
SigmaWay Blog

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Integration of supply chain management with ERP system

It is found that more efficient your supply, the more profitable is your business and ERP plays a vital role in keeping your supply chain running at the top. Nowadays, many ERP systems come with built-in supply chain modules. The supply chain begins when the customer decides to purchase and ends when the customer is satisfied with the purchase. ERP system can give an insight into all the things that happen in the supply chain and helps to manage the process better by giving you better information. The information obtained is invaluable only if you can integrate it into your supply chain management. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/tuning-your-supply-chain-with-erp-70287



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Reputation Management - A New Trend

Nowadays, reputation management is considered as an industry. But, first we should know what is reputation management. According to Wikipedia, “Online reputation management (or monitoring) is the practice of monitoring the Internet reputation of a person, brand or business, with the goal of suppressing negative mentions entirely, or pushing them lower on search engine results pages to decrease their visibility.” Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/online-reputation-management-the-basics-01362720



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Integration of Social Media to Optimize CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a management tool that gives businesses the opportunity to engage and interact with current and potential customers. The advantages of CRM are numerous. It streamlines customer service, provides customers with a channel for communication, and allows businesses to manage and control interactions in different ways that benefit the organization and their clients . CRM increases customer satisfaction and improve clients' experiences, integrating CRM with social media provide several benefits to businesses and customers. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/using-social-media-integration-to-optimize-crm-70291



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New trend in CRM

Modern customer relationship management (CRM) solutions are fast, sharp, and are driven by cross-platform big data. These changes represent a move towards an economy driven by the Internet of Things (IoT). In this article, the author analyzes the predictions of recognized CRM experts about the future of CRM. They are -  Wearable Technology, Wearable Tech for IoT Insights, Bigger Data Analytics, Mobile Data Collection, Increased Predictive Analytics. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/whats-in-store-for-crm-wearable-technology-bigger-analytics-and-more-70292



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Speech Analytics Improve Customer Engagement Strategies

Speech analytics is helping companies in recording customer experience. Cloud-based speech analytics also utilize audio mining technology to give contact center leadership an easy to implement platform that can analyze thousands of calls in real time. Agent knowledge assessments help companies to improve training practices that in turn increase revenue and productivity. Customer comment analysis adds “voice of the customer” observations that help in improving products and services. Jeanne Landau (author) in her article writes how leading companies are using speech analytics to enhance their customer engagement strategies at:  http://customerthink.com/three-ways-leading-businesses-use-speech-analytics-to-improve-their-customer-engagement-strategies/



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A new technology - memristor

Flash storage will remain a viable and valuable option for many years to come. A new technology is starting to gain importance and it may one day end up replacing it. It’s called the memristor, a combination of the words “memory” and “resistor,” and was first formulated in 1971 by a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. It can retain memory even when no power is present. Read more about memristor at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/byod-cloud/meet-the-technology-that-will-replace-flash-storage-70265


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Role of IT in business

Distributed networks can create a mess of files, applications and other services that need to be tracked and available for recovery in case of a major problem. Unless one can control which applications are used, where all files are stored, and how every network resource is used, one will have great difficulty writing a complete, top-down recovery plan. Organizations must think about different aspects of IT. They also need to rethink about backup scope and operations to include workstations, laptops and mobile devices.  It is found that the role of IT is key to successful overall planning. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/enterprise-solutions/the-role-of-it-in-business-continuity-70271


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IoT in different industries

According to McKinsey Global Institute’s report, it was found that IoT has a total potential economic impact of $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion a year by 2025. Gartner also predicts that the approximately 3.9 billion connected things in use in 2014 will grow to 25 billion in 2020. IoT is growing and it is making its presence felt in utility industry, industrial sectors, connected cars, healthcare and consumer apps. IoT is setting its feet in investment, manufacturing and retail also. McKinsey’s analysis found that there is an even greater potential value from IoT use in B2B applications. Read more about IoT and its potential at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/it-solutions/7-things-the-experts-want-you-to-know-about-iot-70273



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All about Mobile Driven Management

Nowadays, most companies allow employees to access company files remotely. One of the great advantages of the digital age is the ability for people to work from home and as mobile and tablet technology advances, laptops and desktops are less necessary. At the same time, no one in the digital data space is unaware of the dangers. So businesses are nervous about data security, and security breaches are increasing exponentially the more people have access to any given system. Mobile driven management or MDM is providing security to make workers more efficient when working remotely. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/mobile-device-management-upside-01359034#ugY63etPhKfDqMgA.97



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Using IoT in modernising cities

IoT is bringing substantial changes across all industries. Big cities are using IoT as a tool in order to move towards data-driven management across all systems which include energy, transportation, waste, and water. It is found that cities are using the most basic IoT tools like the street lights to develop their IoT programs and modernize their existing structures and facilities. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/this-is-it/the-internet-of-things-scaled-up-70258




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Benefits of EDI-ERP Integration Process

