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Is Robotics a curative measure for “cube farms”?

Despite Robots, RPA- Robotic process automation is a part of AI umbrella. Many institutions, like the bankers, are looking for RPA for accessing more efficiency in their system, for cost minimisation, efficient work with operation smooth working, and for customer satisfaction. Bankers use RPA for making things easy and building a smooth working environment that will automatically improve the customer experience. By increasing efficiency and waving out from cube farms, environment RPA application is providing a new software tool that will automate the efficiency in the workplace. Read more at: http://www.bankingexchange.com/news-feed/item/6872-what-you-need-to-know-about-robotics?Itemid=653  

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AI in Mammograms

With advancement, AI technique helps on unnecessary biopsies for analyzing mammograms for breast cancer, this technique is used by the method of scanning medical charts with results on mammograms by cross checking. Researchers predict that the algorithm used for reading mammograms are more complete results and analysis are done with more accuracy and reducing unnecessary biopsies. The standardization of these algorithm provides positive results with 99 percent accuracy to analyzes mammograms for breast cancer. Read more at: https://futurism.com/artificial-intelligence-reads-mammograms-with-99-accuracy/

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Machine Learning: a pool of data

Machine learning and AI are flooded with data and are most of the sectors in the world are using such technique. Machine learning is a technique without any human intervention and is very fast and efficient. It enables humans with new and extraordinary idea to understand things more prominently and helps in support marketing to understand market and customer more deeply and pull out the data more efficiently by all the means of the use of Machine Learning. To keep efficiency and make the decision more accurate in the field of customer oriented place, there is pool of data available with Machine learning solutions. Read more at: https://www.ama.org/publications/eNewsletters/MarketingInsightsNewsletter/Pages/machine-learning-artificial-intelligence.aspx?utm_content=bufferba2a8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 

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Conversational Artificial Intelligence As A Boom

According to authors, today, a new set of analytics tools,  ”Adobe Sensei for Voice”,  has  been  launched by Adobe, which will aid brands to better its metrics, in the field of targeting customers across social media,email and actions often taken by users  with their conversational  AI of choice and the things they daily deal with, by seeking the help of conversational  data- both user intent and contextual  data. This will help developers and brands, worldwide, to have easy access to  total customer interactions, usage time and frequency of intent.  Amazon Echo Dot has been marked as the leading market in the growing space.  Read more at https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/29/adobe-releases-analytics-tools-for-conversational-ai/


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One step ahead Machine to Humans

The intellectual strength that is overpassing humans and releasing more like a virus. The power of Machine is getting stronger than can human possesses or possess to think. Several areas where prediction is just a matter of seconds for machines are creating more influence than humans esp. in the field of Medicine. Many universities are allowing their work to adapt with AI learning by different nodes. On the other side, the search engine Google also making plans enrolling AI developments. Read more at: "target_blank>https://www.engadget.com/2017/05/31/ai-is-already-beating-us-at-our-own-game/

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Artificial Intelligence: A Marketing tool

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a revolution in the field of technology. Big companies are leading the AI revolution and that's given them an edge over most consumer goods companies and retailers. AI marketing tools are both easier and less expensive to acquire, with software-as-a-service. AI tool was successfully used by Albert to increase the sale of Harley Davidson.AI evaluated what was working across digital channels to create more opportunities and allocated resources judiciously eliminating guesswork, gathering and analyzing enormous volumes of data, and optimally leveraging the resulting insights.AI can process millions of interactions a minute, manage thousands of keywords, and run tests in silica on thousands of messages and creative variations to predict optimal outcomes.. By acting instantaneously and autonomously it can modify its buying strategy based on performance parameters. The best way to discover AI's potential is to run some small, quick, reversible experiments, within a single geographic territory, or channel. Read more at https://hbr.org/2017/05/how-harley-davidson-used-predictive-analytics-to-increase-new-york-sales-leads-by-2930


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Records were exposed globally, killing security running for support. A wannaCry attack leaves hints to the user on a network system. Moreover, how the security is protected or responsible by the fact of undercovering its data and information more strongly not be damaged to expose, also how the data miners are fighting against these cybercrimes. AI refining the threat of cybercrime and developing more ideas and innovation to counter such attacks. Not only that AI and quantum computing are challengers, but also a way with uncertainties. Read more at: https://www.ft.com/content/1b9bdc4c-2422-11e7-a34a-538b4cb30025

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How to Survive Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to steal your job and. If we do not prepare now, we may face a future where AI runs free and dominates humans in society. The AI revolution is going underway. So, how to survive the AI revolution. First, recognize AI. It is already here. For example, Google suggestion, Facebook timeline ranking, YouTube suggestion are some of the examples of AI. Second, identify where it is growing. AI is particularly good at any task that requires an enormous amount of repetitive processing. If this is your job, then it is the time for looking for an alternative for survival. Third, plan an action for AI revolution. One thing you can do is oppose this AI or just make yourself comfortable with it. In other words, be ready to upskill where possible. AI can learn very well, but it cannot learn flexibly (yet). You can. There are new jobs now available that did not exist five years ago. So if you allow AI to grow, you will find that it will help to increase your standard of life given that you prepare well. Read more at: http://dataconomy.com/2017/05/survival-guide-ai-revolution/

