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Know the types of customer segmentation that will help you in your business

In today’s business world, personalization is one of the most operational ways you can attract new customers and retain your present customers. It is found that 59% of consumers who have experienced it, say that personalization has a great impact on their purchase decisions. Besides, 88% of marketers have noticed vital improvements in their business with personalization and 53% of them have reported that they gained a lift of over 10%. So, customer segmentation is important. This article discusses four types of customer segmentation that can help you achieve your marketing goals. Read more about these four types of segmentation at: 



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New Employment Trends of 2018

Today’s human resource leaders use technology extensively. They find skilled talent as well as engage and satisfy existing employees by leveraging technology. So, modern HR professionals must have equal competence in reasoning, fiscal acumen and office automation. This article explores the following entries reveal some employment trends that are emerging: 1. Telecommuting Is Growing in Popularity, 2. Leveraging Competitiveness to Increase Productivity, 3. Dealing with Domestic Violence Is No Longer Off-Limits, 4. Employers Are Finding Innovative Ways to Close the Talent Gap and 5. Employers Are Providing Pay Transparency to Increase Worker Satisfaction. Read more at:  



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How social media marketing trends of 2018 are changing business strategy

Everyone knows the power of social media and the influence it has on business strategy. But, it is a fact that social media is constantly changing, and it is very hard to understand how social media is changing the game. This article explores how the social media marketing trends of 2018 are completely changing how we look at social media. They are: Augmented Reality, Focus on Generation Z, Messenger Apps and Chatbots, Live Streaming, Influencer Marketing and User-generated Content. Read more at: 



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Important tips on how to improve local SEO for small businesses

Nowadays, even small businesses are going online and if you want your business to be at the fingertips of consumers in your local area, then you must improve your local SEO. It is the process of optimizing your website and marketing your business online, so that it ranks better on Google for your local audience. This article explores some simple tips for improving local SEO for your small business. Read more at : https://www.business2community.com/seo/5-simple-tips-to-improving-local-seo-for-your-small-business-02117368


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Mega trends that will impact global consumerism

Nowadays, it is becoming easier to sell products online and more profitable for businesses large and small. This online market has just begun to flourish as large economic and technological forces are create a market of relatively wealthy consumers who are open to buying online and businesses are also fully prepared to sell their wares. This article discusses about the nine key mega trends that will impact the next decade of global consumerism. Read more at: 



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All about web presence analysis

Web presence analysis helps you determine how your business is viewed when someone searches for your products and services. It is imperative for all businesses should develop an extensive digital footprint as part of online marketing activities. The bigger the footprint, the more likely your business can be found when someone is searching and if your business is not visible in the search engine results, you lose an opportunity to attract a customer.  To know more about web presence analysis, read : 



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Best practices of email marketing

Nowadays, companies do not send mass emails to a huge list. Instead, the companies are now thinking about engaging email recipients with content they want and look forward to getting. This article explores the five best practices about email marketing. Read more at:  



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How to get prospective customers through SEO

According to some recent survey respondents cited Google as the place where they begin a search. Therefore, enhancing SEO, plays a vital role in generating new leads, helping in getting prospective customers and retaining the current ones. This article explores some proven methods to get the SEO results you are after. Read more at : 



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Importance of social listening tool

Now, over 70% of small businesses using social media. So, monitoring social media is a must these days. If this is done properly, it gives you powerful customer insights, lets you monitor your opponents and what their customers are saying, and helps you to expand your business. Any company having a social presence on multiple platforms, it becomes near to impossible for them to deal with various social media problems manually. So, using a social listening tool is the best bet as it will save you time and cash, but selecting one that is right for your business can be a challenge if you are just starting out. Read more at:  



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All About IT myths

For nearly two decades, integration of modern technology and IT infrastructure has proven its impact as it has paved the way for communications with customers to become easier, for employees to have a better working dynamic, and the organization to have a stronger information security system. It has also helped in expanding a company’s research capacity. These technology developments are aimed to provide essential growth within a company and not every business can adapt as quickly, thus resulting in the birth of IT myths. This article confirms and debunks some common IT myths. Read more at: 



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Why is machine learning becoming inevitable for organizations

