. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/itmanagement/five-benefits-of-flash-storage-for-the-business-world-78885



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Tips for launching e-commerce website

People spent the maximum amount of time online as they buy stuff online. So, many business owners should launch their own eCommerce website. Business owners must put effort and time in launching their e-commerce site. But, before launching an e-commerce site, you must research well about which platform to use, get the right design for the website and your website must be mobile friendly. Read on to discover more tips for launching a successful eCommerce website at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/hosting-facts/5-tips-for-launching-a-successful-ecommerce-website-78859



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Transition from legacy to ERP system

 If you are thinking about transiting from your legacy system to ERP system or if you are in the process of implementing it, there are some things you can do to confirm that it works well for your enterprise. They are: identify any problems with your business processes and consider what you can do to improve them before you roll out your ERP system, engage with your key employees, consider On-Premise or cloud-based ERP, Implement ERP through different stages, embrace change management, have a maintenance plan and have a project communication plan. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/7-steps-to-ensure-your-erp-is-a-success-78849




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Impact of Technology in Day-to-Day Life

Nowadays, the presence of technology has changed the way we think, communicate and plan events with friends. Today, expansion of the internet broadband connectivity, and variety of software and hardware tools has major changes in our lives. In other words, technology has become a vital part in people’s lives. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of technologies. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/the-impact-of-technology-on-peoples-social-relationships-78826



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Mixed Reality (MR) and its usefulness in CRM industry

Mixed reality or MR is a new technology which is coming up and will soon become a buzz-acronym within the CRM industry. In a nutshell, mixed reality combines the best elements of virtual reality or VR and augmented reality or AR and both AR and VR headsets are expected to flourish in terms of sales over the next five years, but it is expected that the value of these headsets will go beyond their utility with gaming platforms. As the demands on CRM teams to deliver a more personalized service is increasing, the mixed reality technology is being trialed in certain segments of the travel sector as MR can allow staff to match client data to the person they are seeing as part of their day-to-day activities. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/mixed-reality-will-bring-crm-to-the-front-line-of-the-hospitality-market-78818



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CRM and User Engagement

You can improve user engagement by using your customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It should become an ongoing process as new features are available, and your business thereby can improve your sales and marketing practices. Here are some ways to improve user engagement with your CRM solution: Involve Stakeholders at All Levels in the Design of the CRM Solution, Roll Out Features Incrementally, develop a CRM Journey for Users, Provide CRM Training Support, reward your CRM Advocates and Power Users and Promote Information Sharing Within the CRM User Base. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/improve-crm-user-engagement-78815



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Build Repeat Customer Sales With The Help of CRM

It is reported that 61% of small and mid-sized businesses found that more than half of their revenue comes from repeat customers rather than new business. You should not ignore the future revenue potential of an existing customer. There are some distinct advantages in strengthening relationships with current customers. A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%. The advantages of existing customers are: Important for up-selling and cross-selling opportunities; Less focused on price than new customers; Already confident and trusting in your ability to solve their problems; and often willing to become brand ambassadors. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help you to move prospects from lead to close by a simple dashboard adjustment. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/use-your-crm-application-to-build-repeat-customer-sales-78814



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Advantages of Social Customer Relationship Management

As per a survey, it was found that 39% say that social networks provide the main inspiration for their purchases. Customers are already there actively engaged in conversations about your brand and your competitors. You should notice whether they are complaining or recommending or asking questions about you. You have to find the answers, solutions, and resolutions they need on their chosen platforms. Social customer relationship management helps you to integrate traditional CRM tools with real-time updates so that you can gather data and find solutions with your customers and prospects. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/moving-from-social-media-to-social-crm-78781



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CRM and PRM Solutions in Co-Working Spaces

A recent research found that more than 1 million people will work in co-working spaces in 2017. It is a fact that co-working spaces are beginning to influence how small startups use customer relationship management (CRM) and partnership relationship management (PRM) solutions. Another study found that by 2020, there will be 26,000 co-working spaces with 3.8 million members. CRM vendors are developing niche product that will help facility management and will help them in managing memberships, Guest sign-in to the facility, including integration with your credit card processing system; customer and guest feedback. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-and-prm-for-the-coworking-generation-78780



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Importance of Real Time Data