We know that Electronic data interchange or EDI is a method of standardizing the exchange of electronic data between systems. Some people think that enterprise resource planning or ERP and EDI are same. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. EDI and ERP are actually separate technologies that don’t often gel well together unless one puts thought and planning into their integration. One of the barriers is integrating EDI and ERP. Data are formatted differently for each technology, so a large part of integration is finding a way to make each system see data the same way. It’s often expensive and time-consuming. Organizations that make that investment, however, increase the value of their ERP. Jerri Ledford (author of business technologies) writes in her article about the benefits of investing in the EDI–ERP integration process. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/3-ways-edi-can-add-value-to-your-erp-implementation-70222



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Integration of E-commerce and ERP

Integration of e-commerce and ERP are gaining importance. But, some organizations are not giving importance as integrating ERP and e-commerce can be time-consuming and expensive. However, the benefits of the integration are much greater than the cost and time investment. When approached properly, an ERP and e-commerce integration can go well and end with excellent results. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/2-strategies-for-integrating-erp-and-ecommerce-70221



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Success factor in collaboration

Communications and collaborations are not the same things. Decision-makers need to look at how employees have been collaborating, how well current applications are supporting this, and what their collaboration needs will be going forward. Technology is changing so quickly, impacting not only the applications  but also end user expectations about using them. Jon Arnold (Principal of J Arnold & Associates) writes in his article about interconnected challenges for making the right decisions around collaboration, and the success factors. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/collaboration-buying-decisions-three-keys-to-success-70223



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Optimization of VoIP solution

Many businesses are implementing VoIP over PBX as VoIP operates over your data network, instead of phone lines, which introduces additional network considerations when you implement this system. Another reason is voice data gets processed alongside other types of data, instead of through its own dedicated line, therefore, you need to approach network optimization to ensure a high-quality customer service experience. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/5-ways-to-optimize-your-network-for-your-voip-solution-70226



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Benefits of integrating customer relationship management and VoIP

Nowadays, companies are using advanced technologies to improve their business processes. They are also using cost-effective communication technology like VoIP. They are taking care of customers by using CRM (customer relationship management) solutions. It is found that by integrating VoIP and CRM seamlessly, a business can draw meaningful benefits. Integration between CRM and VoIP systems can bring the following benefits to the business:

Ability to make high-quality, personalized customer calls

Better handling of increased call volumes

More productivity

Cost-effective customer communication

Easier call recordings and reduced data entry per call

Scalable, mobility-ready integrated customer management and communication system. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/10-excellent-tips-for-improving-voipcrm-integration-70227



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Latest CRM Tools

Proximity marketing is becoming popular nowadays. It is a way of reaching in-store shoppers, trade show attendees, and other consumers through their smartphones with beacon technology. Beacons are devices that push messages to mobile apps when smartphones are within a certain distance. This technology meshes well with customer relationship management tools. It is another way to collect behavioral data and customer information. This article states some ways by which you can use CRM and beacons together. They are - Permission-Based Marketing, Customer Engagement, In-Store Product Recommendations, Loyalty Program Connection, and High-Value Customer Targeting. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-ways-crm-tools-and-beacon-technology-work-well-together-70216




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Exploring CRM technologies

Nowadays, advancements in customer relationship management technologies are more customer-focused. Social media have created an environment where companies need to focus on delivering the best experience possible to their buyers. CRMs are now built to accommodate the insights from Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices, third-party vendors, and other sources for understanding the prospects and customers. This article explores different types of data necessary for customer understanding, and the way CRM can serve as a center for insights. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/does-big-data-equal-huge-personalization-exploring-big-data-insights-for-crm-70218



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CRM is science

 CRM can provide amazing benefits for your business. Companies can deliver a personalized experience by knowing their customers. However, by purchasing a CRM system will not increase your profits. You will need to put in time and effort to realize the benefits. In short, CRM is a science, not magic.  Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/9-reasons-why-crm-for-your-business-is-science-and-not-magic-70217




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Advantages of integrated cloud-based CRM

CRM is important for any business. The main options companies actually have when it comes to CRM: standalone static software and integrated cloud-based CRM. Earlier, companies chose dedicated CRM software to capture client information, such as telephone numbers, addresses, and other contact information. But, that didn't help companies connect with customers in a significant way. Integrated cloud-based CRM can be accessed from any mobile device. The advantage is that it covers a wider range of information such as customers past orders, past communications, and shipping information and this information can be captured and fully integrated with calendars, email, and other systems. So, customer information is a powerful tool for businesses, and trying to connect it without a proper system is like beating the bush. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/making-integrated-accessible-crm-work-in-business-70220



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How departments can collaborate to use CRM

Today’s sales organization depends on CRM systems. Marketing automation is gaining importance to deliver increasing value to marketing teams. Both departments are benefitting from automation, and analytics, but, they would benefit more if they both work together. Rose de Fremery (the founder of lowercase d consulting) writes in her article about some ways your sales and marketing teams can get on the same page, and then get to the next level using CRM insights. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-your-sales-and-marketing-teams-can-collaborate-effectively-using-crm-insights-70207



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