
SigmaWay Blog

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Optimizing Network Infrastructures

In a recent survey, it was found that 77% of businesses consider technology the key part of their success. Nowadays, connectivity has become a big part of any business marketing strategy. So, businesses should optimize their online presence, whether they are directly or indirectly involved in e-commerce. Nowadays, businesses use the cloud to run their internal business processes. Organizations will need to establish strategies and accomplish certain methodologies in order to ensure network infrastructures are fast, thus ensuring the best customer experience. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/it-small-business/improving-the-user-experience-through-web-and-network-infrastructure-optimizations-70735


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Benefits of Text Analytics

Business executives know that text analytics have immense benefit. But, sometimes don’t understand all the concepts associated with it. Jerri Ledford (Analyst with Studio B), writes in her article about some of the most important terminology surrounding text analytics. Understanding these terms will help executives. These are – Annotation, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Lexical Chain, Machine Learning, Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Topic Modeling, etc. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/text-analytics-15-terms-you-should-know-surrounding-erp-70728



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Mistakes to be avoided while implementing ERP

ERP software has become essential for organizations and by utilizing this software, companies can integrate manufacturing, development, marketing and other back office functions into a single platform. But, in order to get the benefits of ERP, you must implement the system properly. It means we should avoid some common mistakes while implementing ERP. To know more about the mistakes to be avoided while implementing ERP, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/mistakes-you-must-avoid-with-erp-implementation-70731



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Factors in choosing cloud based VoIP

Nowadays, cloud-based VoIP is a key option for organizations. VoIP users can choose between VoIP on premise, and cloud-based VoIP directly from a vendor. Each of these options have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is no clear answer as to which is "best." The best VoIP solution is the one that meets your unique needs. In this article, we review some decision factors when choosing between on premise and hosted cloud VoIP. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/is-cloudbased-voip-the-absolute-worst-idea-ever-70716



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How Mobility Impacts Collaboration

Smart phones are used by everyone these days, but they are not used in the same way across the board. Millennials engage with mobile devices differently than older employees, so if this is an important segment of your workforce. The mobile customer survey found that some data points which will help SMBs to use mobile more effectively to help employees collaborate. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/three-ways-mobility-impacts-collaboration-70704



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Effective ways of protecting VoIP from cybercrime

In a research, it was found that throughout the IT realm, cyber criminals are executing faster attacks and cyber crimes have increased due to increased risks in VoIP system. A growing number of attacks against business VoIP systems to greater availability of hacking tools are available to would-be criminals through illegal means. A company's VoIP security is as strong as an organizational approach to data security and by implementing appropriate protections around telephony, customers and organization are protected from data breaches. In this article, we will explore the most common and effective ways of protecting VoIP from cyber crime. Read more at:  http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/voip-security-5-very-real-solutions-to-super-scary-threats-70706


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How To Use Text Analytics in CRM

Every touch point or interaction with a customer results in the creation of data that that the organization collects and stores. Some organizations don’t know how to use this data to generate real business value. Text analytics is one method of using this data. It also allows organizations to tap into data such as emails, call center interaction records, form or poll responses, and social media information to learn the why behind customer motivation. Read more about some ways to use text analytics in CRM at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-to-use-text-analytics-in-crm-70696



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How CRM Improves Manufacturing Operations

Companies have divisions. Most companies must overcome communication problems between departments to establish new processes. Once in place, joint business processes usually run well. The same holds true for data flows. When an IT process links data between departments, that link is usually stable until a change is needed. Sales & manufacturing departments are linked in their processes. The rivalry also comes down to these departments’ over the preferred enterprise application as sales departments rely on their customer relationship management (CRM) system and manufacturing uses an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Linking the two enterprise applications is to be taken seriously. There are many ways and benefits for interchanging data. David Gillman (Analyst with Studio B), writes in his article about some ways in which CRM data can improve manufacturing operations when the two areas work together. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-crm-improves-manufacturing-operations-70695


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How IoT is influencing CRM

We are approaching the New Year, and IoT is poised to make an incredible impact on the technology landscape. One of the ways in which the IoT stands ready to influence the business landscape involves a technology called customer relationship management (CRM). Rose de Fremery (Analyst with StudioB), writes in her article about some ways in which this IoT development has the potential to transform marketing, the customer experience, and the product experience through its link with CRM. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-ways-the-iot-cloud-is-poised-to-transform-crm-70698



