
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Twitter features to become better than the rest

Twitter can be a great platform to promote your business and there are some under-used tricks and features to take your business to greater heights. Modifications like Twitter Lists, Twitter Collections, Photo Collages, Gallery and Featured Tweets are five such simple ways to ensure your business is the best promoted one on Twitter! Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/5-under-used-twitter-features-can-help-your-business-stand-out-online



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How to reach the next level for social media managers

How to reach the next level for social media managers

Upon becoming a social media manager, there are some important points to note if one harbors the ambition of becoming a social media consultant. Being a social media practitioner, building a client roster, putting in the time, developing a tried and true thesis, not underestimating our personal brand, marketing ourselves outside of word-of-mouth and always keeping on improving are the keys of reaching the next level. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/7-tips-transitioning-social-media-manager-social-media-consultant?utm_source=web&utm_medium=links&utm_content=7%20Tips%20for%20Transitioning%20from%20a%20Social%20Media%20Manager%20to%20Social%20Media%20Consultant&utm_campaign=related-items



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Social Media Outreaching Tips

Planning a social media outreach needs equal focus on distribution and outreach and when executed perfectly, it can widen our content exposure and increase its impact. Four powerful tactics to ensure it is executed perfectly are creating a good first impression with clarity, consistency, balanced emotional and logic and usefulness, content promotion with perfect description, timing, target and email list, getting introduced to the right connections and building a network with social media groups and influencers. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/4-powerful-social-media-outreach-tactics




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Social Media Outreaching Tips

Planning a social media outreach needs equal focus on distribution and outreach and when executed perfectly, it can widen our content exposure and increase its impact. Four powerful tactics to ensure it is executed perfectly are creating a good first impression with clarity, consistency, balanced emotional and logical usefulness, content promotion with perfect description, timing, target and email list, getting introduced to the right connections and building a network with social media groups and influences. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/4-powerful-social-media-outreach-tactics



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All About Marketing Through Facebook

We have to engage more people to like our content to make our content appear on customers' news feeds more and expand marketing advertisements on Facebook. The keys to improving our reach on Facebook are preferred audience targeting, detector pyramid scheme, post engagement ads, adding engaged followers and using video content. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/5-ways-improve-your-reach-facebook



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Time To Revamp Your Social Media Strategy

With time, there has been many changes in social media and to adapt accordingly, some important tips to create a successful social media strategy in 2017 are to clearly define our end goals, identifying our target audience, building a diverse content strategy, allocating a dedicated social media advertising budget and thinking mobile. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/5-steps-creating-successful-social-media-strategy-2017



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Tips For Integrating Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Combining the traditional and social media channels together can leverage our marketing efforts and take our promotions to the next level. It is, however, not easy for beginners to influence marketing. Some useful tips to integrate influencers into social marketing plans are co-creating engaging content, letting them feature products, creating and promoting unique discount codes, hosting contests etc. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/6-ways-integrate-social-media-and-influencer-marketing



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Prerequisites Of A Social Media Marketing Campaign

The potential of using social media as a marketing campaign can be huge, but one must take note of the following points before starting one: defining goals, defining success through numbers, keeping to one track at a time, putting all down in writing, bringing it to life with visuals, using analytics to monitor and tune, investing in a social media management tool, profiling our ideal customer, auditing our social pressure, identifying key success indicators, testing out content ideas on Twitter and continuing to create and curate highly engaging content. Once mastering the above points, a social media marketing campaign is good to go. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/12-things-consider-starting-social-media-marketing-campaign?utm_source=web&utm_medium=links&utm_content=12%20Things%20to%20Consider%20Before%20Starting%20a%20Social%20Media%20Marketing%20Campaign&utm_campaign=related-items



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How to avoid getting affected by click-baiting

Facebook's attempt to curb click-baiting has alarmed many social media marketers, fearing their own content getting wiped out. Nevertheless, if we write useful content with proper, meaningful headlines and avoid using stereotypical click bait language in our headlines, it's quite likely that we won't be affected by it. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/3-ways-avoid-impact-facebooks-crackdown-clickbait


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Promoting your apps online have never been this easy

The social mastery for promoting new mobile apps online have hit rock-bottom. To ensure our apps are promoted online successfully, we should optimize our chosen app store, expand beyond Facebook, get respected third-party influencers to promote, pay for some increase in promotional power, and become an active member of fan-driven communities. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/4-tips-effectively-promoting-your-latest-app-using-social-media


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Making your app an instant hit

