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Building relationships with the help of CRM

Strong relationships can be built by any company with the help of CRM. But, CRM system must be well-configured so that you can boost the impact of your engagement efforts by adopting a multichannel approach. Rose de Fremery (the founder of lowercase d consulting) writes in her article about some ways to engage with your customers more profitably in the long term. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-to-enhance-customer-engagement-using-multichannel-crm-70206




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CRM Tools for Insurance Companies

Many insurance companies have benefited from implementing CRM systems. But, some organizations don’t know which CRM tools to integrate into their systems to gain the best results possible. There are many tools to choose from, but not all of them are as beneficial as they are promised to be. In this article, the author writes about some tools that have proved to be beneficial for achieving CRM goals. They are - Web-based Project Management, Document and Content Management Capabilities, Contact Center Optimization, and Mobile and Social Capabilities. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-musthave-crm-tools-for-insurance-agencies-70205



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Implementing Social Listening In CRM Solution

Adding social listening to any customer relationship management solution is a natural progression. But, many criticized the solution as a violation of their customers’ privacy rights. Nevertheless, the technology has advanced and can save companies millions on marketing costs. Social listening enhances a CRM solution by giving the business an opportunity to acquire knowledge and insight about what customers are saying and their feeling toward the company or its products. It can also enhance marketing campaigns by giving marketers an awareness of what messages may be better received and can gauge how current marketing efforts are performing. It also helps human resources personnel and the company to monitor employee performance, gauge their reputation among the workforce, and help identify disgruntled employees. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/should-social-listening-be-part-of-my-crm-solution-70204



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Benefits of CRM-driven Big Data

Nowadays, a lot of marketers face the challenge of using all of the data generated by the CRM solution and assembling it in understandable forms. To overcome this, it’s essential to choose an advanced CRM platform that can pull in information from various sources and has powerful analytics and reporting capabilities built in. Read more about the marketing benefits of CRM-driven Big Data at: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/leveraging-big-data-analytics-from-crm-01357102#8UDzqw31MbUEzSzX.97



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Importance of data analytics in business

Data analytics can extract patterns, trends, and information from large sets of data. We often use the term “business intelligence,” for data analytics. But, it’s useful to distinguish the terms. Business intelligence uses data to improve management and operations. Data analytics improve that data before acting on it; further, you can slice the data to extract insights that in turn provides a competitive advantage to your organization. Data analytics can put any company ahead of disruptions, leveraging the data to augment your competitive position relative to others in your field. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/company-needs-data-analytics-01359169#pd3tMLVLOM7fcY29.97


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Benefits of Work-at-Home Service Model

Nowadays, the demand for home-based agents and hosted contact services is increasing and is affecting the dynamics of the provider ecosystem, which results in contributing new challenges and opportunities. According to a survey, it was found that the employee population, as a whole, grew by 1.8% from 2014 to 2015, while the employee population that telecommutes grew an impressive 6.5%. A new forecast issued by International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that U.S. spending on customer care BPO using home-based delivery resources is increasing at a CAGR of 25.1% to $6.1 billion in 2017. Dave Walsh (StatesideBPO), writes in his article about why businesses are embracing the home-based agent model. Read more at: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/1087/Default.aspx



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Implementation of SIP

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is being used by VoIP to convert voice to data and transmit this data over public or private IP networks. VoIP is used to cut costs, add features and capabilities, and make more efficient use of their IP networks. In this article, the author writes about some methods by which the process is better. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/5-ways-you-can-successfully-implement-sip-70186



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Skills necessary for using BYOD

It is the age of bring-your-own-device or BYOD, where employees use their personal smartphones, tablets and laptops for work in conjunction with company issued kit. The business is progressive when it supports BYOD use. Supporting BYOD requires different skills. The author writes in this article about the five skills necessary for IT departments that support BYOD. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/five-skills-it-needs-for-successful-byod-support-70167




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Myths about VoIP

Voice calls are still the most important mode of communication for any businesses. Research shows that the phone has a significant lead over any other method of communication for customers, with 68 % of buyers, says that it's their preferred way to communicate with businesses. Voice over Internet protocol, or VoIP, is a powerful way for companies to maintain a high quality of voice-call service while cutting costs. It is also found that VoIP installation can save 90% over the installation charges of a traditional phone system and save 40-90% of future calls. But, there are some myths about VoIP's call quality, pricing and complexity which can overrule its benefits. In this article, the author has debunked a few of the most common whispers. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/voice-over-ip-myths-debunking-the-most-common-whispers-70154



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Factors for launching CRM successfully

Gartner research has found that CRM is back on many CIO and CTO's top-10 lists for the year to come, and 25% of them also plan to implement the tool soon. But, some CRM implementations are not successful. There are initiatives which can fail for a number of reasons, but, companies always hope to deliver the project on time and within budget. There are 7 critical success factors for launching CRM. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/7-oftenforgotten-steps-to-a-successful-crm-launch-70140