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Future Predictions For SEO

SEO has become the best methodology to drive a company’s ROI. In 2016, it will aim to help you get more out of your conversions. Soumya Nair (Digital Marketer, blogger and trainer) writes in her article about the SEO future predictions for the next year. Some of them are - Semantic searches, Mobile friendly, Organic link, Mobile optimization, App store optimization, Voice SEO and many others. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/seo/seo-future-predictions-next-year-2016-01398135#vMWcFXo7G1F17d52.97



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How The Pareto Principle Can Be Applied in CRM

Pareto principle states that 20% of your customers produce 80% of your profits. If we apply the Pareto principle in business, we can make more profit with less effort. We can do so by concentrating on the most important things and giving less attention to the less important things and in turn can produce more with less effort.  CRM makes it easy to identify your most profitable 20%. This principle also helps in identifying new customers.  Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/the-pareto-principle-and-crm-70659




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Latest trends in supply chain and warehousing management

Stephanie Khoury (Marketing Manager), writes in her article about the latest trends in supply chain and warehousing management. Following are the trends that will optimize your supply chain and warehousing management in 2016. They are – EDI, Collaboration, Cloud deployment, and Business Intelligence. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/grow-software-solutions/4-warehousing-trends-for-2016-70687



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Why updated contact center software is important

The customer support (CS) department is an important department as it helps in customer retention and customer satisfaction. According to a research, it was found that 78% of customers indicate competent CS agents are the key in keeping their satisfaction levels high. Contact center software plays a crucial role. If the software is updated if one wants to invest in a positive customer experience and increase employee engagement. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/your-customer-support-department-would-kill-for-these-contact-center-features-70686



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ERP disaster recovery plan

ERP is important. If ERP goes down, most of your back-office and front-office personnel are stuck. It was found that IT downtime costs companies approximately $108,000 per hour. Organizations must have a plan in place before disaster strikes. A fully documented business continuity and disaster recovery plan is necessary. Read more at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-disaster-recovery-strategies-for-handling-erp-failure-70666



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CRM tips for SEO

Organizations who are not using the information contained in its CRM to inform its SEO marketing strategy, could be missing out on some valuable data i.e. data that could exponentially increase sales revenue. To know more about, the CRM strategies that will help your SEO results, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-crm-tips-to-skyrocket-your-seo-results-70660



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Benefits of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) phone services

It was found that the average business that switches to VoIP saves between 50 and 75% on phone bills. Nowadays, businesses consider voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) phone services as cost-saving benefits. Organizations that switch to VoIP enjoy other benefits, which includes improved automation, better uptime, and reduced need for on-site maintenance visits, remote management, and rich media services. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/5-more-reasons-voip-is-a-total-gamechanger-70658



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Why ERP training is important for employees

Employee training is crucial for any ERP implementation. If employees aren't prepared to switch over to the new system, you could run the risk of delayed implementation, errors or other failures. Most organizations understand that technology training for employees is important, but, fail due to poor change management are putting effort into teaching staff how to use the new ERP. To know more about the most common reasons why ERP training is ineffective, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/5-reasons-your-plans-for-erp-training-rarely-are-effective-70646




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How ERP is improving employee efficiency

ERP is a software solution that enables smoother cohesion across different departments within a company, giving everyone real-time updates. It also enables information to be passed across departments in real-time, keeping everyone updated with the latest business developments. So, employees are becoming more efficient because the most up-to-date information is being delegated to them, which is helping them to work optimally. It also helps in cutting costs, formulating strategic objectives and developing a productive working atmosphere. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/enhance-employee-efficiency-with-erp-70647



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Changing Trends in ERP technology

ERP has evolved from Inventory Management and Control systems in 1960s, Material Requirement Planning (MRP) in 1970s, MRP II in 1980s, ERP in 1990s, and in 2000 Extended ERP. Technology is improving and few aspects of ERP are also changing. In this article, the author writes about the huge leaps in ERP capabilities. They are – Mobility, the Internet of Things, and On-site Servers vs. Software as a Service. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/changing-trends-that-can-have-a-major-role-in-shaping-the-future-of-erp-70639



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Deciding when to implement a CRM system

An ideal CRM system should help in handling all aspects of customer interaction – from initial contact through service after the sale. If you have a small business, you don’t need a CRM system, but as soon as the business starts to grow, a CRM system becomes important. So, when to implement a CRM system is important to every business. To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/do-you-need-a-crm-system-70637



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