
SigmaWay Blog

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Financial Risk Management And The Use of Technology

After the revolution of fin tech in India, the payment sector has seen that Indians are opting for online transactions and transfers. But it is important to keep in mind the security aspect of digital transactions. With increasing use of technology, the market of risk management is growing fast. AI is playing a huge role in financial risk management because of its ability to deal with lots of data with high accuracy.Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294816

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Artificial Intelligence and Revolutions

Technical revolution is always an unbiased phenomenon but the human makes that positive or negative. After the mechanical revolution of the 19th century, AI is considered the next revolutionary phenomenon in human civilisation which will make a significant impact on technology and global socio-economic condition. AI’s decision making capability is still not highly advanced so AI can’t replace humans now. AI will kill some jobs and create some exciting jobs also. Technical innovation creates new opportunities and friends also. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/288956

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AI and aerospace

The aerospace companies are now studying ways to make safer the current autopilot technology. In near future, the crew will be removed from the plane. According to Boeing Vice President Mike Sinnett, the most important tool for making autopilot safer is Artificial Intelligence. The autopilots should potentially reprogram themselves according to situations which are not possible without AI and Machine learning.Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295609

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AI And Retail Shopping Experience

Retail stores has thousands of choices for fashion and the salesperson may influence you in your decision but with the help of AI and Machine learning your experience is going to more simpler and engaging.AI monitors the browsing patterns of any customer and give product recommendation according to that.AI powered chatbots can work more smarter and intuitively than humans. Machine learning in AI is improving product search capabilities on e-commerce sites.With the tremendous potential of AI, it can revolutionize the retail and e-commerce sector.Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296657

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Chatbot And Monetization Strategies

Chatbots are new in the industry and you can make a lot of money from it whether you are an entrepreneur or a company. Chatbots can understand and utilize user psychology to your advantage. Bots can give service in the B2B business. In platforms like Facebook, you can advertise your product or service through bots. You can also generate leads for your business. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289973

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Bots and their use in business

Many marketers have started to think that how they can use Facebook's Bot platform in their business. There are many ways chatbots can be used for the advantage of the business. Chatbot can offer self-service options to your customers which will bring a positive view of your customer care team. You will able to build most effective marketing campaigns with the in-depth user data. You will also able to introduce new innovative promotional opportunities.Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290085

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The Use of AI In The Shipping Industry

The Internet is changing style. Now physical stores are closing as fast as product review system on e-commerce sites are improving and growing. The shipping industry is growing steadily in the background because of all this. Tracking technology is gaining importance becasuse of AI. We now able to find out optimal route and load for any tour with the help of AI and there are various AI-powered robots working in the shipping industry, they are saving both money and time.Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/292465

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Someways Startups Can Apply AI

Artificial Intelligence startups are reaching a new record high with gaining good deals and investments from tech giants. There are four ways you can apply AI to your business. 1.Analysing various raw data you are able to find a cluster of similar minded people and get to know your next customer. 2.You will able to see how people genuinely using your product. 3.You will be able to get inside the user’s head using the user’s data pattern. 4.Making a digital assistant you will be able to provide affordable and always-on support.Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/292286

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Financial Digitization and Automation

Digitization is now controlling the world and given a significant threat to various jobs. Banking and Financial industry have been affected maximum in this regard. After demonetization, payment wallets got a boost and make banking process simpler and easier.A Recent study by Citigroup revealed that around 30% of bank jobs could be lost between 2015-2025 in  the whole world. ATMs are also threat to lose jobs. But in many cases , complete automation is not possible for now because human supervision is required. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294142

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All About Chatbots

Use of digital assistants or chatbots helps to provide more personalized customer experience. It also can benefit business’s internal and external matters significantly. Implementing AI in Chatbot can improve workflow and help in communication among team members. It can handle logistics and supply chain. It can also help in enhancing decision making and regular important processes across their organizations. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295157

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Tech Companies And Artificial Intelligence

AI collected tremendous investments with Indian start-ups this year and big tech companies are flowing money on it. Tech giants are searching for new opportunities in AI to improve or revolutionise their regular operations.  This year tech industry has seen a significant AI investments in start-ups and companies. Some of them are Niki.ai, Absentia Virtual Reality Private Limited, QorQL, Innefu Labs etc. Start-ups mainly use their funds to improve its AI platform for predictive analytics and biometric authentication. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295272