These days, developments in data analytics and business technology is that of machine learning. Machine learning is becoming a business-critical technology, machine learning makes computing processes more efficient, cost-effective and reliable and thus accelerate every aspect of business decision-making. Machine learning is implemented in most industries where it presents a great opportunity to improve upon existing processes as it has the ability to process highly complex, time-sensitive, and fluid data for applications in virtually any industry, such as: Tracking customer/client satisfaction in real time, analyzing and responding to market trends, tracking and setting prices according to demand, combating fraud, calculating risk, improving customer service through real-time etc.  Read more at: Read more at : 



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Latest trends in Big Data

Analytics and precisely, big data has been a game changer for organizations across industries and revenue size as it helps companies to process data of great complexity and size at a speed and with accuracy so that the management can take better decision. Big data technology can help huge unstructured data to be properly indexed and searched through those legacy records in record time. There are many other circumstances where big data can push an organization’s success and help it make its processes smoother and more efficient. Read more about the latest trends in big data at: 



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The importance of storytelling in marketing

Advertising is changing as people now want to see the heart and soul of the businesses they interact with. Many organizations are investing in storytelling to raise awareness of their brand and develop trust. But, there are six ways to storytelling in the marketing world and which ones you will utilize depends on the nature of your business and the audience you wish to target. They are : Mini ads, Customer-Driven Storytelling, Philanthropy, Hidden Social Media Storytelling, Data-Based Storytelling and Impressive Storytelling. Read more at: 



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Importance of IoT in automobile industry

According to Wall Street Journal, millions of cars are rolling off dealers and with built-in connectivity, automobile companies are gaining access to unique amount of real-time data that in turn allows them to track everything from car location to how hard it is braking and whether the windshield wipers are on or not, leading to a potential beyond vehicle operation and automaker information. These days, new vehicles have a robust tracking technology that dynamically tracks the vehicle’s movements. This valuable location analytics offer understanding the patterns of the driver like where they are going based on past habits, time of day, route taken, etc. Read more at: 



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All about meta robot tag for SEO

SEO’s are important for any organization. But, the new trend is meta robot tag for SEO. So, what is a meta robot tag? It is a tag which is rooted in your website that help search engines what to look for. It also helps you to know what to follow and what to avoid. So, in short, it allows you to decide what pages of your site you want to hide from search engine crawlers and tells the crawler what likes to stop with and what links to follow. One of the reasons these tags are extremely essential is because they combat duplicate content.  Read more at: 



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Importance of video marketing strategies

Over the last few years, video’s popularity has grown over the last few years that it is now a part of business marketing strategy in many organizations. Experts opine that you need creativity as well as a thorough plan, videos can help our brand hold the attention of an audience while giving you useful information. The author, Danielle Winski (customer service expert), in her article explores the importance of video marketing strategies. Read more about this at: 




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All about automated email marketing drip campaign

Drip Campaign is a sequence of emails which are set up to achieve a goal. It is said that drip campaigns permit your email marketing efforts and get you wonderful results in terms of engagement and sales. These campaigns make email marketing and lead nurturing more effective.  The author, Jaime Nacach ( founder and marketing strategist of Bloominari) discusses in this article about some pointers on how you build your first automated email marketing drip campaign. To know more, read: 



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Importance of SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization, helps websites get to the top of search results in search engines. SEO is important because your business website can be at the top of the search results when someone searches for a specific topic. In this article, the author, Tom Casano, explores the vital reasons why you should give importance to SEO for your business this year. They are: get more traffic, getting high quality leads, get website visitors into your sales funnel, build brand awareness, acquire monthly recurring traffic etc. to know more, visit: 




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Some ways to make your organization secure against cyber attacks

The data breaches and attacks are on the rise, so the organizations cannot have a weak defense to secure themselves against these cyberattacks. Because of this, cyber-attacks, business leaders and IT experts establish cybersecurity methods to protect the organization. Here is a list of some tactics that can help shore up your company’s cybersecurity like data encryption, hardware security, strong passwords, a good firewall, anti-virus security, mobile device security and many more such things. Read more at: 

: https://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/10-ways-to-boost-your-businesss-cybersecurity-02106827


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New job trends in cyber security in IT sector

Cyber security is of utmost important to any organization and of late there has been a tremendous rise in cyber security jobs. This high demand comes from expansion in the interconnectedness of gadgets and computing systems, thus increasing the potential points of intrusion. So, here is a list of some trends in cybersecurity that will affect jobs in the IT sector. They are: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things Openings Outbound and Opening Inbounds, Cloud Services and Mobile Devices and Third-Party Apps. to know more, go to: 



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