
SigmaWay Blog

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Video SEO tips

Videos give potential customers insight about an organization and is an excellent way to grow your business. Video is an ideal medium for any company, but, you need to follow the right search engine optimization tips when planning your video campaign. To know more about, video SEO tips, follow- http://www.business2community.com/video-marketing/13-critical-video-seo-tips-01387703#uJq223u8u2kuVJzB.97



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The links of SEO that matters to an organization

SEO is important for any business. Lucas Miller (the Founder of Echelon Copy), writes in his article about one remain relevant heading into 2016 as a master of SEO. According to him, as far as link dominance is concerned, the following are going to be extremely important - Editorial Prowess, Domain Authority, The Quality of Surrounding Links, and User Engagement. To know more, follow: http://www.business2community.com/seo/4-factors-heavily-affect-links-value-01388070#PrTqEZVezMQYtmeF.97



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All About RAID

RAID is an acronym for redundant array of independent disks, were created to combine multiple, less expensive disks into a single high capacity and faster volume. It was created to combine multiple, less expensive disks into a single high capacity and faster volume and was designed to facilitate redundancy. The most common levels are RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5. To know more about RAID, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/hardware-tech-windows/raid-what-is-it-and-do-i-need-it-70561




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Communicating in today's business world

Nowadays, it is possible for businesses to operate in different countries around the world and there are ample opportunities all around the world for business. One of the most important things in business is communication. When a business operates globally, they have to learn different ways to communicate. Sheza Gary (Sales VP/Director), writes in her article about the tools that many businesses are turning to. They are - Conference calling, Document sharing, Project Management, and Marketing Tools. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/tech-advances-business/how-collaboration-tools-help-to-sync-cultures-70559



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Benefits of cloud-based video technology

Video conferencing is becoming essential for some industries and they have tremendous benefits. With the help of video conferencing, companies are able to cut their travel costs by more than half and human resource teams are able to shorten hiring cycles. To know more about the benefits of cloud-based video technology  that  remote teams enjoy, follow: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/5-ways-video-conferencing-supports-remote-workforce-01387855#blVwPQ9Gr6Spyo3s.97



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How data can be useful to segment and target audience

Data is important when you target customers. You can also discover their age, location, and occupation. Through social media, you can discover their other interests. To know more about how data can be useful to segment and target your audience, follow: http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/using-data-segment-target-audience-01384351#5xGyKfZAbDXd6lYe.97



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Why direct mail is better than email marketing

Every company tries to find new and creative ways of marketing. Every company tries to stand out from the crowd. Josh MacDonald (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in his article about the reasons why direct mail is better than email marketing. Read more at - http://www.business2community.com/marketing/4-reasons-direct-mail-better-email-marketing-01387896#4WMCPgGxvcugkt3W.97



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Optimization of IVR

IVR has become important for call centers. It acts as a doorway to your company. IVR includes call routing, prompts, voice talent and more and these must be optimized in order to initiate the best customer service possible. IVR is efficient for the company and effective for the customer, if it is installed properly. Read more at - http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/1096/Default.aspx



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All about Disaster Recovery as a Service

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is gaining popularity in today’s business world. But, we should know - what is Disaster Recovery as a Service or DRaaS. It is an Information Technology solution for data protection and business continuity. It is the replication and hosting of physical and virtual servers to an off-site appliance or to the cloud. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/4-reasons-disaster-recovery-service-growing-01370479#r2F3gVzSbe5LbUdm.97



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How cloud-based services have revolutionized the marketing world

Nowadays, cloud technology has infiltrated into the businesses of all kinds. Marketing is one main sector that has benefited abundantly from cloud technology, as it has tremendous capacity to amplify the efficiency of marketing processes. Shraddha Tewari (Editor at AceCloudHosting.com), writes about how cloud-based services have revolutionized the marketing world. Read more at - http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/6-things-competitors-know-cloud-based-marketing-applications-01382632#wzCTRyALvpvQlzRr.97



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How To Track for Revenue and Growth Goals

Every business must have a goal. But, what is a goal in business terms. It must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound or SMART. Business goals must be more specific. But, it’s important to have the right metrics to meet the goal.  Juli Durante (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes about the metrics one should consider to track goals regarding revenue and growth at - http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/what-metrics-are-important-to-track-for-revenue-and-growth-goals-01371656#qUBrOOx5Gil6mEec.97



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All About App Store Optimization(ASO)

