
SigmaWay Blog

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How CRM helps in personalizing with customers

Nowadays, CRM helps you to personalize your contacts with customers to boost sales, increase customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty. Business should always have a customer-centric view. Customer-centric personalization means that you deal with customers individually, or at least in a way that appears individualized to the customer. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/personalization-with-crm-70638



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Benefits of future ERP implementations

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) uses specialized software to automate certain business functions, such as supply chain management and payroll, while taking into account business operations, such as product development, marketing and manufacturing. It's a complex system that requires a dedicated team to manage all aspects of the software. ERP is changing as technology and digital trends are always evolving. Businesses should be aware of trends that can affect the future of ERP to reap the benefits of future ERP implementations. To know more about the future trends, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/the-future-is-here-how-technology-will-improve-erp-systems-70622



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Finding the perfect CRM software solution

There are numerous solutions in the customer relationship management (CRM) software market, and choosing the right one is a huge task. Every business should understand its own processes and requirements before finding the perfect CRM software solution. Once you know how your business operates, it is easier to identify the requirements of the CRM and, from there, to move onto a CRM solution that fits your unique needs. To know more about the right requirements of your business, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/finding-your-needle-in-the-haystack-crm-software-70623


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Coordination between Big Data and CRM

Nowadays, companies can generate more leads, retain existing customers and improve their customer service processes by incorporating data from sources like social media and server logs. Big data also improve the functionalities and features of CRM systems by providing accurate, and valuable information. Companies source big data from social media platforms, web clickstreams, sensor networks, mobile apps and computer logs. These information, gives insights about the thoughts and feelings of consumers, but, sometimes, they struggle with the large volume of data. So, if the companies have a good coordination between CRM solutions and big data, it will help the companies in the future. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-reasons-why-big-data-technology-and-crm-are-the-perfect-match-70625


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4P's of online marketing

In today’s digital age, the marketing landscape has totally transformed and so have the principles. Originally, there is 4P’s of marketing. Michael Wight (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes about the 4Ps of digital or online marketing. They are - People, Performance, Programmatic, and Platforms. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/4ps-online-marketing-01389936#FYXp6pHqScYfWh1o.97



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E-commerce design trends in 2016

Nowadays, many people buy goods online. Due to this growth in e-commerce, consumption by consumers has increased and this increased competition among the merchants. Nick Campbell (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes about eight e-commerce design trends in 2016 which will optimize user experience, bring products into the spotlight, and convert casual visitors into loyal customers. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/ecommerce/8-ecommerce-design-trends-2016-ignite-selling-potential-store-01390953#MFE1EzOH3EwT1kEl.97




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Effect of social media

Social media has a tremendous impact on our culture, in business, on the world-at-large. Jenny Q. Ta (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in this article about the effect of social media on politics, business, socialization as well as some of the negative effects such as cyber bullying and privacy. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/impact-social-media-truly-society-0974685#RadkmrEWBZQKDQ8g.97



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How barcode is helping supply chain management

More businesses are turning to bar code tracking technology to keep the supply chain simplified and efficient as the processes needed to turn raw materials from a supplier into a finished product, is becoming more complex. Earlier, bar codes were only used outside of retail point of sale systems. Now, with the advent of technology, it is used across industries and points along supply chains. The information stored on both 1D (linear) and 2D such as QR codes, bar codes helps businesses to identify inventory in an efficient manner, with fewer errors. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/product-management/use-barcodes-simplify-supply-chain-management-01375385#xDbpsxbchuPX4gZz.97



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How cloud computing is changing tech sales job scenario

Cloud computing has changed our way of thinking. It changed the way we think about technology. Nowadays, businesses no longer need on-premises computing resources. Companies use of-premises resources for infrastructure, software, and storage and which in turn needs fewer tech sales people. Read more about how cloud computing has affected tech sales jobs at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/accessible-bi/cloud-computings-effect-on-tech-sales-jobs-70588



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The role of analytics in security operation

Log management and monitoring of network activity are important security operation from a business perspective. These activities also range from daily simple individual log files to security information and event management systems. But, nowadays, monitoring is expanding to include more data which are analyzed continuously. Real time alerting and daily reports on emerging threats and vulnerabilities are also very important to detect and respond to security events. Data analytics look at behavior across and between all monitored devices and people. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/adventuresinsecurity/continuous-monitoring-extended-to-big-data-analytics-70597



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How to increase ROI for ERP implementation

