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All about VoIP security

Every organization is concerned about information security. Despite efforts to invest in better protection, cybercrime is on the rise. No one is spared from such risks. There’s an increased attention on perceived security risks with the VoIP method of telephony. Whether a company is on a traditional phone network or a VoIP environment, voice calls can present a security risk. The risks associated with VoIP implementations can include: call hijacking, call tempering, and reroute calls to insert malware. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/how-concerned-should-you-really-be-about-voip-security-a-hypefree-analysis-70102



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BYOD is changing enterprise data security

BYOD or Bring your own device is a happening thing in today’s business world. “BYOD user behavior is potentially IT’s largest risk factor,” says Trent Fierro, director of product marketing for  HP networking company, Aruba Networks. It is changing the enterprise security landscape. Here are four ways that BYOD is pushing security in new directions. They are - Data Security is Everyone’s Concern, Perimeter Security is Dead, More Data Protection and Less Device Lockdown, and Greater Policy Flexibility. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/four-changes-in-enterprise-security-after-byod-70099



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Finding out TCO from VoIP Solution

The total cost of ownership or TCO separates one vendor of VoIP to another. An enterprise has telecom expenses as one of its biggest expenses. But, it is found that many companies fail to account for factors causing cost fluctuations, such as increasing data costs and high operational costs associated with employee-owned phones. Organizations must figure out the TCO for your VoIP solution. They are: CAPEX costs, OPEX costs, subscription costs, support costs, maintenance costs, ongoing training costs & network costs. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/what-is-your-tco-for-your-voip-solution-70097



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Advantages of Open Source CRM

Open source CRM is very useful for small businesses. In small businesses, you have to maintain a balance between spending time doing what you do and devoting enough time to technology without sacrificing that relationship with the consumer. This article unfolds the seven advantages of open source CRM that will lift your business higher. They are: Affords Stability of Software, Allows Modification to Your Needs, Costs Little or Nothing at All, Provides Plenty of Support, Removes Required Licensing, Streamlines Productivity, and Reduces Operating Costs. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/open-source-crm-will-give-your-small-business-a-leg-up-70065




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Cloud computing and its emerging applications in the business world

Nowadays, cloud technology is helping immensely in any business. But, there are many cloud computing applications which are emerging. One such application is wind power. Cloud tools are being used to store and model wind data which is measured by turbines. Jared Jaureguy (Consultant), writes in his article about some other unique applications of cloud computing in the business world. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/byod-cloud/8-unique-applications-of-cloud-computing-70066




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How CRM is helping organizations

According to Gartner Research, it was found that customer relationship management is growing faster than any form of enterprise software and it is also predicted that CRM tools will grow annually at the rate of 15.1 % until 2017. CRM integration helps to enable sales and marketing alignment and customer knowledge management. Marketing automation, sales automation, and knowledge management are revolutionizing the way organizations connect internally and externally. The relationship between marketing automation tools and CRM is complex and the impact of integrating marketing automation and CRM technologies is huge. To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/marketing-sales-and-knowledge-management-demystifying-common-crm-features-70093



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The Importance of Customer Experience

In future, maximizing customer experience, or CX, should be the main business strategy for any company. CX will also overtake price points and product details as a key selling point for organizations. Buyers will use more online portals, knowledge management tools, social media and email to communicate with brands. The brands who invest in making automated-service interactions will gain a more competitive advantage in the future.  Research shows that speed of resolution and accuracy are top priorities for modern consumers. But, what constitutes good CX? To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/why-cx-the-importance-of-customer-experience-and-why-crm-still-matters-70094




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How VoIP & UC Systems is helping organizations

VoIP and unified communication (UC) systems can track a wide range of data, from the most common types of support to multi-channel call volume. The amount of  business intelligence (BI)data  generated by these solutions, allow companies to streamline customer support operations, improve customer experience, and use their resources more effectively. In short, VoIP and UC systems offer a treasure of business intelligence data. Companies can use this data to optimize customer support, improve the customer experience, and identify potential issues to fix. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/let-voip-analytics-help-your-business-intelligence-70078



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Why Change Management Is Critical For ERP Implementation

In a research, it was found that a lack of internal change management is a key factor why ERP implementations fail. Change management isn't just an important tool for employee happiness and software adoption, but it’s also critical to operational efficiency and a high return on investment in ERP implementations. Project planning, employee training and communications, communicating the vision, and creating a formal change management program are some of the things decision-makers need to know about the role of change management in an ERP implementation. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/youre-probably-forgetting-this-critical-erp-success-factor-change-management-70085



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Ways to prevent patient information

In medical professional, data security breaches are common. The information breach happens due to mishandling of patient data. So, professionals today are learning how to protect patient data while handling it and storing it. Medical information is very crucial, so it is important to protect this data. Lewis Robinson (a business consultant), writes in his article about some top tips for protecting patients from a data breach. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/understanding-crm/top-tips-to-prevent-patient-information-breach-70079