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New CRM Trends

Technological landscape is changing and so does CRM processes. But, first we must know, what is CRM. Customer relations management is a process that combines marketing and sales in order to direct customers to products that they want. CRM software is playing an important role in providing marketers and sales teams with information about customers so that they can provide the best service. CRM is also adopting new technological trends, and there are also internal trends that drive changes within the process to provide better customer experiences. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/whats-in-store-for-crm-in-the-next-year-70157



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Using CRM Data for Predictive Analytics

Nowadays, predictive analytics is becoming common in daily life. People come into contact with the results of predictive analytics, but they do not know. It is found that within business operations, predictive analytics is slowly adopted. Using customer relationship management data in predictive analytics processes helps companies who want to improve operations and sales. Well-organized data are the foundation of predictive analytics. Read more about organizing and storing CRM data to make the first predictive analytics projects easier to start at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-tips-for-setting-up-crm-data-for-predictive-analytics-70162



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How technology advancement is helping CRM implementation

A good customer relationship management (CRM) system helps to enhance customer satisfaction which in turn increase sales and revenue. Technology is improving and advances in technology have made CRM software a global presence in many business applications ranging from account management to sales and marketing automation. As new technologies are emerging, they are shaping the CRM implementation in many ways. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-technology-advances-have-propelled-crm-to-the-next-level-70158



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Integration of multi-channel support with CRM software

Multi-channel support means providing options to clients. Research indicates that the telephone is still the most common way customers choose to communicate with brands, especially if they want a quick response. However, customers also use live chat, email, customer service or self-service knowledge portals, social media, or other resources to get answers, nowadays. Companies who provide better customer service are able to retain customers regardless of communication channels used. Companies now integrate multiple channels for customer interaction with customer relationship management or CRM software to provide a better communication. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/will-your-customers-like-you-better-if-you-offer-multichannel-support-70139



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Common Ecommerce Difficulties

Online businesses who are migrating from on-premise or custom e-commerce solutions to SaaS platforms are saving money on go-to-market and maintenance costs. Companies then reinvest these savings in attracting new customers, building loyalty, customer lifetime value, and ultimately creating a brand that echoes your target. Other than cost savings, SaaS platforms also provide agility. John Costello (valued contributor to Business 2 Community) writes about the common e-commerce difficulties experienced by brands powered by on-premise solutions. These include difficulties within the financial, technical and marketing realms of existing business. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/14-common-ecommerce-pain-points-currently-reducing-your-business-efficiency-and-roi-01349534#DqBQyR2eXfDAz7GL.97



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How small business can boost productivity

Every organization is competing with each other. Companies have to motivate employees to increase productivity. Companies can do small operational tweaks for effective business growth.  Victoria Vessella (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community) writes in her article about the tips given by MVP Visuals President, Ben Camerota, on how small business can boost productivity. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/small-business/3-ways-small-businesses-can-improve-employee-productivity-01350336#EwsXTJEVKMwyzWhX.97



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New trends in financial service industry

Nowadays, the financial service industry is using social media to connect with their customers. But, as financial brands have begun to adopt digital and social media strategies, some trends have emerged. To know more about these trends, follow: http://www.business2community.com/finance/digital-and-social-media-trends-for-the-financial-services-industry-01353321#6IeZz8JZ8hZ0R7Th.97



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Changing Digital Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital age, B2B companies need to do more than connect with the target audience. They need to exercise integrated digital marketing as part of their business model. It’s high time for B2B companies take a step back and question that how they can integrate their digital marketing and create a single story across channels. They must also take into consideration on the current state of their digital marketing landscape. Read more at:  http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/5-steps-to-a-game-changing-integrated-digital-marketing-strategy-01354967#KqIOxVKqHT9oZgW1.97



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How ERP is helping human resource

The HR department is using big data in order to deal with massive data. These data can provide plenty of business intelligence if it is analyzed properly. An enterprise resource planning or ERP solution can handle the needs of the HR department, but one should know the critical problems HR faces on a day-to-day basis. Analytics tools also provide HR with important information on everything from employee performance to payment. Process automation also helps the HR department to make efficient use of their time by handling easily automated tasks. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/key-human-resource-management-features-for-your-erp-solution-70069



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How cloud technology is helping companies to reduce operational costs

Most organizations are opting for cloud technology. It is improving operational efficiencies and is helping in cost savings. Cloud systems can also reduce travel expenses for employees. As a result, companies are bringing new solutions which will benefit the travel and expense management. Implementing these solutions can help organizations in savings. There are some considerations that every organization must know before purchasing any sort of expense management solution. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/top-6-considerations-for-online-expense-management-introduction-70092



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