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Changing Roles Of Technology

Technologies changed roles at home, from the kitchen phone to smartphone, tablets etc. The latest edition is IoT. Here, smart means safety in terms of health and security. We will be able to control various electronic devices like AC, Fridge, Fan, TV etc. directly with our smartphones and also able to know the safety status of those. We can take care of our loved ones when we will be outside of our homes. The time of the smart home is coming to us soon. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295464

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Technology And The Changing Landscape Of The Healthcare Industry

To the huge size and structure of the healthcare industry in India, technology can add immense value to it. Technologies can make differences in the various problem areas. Technologies like telemedicine can increase the reach of doctors to these rural areas to increase the accessibilities of doctors. A startup which is providing e-consultations through message, voice or video call do provide a convenient option at a lower cost for affordability issue. We can aware people by giving them the information about symptom, diagnosis and treatments of various critical diseases through mobile. We can also make people aware about the price and quality of medicines. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296157

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All About E-Retail After 2020

India’s retail market is predicted to double from $600 billion in 2015 to $1 trillion by 2020 as per IBEF. The growth in e-commerce influences development in the retail sector. Faster internet speed, reliable telecom operators, increased adoption of online services plays a key role in gaining that tremendous growth. In upcoming years, we will witness advanced technologies and innovations to revolutionize the customer’s shopping experience and collect more online sales.AI based chatbots will be the future of customer service. As consumers are gaining digital prominence mobile wallet will be crucial for cashless transaction. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/293462

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The Importance of Bots

Bots are the update of apps and websites. Bots will improve the way we use mobiles and computers. Bots will make it easier and faster to get things done. Bots also solves the download problem caused by apps. For developers and businesses, bots dramatically reduce the cost, time of developing and marketing their services. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/278001

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Future of AI

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most important part of our daily life from simple features like automatic image tagging to prediction and recommendation in business. AI will begin to learn emotion, better understand human sentiment and solve more complex problems. Soon, companies will be able to automate a large chunk of data analysis, decision making and customer service, allowing employees to tackle the most complex challenges rather than get bogged down in the details. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290444

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Marketing to Millennials with AI Technology

Marketing to millennials is challenging for their changing consumption patterns in various platforms, devices or content formats. AI collects smart real-time data and use those which may be personal data, brand data, historic data, etc. A chatbot can go to messenger platforms to accelerate a personalized e-commerce without human interactions. Acceptance of AI is growing in millennials for interaction with brands, online and offline. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295047

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Chatbots And Social Media Marketing Strategies

Nowadays, marketing is not possible without social media and the chatbot has become the newly-adopted social media tool. Chatbots helps in your social media marketing strategy and also increases website traffic and sales while providing Artificial Intelligence assistance which in turn will help you to communicate better. Use chatbots as an analytical tool and optimize it for conversions. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/291997

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Bots and its use in mobile apps

It is hard to believe that Bots will replace websites and mobile apps, but there are some logical reasons why that is possible. Messaging apps are growing very fast and if this becomes a popular way of communication, then every business is going to need a way to engage on these platforms. Bots will be faster than websites and mobile apps will be smart enough to understand what are you saying by their Artificial Intelligence power. Bots don’t need to be downloaded like other mobile apps. Bots will be easier to use than any other technology ever created. Read more at:https://chatbotsmagazine.com/how-bots-will-completely-kill-websites-and-mobile-apps-656db8e6fc03

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Chatbots And Financial Services

An Investor always looking for innovative, cost-effective, tech- enabled modes of customer engagement and chatbot is perfect for that. It can potentially help customers better understanding Financial Services via interactive discussions on pricing, terms and conditions, etc. AI powered chatbots can give recommendations to users about the best financial services and opportunity analyzing user interaction and requirement data. Using chatbot we can ensure security of user data and cost benefit analysis of user data. So, it will be exciting to see more chatbot innovations in financial inclusion. Read more at:http://partners.wsj.com/metlife/multipliers/articles/talking-the-talk/#.WSLz8PPm2TE.mailto

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