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Why organizations need CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) solutions help SME companies to manage the ways they interact with customers. It also helps in reaching out to new and potential customers and improves support for existing clients. Nowadays, more companies have adopted these solutions, CRMs have incorporated new social & collaboration technologies to make it easier to connect with customers. Moreover, availability through cloud-based services has made CRM more affordable and effective for smaller businesses. Companies of all sizes rely on CRM to capture new customers because CRM personalizes team’s interactions with customers, mobile features let your team work remotely and interact with customers instantly, integrate with other business processes to help you in measuring ROI. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-reasons-your-company-needs-crm-70082


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Using CRM to improve relationship with customers

The goal of any business is to improve relationship with their customers. The better any business can manage customer relationships, the better chance to earn more revenue. Nowadays, with the use of CRM tools, one can discover your best customers are their specific needs. CRM technology enables businesses to capture and use sales, customer service, and marketing data which in turn identify consumer trends and expectations. It also helps you gather client data to find out buying habits, service preferences, and purchase power. Use of CRM requires planning and strategies for managing the introduction of the new technology. It also improves data analysis abilities and response time. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/using-crm-to-improve-relationships-with-targeted-customers-70064



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Why business data is important

Business data are important to every business. Data is a business’ most important asset, and it’s only going to be more valuable in the years ahead. Data is important to the business world as they can scan through it in seconds. They also expect data to yield instant answers, and expect those answers to be true. WThey can access the same database from different places, on different devices, by thousands of different people. Nowadays, through mobile devices, and faster data connections, and employees are connected constantly. They use data to make more money, and they can do this in the following different ways: To find new markets, To win customers, To keep customers, To develop products, and to support customers in a cost-effective way. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/why-your-business-data-is-more-valuable-than-ever-70083


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Adopting digital marketing in business

The digital landscape is changing every day. So, companies are also adopting the digital proximity market in their business strategy. According to a recent study, it was found, only 0.07% of overall marketing dollars is currently being spent on developing proximity programs and the number is expected to grow exponentially as more companies are adopting digital marketing. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/bryan-kramer/2015-10-06/digital-proximity-brings-us-closer



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Importance of keeping business data safe

Technology is advancing and the risk of cyber security breaches is increasing as well. Every business should combat threats by encouraging an environment that prioritizes security. Business must set up a policy which will align with their culture and make sense for the employees that are using it. Extreme measures may be attractive, but, they may get ignored by employees. Enforcing milder measures with an emphasis on their importance will encourage an environment that will empower employees and create cyber awareness. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/henristeenkamp/2015-10-02/combatting-cyber-security-steps-keeping-your-business-data



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Future of E-Commerce Market

The e-commerce market is always changing. It is making an impact on customer experience or cx. In a survey, it was found that, 56% of the shoppers surveyed said they're less likely to purchase an item online if they can't pick it up in store, while 62% reported that they're more likely to buy from an online shop if they know they can return their item in the store. Social media channels will help to drive sales and increase ROI. To know more about future of e-commerce, follow: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/peteschauer/2015-10-04/what-future-holds-ecommerce-infographic



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All about User Experience Design

User Experience Design or UX, is more than a concept. It is an intelligent approach to website design. UX designers think more scientifically and build frameworks for websites, assisting the transition between users’ needs and expectations from websites. There are four key fundamentals of user experience design: Information architecture (IA), Interaction design, Usability, and Visual design. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/decibelpowell/2015-10-07/why-does-user-experience-design-matter



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Journey from CRM to sCRM

CRM has nowadays become Social CRM (sCRM), which gathers information about a customer based on everything to give a complete picture. sCRM builds a holistic view  of the customer, which includes what the customer says, says on social media, or even what they say to others. It also lets you participate in all these conversations as if they were the same conversation. Today’s businesses use sCRM to track, analyze, and gain insight about customer behavior. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/evolution-crm-scrm-01346425#wwdIgAAY30B6ClS3.97



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Need for remote agents in contact centers

Remote agents are becoming important these days. There are three reasons for that: lower contact center costs; improved customer service; and, improved employee satisfaction and retention. The other reasons are lower operating costs, less need for brick & mortar facilities, support staff, increased labor pool, and reduced training costs. But, proper tools must be used in order to maximize the use of agents. There are three essential tools for managing remote agents. They are: Agent Self-Scheduling Tools, Real-time Agent Adherence, and Online Productivity Tools. Read more at: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/1054/Default.aspx



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Costs associated with VoIP onboarding

Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) systems cost 50 to 75% less than private branch exchange (PBX) systems, especially if you install it in the cloud. One can reduce the cost of VoIP installation by understanding the costs associated with VoIP onboarding. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/5-costs-associated-with-voip-onboarding-70021



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