
SigmaWay Blog

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All About Cyber Security Attacks and How to Prevent Them

These days, cyber security attacks and data breaches are on the rising side. Data breach laws are there but, it requires organizations to inform users that their personal information has been negotiated. So, it is important to understand these cyber laws and their importance as they are dangerous for effective data protection. According to a report, it was found that almost 2 trillion data records were hacked during the first half of 2017 where several MNC’s like big banks, hospitals and even credit agencies have fallen prey to these hackers. Read more at: https://finance.toolbox.com/articles/key-data-breach-laws-what-they-are-and-why-they-matter



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How to be secured from hackers

The internet is a place where we get knowledge and entertainment and most of us are more digitally inclined with each passing year. But, there is a dark side too as hackers are plundering on the susceptible and unwary. These kinds of hacks and disturbances happen on a much smaller scale with hackers aiming at individual people with the purpose of identity theft and fraud. But, you can do several things to make yourself less vulnerable to hackers. They are: Update Software Regularly, Avoid Open Wi-Fi, Use Security Software, Maintain Password Integrity and Guard Personal Info on Obsolete Devices. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/jaredjaureguy/five-ways-to-keep-your-info-safe-from-hackers-020918



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Types of Cloud Hosting Services

The present age is the age of the internet and when we have many computer applications all over the place, you have millions of data. This needs proper security and further usability. We also need a lot of space for storing data and operating software programs. Therefore, cloud computing is becoming important because of the infinite levels of storage and security. Fundamentally, there are three types of cloud hosting services. They are: Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/dominicacito/will-cloud-hosting-improve-your-website-seo-how-does-the-tech-work-020518



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Big Data Innovations of 2018

Organizations should plan to handle data more efficient ways and therefore have better insights to gather from it. This article, looks at the trends that are sure to shape 2018 when it comes to big data. They are: Machine Learning, pay as you go applications, integration, automation, shared knowledge and innovation with better speed. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/lewisrobinson/big-data-innovations-that-are-sure-to-come-in-2018-020118



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Benefits of Data Center Migration

It is important for any organization to relocate one of its data centers from time to time. It is nowadays very common for the target data center to be a cloud platform like Amazon Web Services, Azure or Google Cloud Platform. The methods and values are alike whether the target of the migration is another corporate data center, or a cloud platform. Data center replacement is a complex task that needs balancing operational, regulatory, financial and business considerations. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/itmanagement/data-center-migration-six-key-considerations-011618



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Benefits of Automated Inventory Management

Nowadays, many organizations are increasingly moving their operations to the cloud which includes their inventory management and for some organizations, automated inventory management are unfamiliar. It is found that 43% of businesses either do not track their inventory at all or use manual processes. In another research, it was found that 55% of small and medium business owners say that inventory management software saves them more than five hours each week and 16% percent of all respondents say that they save more than a day. It is a fact that automated inventory management reduces the manual errors, keeps you updated with intelligence reports and historical trends and much more. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/small-business/5-reasons-small-businesses-need-cloud-02002946



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Benefits of E-Commerce

Ecommerce is defined as buying and selling of e-commerce. Nowadays, an increase in various payment gateway services has also made e-commerce possible. Such payment gateway services depend on advanced technologies like electronic funds transfer, mobile commerce, internet marketing, electronic data interchange, automated data collection, inventory management systems, and supply chain management and helps to overcome geographical limitations. E-commerce actually eliminated such barriers and helped businesses to expand their markets. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/kevgardner83/what-you-need-to-know-about-e-commerce-012318


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New Features of CRM That Helps in Sales Process


Everyone knows that CRM can do more than track sales calls. But, you can use many features in CRM to expand your sales efforts, increase the bottom line and improve confidence among your employees by automating emails, automate lead routing, consolidating views of your system, clearing bottlenecks etc. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/punchup-your-sales-process-with-crm-79135


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Blockchain Technology and Its Importance

These days, the cryptocurrency market is gathering attention not because of the rise in the value of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and other digital tokens. But, the primary technology that makes cryptocurrency transaction has seen important development which means that the future of the blockchain has arrived. Blockchain solutions have already entered real estate and healthcare industry. The blockchain and distributed ledger technology is upcoming  in the field of financial technology. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/understanding-crm/the-importance-of-blockchain-technology-in-the-modern-enterprise-79183


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How AI can Improve Collaboration