Business Intelligence or BI is all about the data. The ability to consume data in a systematic format empowers any team to understand their business better. New insights acquired through a BI tool can be used as a spotlight on challenges that was previously difficult to pinpoint. Businesses using BI technology nowadays also understand how to make changes to inefficient processes that result in significant positive impacts to their company’s bottom line. Many projects require additional requirements. One common request is the need for real time data. This is crucial when you are making important business decisions based on the data you are pulling. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/real-time-data-2015-anytime-data-counts-01937693#GmjO9761ycdido3d.97



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Important Points for Enhancing Sales

Success of any business comes from sales. So, as an entrepreneur, if you want to be successful with your business when it comes to making sales and generate revenue, it is important to pay attention to the following five keys: 1. Find the right product or service to sell, 2.  Listen to customers and clients carefully, 3. use your time efficiently, 4. Find the right team and 5. Review your performance. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/sales-management/5-keys-enhancing-business-sales-01937684#MTZVqqJR0pmA70QR.97



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Precaution while shopping online

The internet has become an important part of our lives today and has significantly changed our lifestyle by making it easy to it easy to search and find things online. The internet is the sole platform that connects vendors with their prospective customers, thereby enabling a broad range of trade interactions worldwide. Some points that you should remember while doing online shopping are: 1. Avoid using debit card, use virtual credit card, Do not use public Wifi when shopping online, Verify the company’s website security, Check your account statement frequently and use strong passwords. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/scingularity/5-essential-guidelines-for-secure-online-shopping-78756



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Prerequisites of ERP implementation

Enterprise resource planning can help your company plan, organize, and regulate the flow of information more effectively and efficiently. But, sometimes ERP implementations can leave you frustrating. So, at the beginning of any ERP project, you must consider some prerequisites. These may include: Evaluating current needs and options; Preparing reports for management; Allocating project budget; Creating a shortlist of solutions and obtaining equipment and a location for the project team. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-steps-to-a-successful-erp-project-78761



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All About Workplace Collaboration

Nowadays, the big changes in the workplace includes the rise of a mobile-first work style, along with ease of use that makes communication very easy. But, it reflects two realities that fundamentally drive the collaboration process. First is the important fact that messaging is easy to use and stems from its consumer roots. The opposite is largely the case for those legacy modes that creates the conditions for an easier to use application i.e. messaging – for collaboration. Read more about workplace collaboration at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/workplace-collaboration-comparing-use-cases-for-messaging-and-voip-78744



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How to protect data

In today’s world, you must know the importance of securing not only your personal information but also the information obtained from your clients. It is easier for us to create huge files and store an unbelievable amount of information that you can be easily accessed with a simple push of a button. Regrettably, there are many people who target businesses especially small businesses as they tend to leave themselves unprotected. Fortunately, there are some ways to secure personal information by maintaining equipment and adding safeguards to prevent reduce the probability of an operating system or a hard drive error or a hacker from getting to your files. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/it-small-business/protecting-your-personal-and-business-information-78751



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VPN and its usefulness

Usually, a VPN can be demarcated as a group of computers linked in a web. When you connect to a VPN, the data is encrypted as it allows all the computers on that network to be safe online and get better privacy. Nowadays, many people use a VPN to browse the web without using the local network as it secures their information and encrypt it when using some public network. Business organizations are all online and there is security risk. So, it is important to secure the internet because if the security is breached, valuable business data and your entire organization might be at risk. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/why-modern-businesses-need-a-vpn-78741



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Designing Effective Emails

Effective emails need effective design. The most important part you should remember while designing your emails is that it should support the goals of your email campaign. Here are three most important things you can do while designing emails to make them better support your efforts. They are: Personalize the mail, design messages for mobiles as more people nowadays use smartphones and  ideally emails should be be short enough to be read on one screen. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/punchup-your-emails-with-these-three-ps-78738



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New Trends in ERP

Nowadays, Enterprise Resource Planning has become an integral part of the business and ERP vendors are also continuously coming up with less complex and more inexpensive options. The author here explores how the new trends of ERP that can help organizations extract the maximum mileage out of their ERP solutions. They trends are: Cloud ERP, user friendly experience, mobile ERP, flexibility, security, business intelligence and social ERP. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/7-emerging-erp-trends-78717



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