According to an ERP Report, most ERP implementations fail because they cost more than expected and/or take more time than expected. Eric Kimberling (Managing Partner of Panorama Consulting Solutions), writes in his article about how to focus on driving ROI for  ERP implementation. Read more at-  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/erp-roi/the-five-ways-to-achieve-roi-in-erp-70598


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New CRM Features

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a great tool for increasing productivity in sales teams and studies also show that successful implementation allows teams to increase their sales by 27% by focusing on the right prospects and reducing the need for manual work. But, some companies face resistance while implementing CRM. Recently, some CRM features are added that can help companies to bring some potential impact on their organization. These features are - Email Integration, Note Taking, Collaboration, and Communication. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-too-clunky-todays-solutions-encourage-not-prohibit-productivity-70594


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Security Vulnerabilities for SaaS CRM Systems

Software-as-a-service applications are evolving in the enterprise market. Customer relationship management tools benefit from an integrated cloud-based architecture, as customer data can be easily pulled in and shared across the enterprise. However, organizations need to be aware of security vulnerabilities present in the SaaS environment before uploading sensitive customer data and trade secrets into the system.  Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-security-vulnerabilities-for-saas-crm-systems-70592


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Benefits of backing up CRM

Customer data is important for any organization, but sometimes, there are no proper backups. In a recent survey, it was found that 45% of companies suffered from data loss, costing companies $9,000 per occurrence. Organizations must follow some best practices for backing up your customer relationship management (CRM) tools which avoids the monetary and productivity loss associated with CRM disaster recovery. The best practices of backup are - Multiple Backup Location, Different Backup Media, Regular Backup Schedule, Tests Your Backups, and Create a Disaster Recovery Plan. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/best-practices-for-backing-up-your-crm-70593



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Benefits of Web Based CRM

In today’s business world, CRM software has become an integral part of customer relationship management strategy and are driven by technological developments. Businesses are moving data into the cloud, the world is switching to web-based CRM as their solution of choice. Software as a Service (SaaS) CRM services are accessed online, and allows vendors to manage the maintenance of the software and the infrastructure. To know more about the benefits of web-based CRM, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/make-the-move-to-the-cloud-with-webbased-crm-70596




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Why CRM is important in today's business world

With the advancement of technology, the nature of customer interaction is changing, and firms need  sophisticated systems to stay competitive. Nowadays, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are becoming vital in every sector. But, the most important question is that why a CRM system is becoming so important these days? According to the author, following points play an important role. They are - Customer contacts are increasingly complex, Data-driven insights provide a competitive edge, Cloud-based systems are lowering prices, Social media is increasingly important to customers and businesses, and It's a platform for other systems such as Hosted PBX. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-reasons-crm-software-is-more-important-than-ever-70595



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Best practices of cloud-based ERP systems

In cloud-based ERP systems, there is better collaboration, better data and better service to your customers. It is easy for the new system, but, enterprise cloud migration has its challenges. There could be many problems changing to a cloud-based ERP system. Organizations must follow some best practices for taking your ERP to the cloud. To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-best-practices-for-taking-your-erp-to-the-cloud-70585




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Benefits of consolidating sales history

Businesses nowadays are consolidating customer data, from the sales contact history of service data into one place. Everything from the customer's service history of sales records is pulled together in one place. A single view of the customer has many advantages. It keeps everyone up to date and on the same page with the customer, for one thing and thereby increase customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty and allow contacts with the customer to proceed much more easily. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/a-single-view-through-crm-70579



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How CRM helps in sales

Information plays a vital role in sales. Sales analytics is the application of analytic techniques such as data mining, which helps in sales. It tells in which direction you are going, and also help in finding prospects, target the sales efforts, nurture leads and eventually close the sale. Analytics requires data, rather data from many different sources, and CRM system should be a repository of all your organization's information on customers. Read more at- http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/grow-your-sales-with-analytics-70578




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How cloud storage helps in business

According to a report, it's estimated that by 2016, 36% of all data will be stored in the cloud, with the total spending on cloud computing will amount to $183 billion by the end of this year. Many businesses are moving to software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud storage as 94% of managers say digital security was improved after transitioning to the cloud, 80% of the businesses on the cloud say it's reduced IT costs, and  52% of companies using cloud applications confess they've led to productivity and thereby increasing efficiency. There are numerous benefits of cloud storage. Read more about the benefits of cloud storage at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-productivity-top-3-reasons-cloud-storage-will-benefit-your-business-70586




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