Artificial Intelligence or AI is becoming important every day. But, the question is whether AI can improve collaboration or not. This technology is changing very quickly and it is becoming difficult to define. Not only does this pose real-world challenges around defining its impact and business value, but also in trying to control the benefit of AI. So, here are some ways to assess AI for being a good fit to your collaboration needs. They are: 1. Must address a specific problem, 2. Must be adaptable and personal and 3. Make automation easy. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/three-ways-ai-can-improve-collaboration-79097



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Marketing Automation and CRM

These days marketing automation goals are to shift as much of the routine work from sales or marketing to the CRM system. This is an area where CRM systems are improving at a fast pace and it can save your effort and hassle since marketing automation aims at resolving one of the major pain points that slows down CRM. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/easing-the-pain-of-crm-with-marketing-automation-79032



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Ways to generate sales leads

Social media has grown into with much more potential. Nowadays, businesses dedicate significant resources in maintaining a positive presence on social media, because that is where their consumers, clients are spending a significant amount of their time. You can turn that positive online presence into real world sales leads by the following ways. They are targeted social media listening, host interactive video presentations, create quizzes and surveys. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/accessible-bi/3-ways-social-media-can-generate-leads-79042



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Chat bots and CRM

Recent reports tell us that artificial intelligence will change business, and chat bots might be one of the first rollers of this game-changing technology that will make its way to consumers. According to a research, it was found that the global bot services market is expected to grow from 458.4 million today to 1,783.9 million by 2022. Here are five ways that bots will affect CRM soon. They are: Bots as sales staff, Automatic social media interaction, CRM access across more channels, routing and directly handling customer interactions, improved efficiency. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-chatbots-will-change-crm-78997



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How to manage online reputation

These days, business houses implement reputation management. An organization needs an authentic and projecting digital presence to protect against unforeseen circumstances that require Online Reputation Management (ORM) repair. A positive reputation management is important to communicate effectively. Hence, updates, promotional advertising, and digital assets that are found on search engine results naturally and require a conscious investment time and resources as your online reputation is a strategic asset. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/7-steps-successfully-manage-online-reputation-01958363#oeksVQacYzupdz0z.97



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Tips for using ERP system across teams

Business houses know the importance of and benefits associated with an Enterprise Resource System that can be integrated across departments. So, taking full advantage of your ERP's capabilities is important. Most business houses keep their staff engaged with the system and thereby they update and expand as your business grows as an effective ERP system have a positive impact across your business - from the accounting department to the sales teams to the warehouse managers. If you use proper trained teams and individual employees, the benefits of the ERP system are immense. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-tips-for-teams-using-erp-systems-78967


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How to plan an ERP installation

While planning ERP installation, time is an important factor for a successful implementation. But, sometimes a realistic schedule for an ERP project can be very difficult to construct as some parts of the project require planning, process scheduling and testing and are difficult to assess accurately. The major part of an ERP project is planning and scheduling and the requirements phase of the project generally takes place before the actual scheduling takes place. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/implementing-a-successful-erp-program-78966



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How to keep your data secure on the cloud

Everyone these days are aware that the cloud has something to do with the internet and that it where the information is stored and when there is a need for the information, all they should do is recover it from the cloud. But the question is how perfect is it?  And if one person can retrieve the information stored on the cloud, can others gain access to it? So, securing data before storing it is important. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/tech-advances-business/top-ways-to-keep-your-data-secure-on-the-cloud-78952



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The New Trends in VoIP Technology

Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP is becoming the defacto communication tool for both small and big businesses houses. It is available in a variety of formats, including hosted and cloud and can be tailored to suit the needs of almost any company as the cost advantage of having one phone and data provider is often important. There are four new trends in VoIP technology that are sure to change the industry for the better. They are: 5G technology, VoIP Mobility, CRM Integration and IoT. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/4-new-trends-in-voip-technology-78578




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A New Trend in Selling

Consultative selling is a type of sales style where the sales person acts as a consultant to the customer, thus adding value through expertise in the product and discriminating the customer’s needs. These days, it is a common way of selling as products become more complex and sales cycles stretch out. The consultative selling consultants relies on building trust between the customer and the sales person and the customer also relies on the sales person to guide the selection process. The key difference between consultative selling and other kinds of selling is that in consultative selling, the sales person is more knowledgeable than the customer and the customer trusts that knowledge. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/consultative-selling-with-crm-78912



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All About Drip Marketing

These days drip marketing is an important tactic for modern marketing campaigns and aims to apply a slow-but-steady approach to winning customers through a carefully custom-made series of messages. Though drip marketing is usually applied to email campaigns, it is also applicable to direct mail and phone campaigns as well. It uses timed messages to build interest and willingness to purchase in the recipients of the messages. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/drip-marketing-for-crm-78920



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