It's a tough challenge keeping active and engaged users in apps today, seeing the total apps someone can use is limited to around 26.7 per month on an average.Perfecting our on-board process, using multi-channel on-boarding campaigns, using correct times to interact with users, using visuals and using personalized messages can go a long way in ensuring that our app is retained by engaged users. Read more at:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/5-tips-make-your-app-huge-success-infographic?utm_source=web&utm_medium=links&utm_content=5%20Tips%20to%20Make%20Your%20App%20a%20Huge%20Success%C2%A0[Infographic]&utm_campaign=related-items



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Skills needed for IT Industry

Nowadays, the unemployment rate in IT industry is declining and has increased opportunities for innovations and bright future prospects. In a recent research, it has been found that over 3.5 million people in the United States are employed in the IT industry and jobs related to computers make up five of twenty fastest growing occupations in the US. This article explores the different IT skills a prospect must possess in order to be part of the IT industry. The skills are- knowledge of coding, knowledge of search engine optimization, knowledge of social media, understand user experience, ability to work in a team, quick learning capability and a good researcher. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/itmanagement/7-skills-that-can-help-you-break-into-the-it-industry-74352


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Importance of revenue strategy

Every organization’s top priority is to drive revenue. But, it is not a simple process. Every organization must have a revenue strategy. But, what is a revenue strategy? A revenue strategy is a plan that focuses on increasing company income by maximizing both short and long-term revenue. In any organization, the strategy, structure, people and process must be intact in order to increase revenue. Revenue strategy is not only critical for decision-making and overall success, but, also sets the alignment between sales and marketing goals. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/strategy/what-is-a-revenue-strategy-01645183#UFw4JHv5OMFRY52c.97




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Why Information Security Is Important For An Organization

Nowadays, organizations are concerned about information security. But, what is information security? Some define it as policies and compliance. Others say it keeps the network and sensitive assets in check. And many say that it’s a barrier. Most organizations fail to implement information security as they don’t understand the subject and does not question conventional thoughts about the subject, and listen to every piece of advice that vendors, auditors, and other outsiders throw at them. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/itmanagement/the-essence-of-information-security-and-why-many-people-often-miss-the-boat-74330



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How to maximize data use in IoT

According to a research, it was found that there will be 6.4 billion IoT devices out in the world and another research found that organizations are only using roughly 25% of the IoT data collected and the overall IoT market is expected to reach $14.4 trillion by 2020. IoT data if used efficiently would help organizations to improve customer service, supply chain logistics, cost reductions and improve overall employee productivity. This article explores some ways to maximize IoT data use. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/five-keys-for-maximizing-your-iot-data-74303



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Benefits Of Right CRM Solution

The right CRM solution help organizations to organize customer information, track communication with customers, and connect customers with the right information which will help to take decision about purchase. But, one can take much greater advantages of a CRM system than expected. This article link explores these benefits. They are mobile CRM, enhanced collaboration, decision-making, improved customer loyalty, and calculated commission. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-crm-benefits-that-might-surprise-you-74304



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How To Implement IoT Technologies In An Organization

With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT), an organization can reach to a wider audience. For example, a toothbrush maker nowadays, may not be concerned about making plastic toothbrush handles. Instead, they may come up with an electronic device that can track the way a user brushes their teeth and also advise them on dental hygiene.  Nowadays, IoT devices are used by governments to measure and transmit real-time data from streetlights, traffic cameras etc. This article by ianmcgrath (IT Manager), explores the ways that enterprises can leverage IoT technologies. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/it-small-business/the-4-levels-of-iot-implementation-74279



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Deciding Factors For Cloud ERP

Moving your ERP system into the cloud has many advantages, but there are disadvantages too. We will have to take into consideration about the costs before moving into the cloud system. The payment models for cloud ERP are very different from on-premises software and we have to look at the details about this also before taking any decision. Maintenance is another area on which we have to focus before deciding. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/making-the-cloud-decision-in-erp-74266



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How Voice Recognition Technology Is Changing Business

In today’s business world, voice recognition technology is gaining importance and in CRM context, speech-to-text tools are playing an important role. This article explores the reasons why CRM and voice recognition technology is important. The advantages are - Voice recognition technology improves data entry, Voice recognition software improves customer services and streamlines business processes. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-voice-recognition-technology-is-changing-crm-74209



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Importance of email marketing data




 Nowadays, email marketing is driven by data and analytics and is still relevant. But, for email marketing to be successful, we need email marketing data, which will be used to calculate KPIs, create dashboards, reports for monitoring, and which in turn generate explanatory and predictive models that will help to optimize email marketing. This article explores the different types of email marketing solutions from the perspective of the data. Read more at: https://blog.blendo.co/email-marketing-data/





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