The world of apps is evolving. There are innumerable apps in app stores across operating systems and mobile devices. So, App Store Optimization or ASO has become necessary. More and more people are downloading an app. So, it is leading to greater app engagement and better app ratings and reviews, which in turn impacts the ASO in the long run. Read more about ASO at - http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/6-tips-will-improve-app-store-optimization-aso-01385186#loIChtPZ5KMm66Fi.97



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Upcoming trends in B2B marketing

2015 is ending and 2016 is yet to begin. It’s time to take a look at the future trends in B2B marketing for the year 2016. Tim Asimos (VP & Director of Digital Innovation) writes in his article about some upcoming trends in B2B marketing for the year 2016. Content marketing, marketing automation, paid amplification and mobile optimization will all continue to be popular in 2016 also. Marketing Apps, Podcasting, Live Streaming and Video Shows, Email Marketing, etc. are some upcoming trends in the coming year. Read more at -  http://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/9-b2b-marketing-trends-watch-2016-01386396#cZ2my6GMz64WGbfq.97



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New and future trends in digital advertising strategies

Digital technologies are expanding and digital advertising strategies are also evolving. Ellen Gomes (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in this article about some new digital marketing strategies, some future  digital marketing strategies and some tips on how you can increase marketing ROI by incorporating them into campaigns. They are - Mobile Video Advertising, Native Advertising, and Behavioral Targeting. Some future trends are - Virtual Reality, Wearables, and Beacons and Bluetooth Low Energy. Read more at - - http://www.business2community.com/brandviews/marketo/6-trending-cutting-edge-digital-marketing-strategies-need-know-01385304#McXhWKt6rROtT7KR.97



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CRM and its benefits in group selling

Recently, the sales landscape has changed and one of the biggest changes has been the growth of the group of sales decision makers. The decision making process has become a group activity. So, meeting the challenges of the new group-oriented environment requires a change in everything from tactics to philosophy on the part of the sales team also. This is where the knowledge of CRM is important. The 360-degree view of the customer provided by CRM lets you understand the customer at a deeper level and this information can then be used to provide better customer experience. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-and-selling-to-the-group-70527



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How technology is helping sales

Nowadays, technology is increasing the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts and makes life easier for sales and marketing staffs. It also makes them more productive. Rick Cook (Author), writes in his article about the several characteristics that mark out effective technologies. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/leveraging-technology-to-improve-sales-effort-70526



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How CRM helps in organizing marketing campaigns

CRM plays a vital role in a successful marketing campaign by doing everything from keeping multiple campaigns straight to segmenting sub-populations to be targeted by the campaigns. One of the major benefits CRM offers marketing campaigns is the granularity and also helps in emphasizing on the people who are most likely to respond to this particular campaign. CRM makes it easy to keep the responses honest so you can judge the success of each individual campaign and also makes it easy to keep track of the details of each response. Read more about the benefits of CRM in organizing marketing campaigns at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/managing-a-marketing-campaign-with-crm-70528



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How CRM Helps To Build a Consistent Sales Process

Sales process must be consistent. It gives the opportunity to apply best practices of sales and gives everyone involved in the sales process a consistent set of expectations. According to industry experts, CRM should play a major role in setting and implementing a sales process. CRM system help in designing an effective process and also helps managers track the sales efforts of all members of the sales force. TO know more how a CRM helps to build a consistent sales process, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/build-a-consistent-sales-process-with-crm-70524



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Benefits of social media for small businesses

Small business doesn’t have huge capital and are not always prepared to employ different marketing techniques. On the other hand, social media usually involve little or no expense. Because of this, small businesses that do not have large amounts of capital can take full advantage of social media. So, social media is the ideal solution for smaller organizations. By using the various social media outlets, small businesses can increase their marketing and advertising efforts with very limited capital. Read more at- http://www.business2community.com/small-business/social-media-great-small-businesses-01384198#Wg4lKRTHvLZM2KAY.97



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Strategies For B2B Marketing Success

B2B products and services are more complex, and require solutions geared towards decision making versus spur-of-the moment purchases. But, the modern B2B cycle has evolved.  Larisa Bedgood  (Director of Marketing for DataMentors), writes in her article about some key strategies to keep the marketing going strong and revenues running higher. They are – Content Marketing, Digital Marketing Channels, Social Media Channels, The Power of Third-Party Data, Personalize the Experience, and Don’t Forget about the Millennials. Read more at - http://www.business2community.com/b2b-marketing/6-key-strategies-ramp-b2b-marketing-success-01385708#l4BKQ5pFJVRDdr1k.97



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