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Relevance of AI in Banking

Artificial Intelligence is a reality today and is impacting our lives in every sphere be it the voice assistant SIRI in our smartphones or the Netflix recommendations we receive. AI is a blend of three advanced technologies- machine learning, natural language processing and cognitive computing. Banking is one industry that has been impacted by AI more than any other. The key application of AI that revolutionizes the banking industry over the last 5 years includes:
1. Anti- Money Laundering (AML) pattern Detection:
2. Chatbots for better customer interaction 24x7.
3. Algorithmic Trading
4. Fraud Detection using Machine Learning algorithms
5. Customer recommendation using recommendation engines
For smaller banks, AI can make a greater impact in differentiating them against intense completion from larger banks where they can benefit from operational efficiency.

 Read more at https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/04/5-ai-applications-in-banking-to-look-out-for-in-next-5-years/

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Artificial Intelligence in India

AI or Artificial Intelligence is the hottest sector in India with lots of innovation across sectors. With China is leaping ahead in the AI race on many levels (research papers, R&D, investment and even policies) India is only now waking up to the benefits of AI. If India wants to participate in the AI revolution, then it needs a policy that brings together Indian academicians, researchers, labs, private players and investors on the same platform. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/india-stand-ai-race-vis-vis-china-us-rest-world/

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Twitter taking help of Machine Learning

Twitter will now be shaking hands with a machine-learning startup that specializes in working with images, to deliver better video and picture content to expand its Machine Learning and AI parts. According to the sources, nearly $150 million is invested in this machine learning startup. A team of engineers will help Twitter by letting the users explore new experiences and share them. Read more at:  http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/twitter-allows-users-to-share-140-second-videos/articleshow/52848116.cms


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Developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence

The future of AI is filled with amazing opportunities. Alan Turing designed the Turing machine about a century ago. It is expected that in the coming times the machines will pass the Turing test. To add to the surprise, the AI machines are being expected to use all the five human senses. Governments, the world over are planning to make simulation models which make use of big data as input to predict the criminal or terrorist activities. AI has been improving human lives by uplifting the healthcare and medical facilities. To make the computer - human interaction more natural, scientists are working on the Natural Language Processing Algorithms. Read more about it at: http://nerdsmagazine.com/artificial-intelligence-five-highly-anticipated-developments/


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Things which you must know about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the latest term for the tech people. So here are few things about AI which you should keep in mind.

·         AI has deep roots in history

·         Alan Turing contributed in A.I a lot

·         Formal AI research started in 1950s

·         NLP aka Natural language is the key to artificial Intelligence

·          Key to Autonomous vehicles is A.I

·         Investors are also interested in AI based companies

·         Tech giants are also betting on AI

·         AI powered robots can do things together

·         Robots can also socialize like humans

·         AI is polarizing


Read the complete article at: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence/

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Artificial Intelligence to revolutionalise your life.

It is the very beginning of the robotic revolution. The progress in this field is set to increase its pace. So this instills a fear what if these AI models grow smarter than those who created them. With AI applications covering up all your works, what is the purpose that it might leave you? The use of AI is growing fast in all the sectors. It is helping in improving the human living standards. There is a gap between the computers and human beings. But the upcoming AI models are focused to remove this gap. This will make computer - human interaction more like human like interaction. Read more about it in the article written by Damon Beres(Senior Tech Editor, The Huffington Post) at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/artificial-intelligence-mit-tech-conference_us_56cb20ade4b0928f5a6c7463?section=india

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Artificial Intelligence demands all of your data.

It seems that the long winter of AI has come to an end and this field is enjoying the unstoppable progress in the spring stage. But the only way AI becomes more powerful is by getting fed with a tremendous amount of data. More the data, better the efficiency of the AI algorithms. Seeing the helpful uses of such AI based applications the users happily allow the access to any kind of data. In the coming times, there will be applications which would demand access to every kind of data you generate. And the truth is we will willingly submit our data. Because bigger the data sets are, smarter the AI. The major reason for feeding the AI algorithms is that is improving and helping the human life. Read more about it in the article written by Mike Elgan (author of  technology and tech culture) at: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3035595/emerging-technology/artificial-intelligence-needs-your-data-all-of-it.html

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Artificial Intelligence and cloud technology

To get the raw data, processed through the Artificial Intelligence models, the data has to be uploaded on a cloud. But there are privacy issues or time wastage in uploading data on cloud and retrieving back. Internet connection is a must. So to eradicate these problems, researchers have developed a chip that could bring AI to the hardware like smart phones, sensors or other mobile devices. These have very large neural networks, which can process data then and there. This means without having access to Wi-Fi or other connections, users can get meaningful insights rather than just the raw collected data. This technology will be of great help in the field of Internet of Things. To know more, follow: http://electronicdesign.com/iot/artificial-intelligence-gets-its-head-out-cloud

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Artificial Intelligence in gaming industry

Artificial Intelligence is used to generate intelligent behaviors in gaming, to simulate the human behavior. But to make the experience more natural it is required that the artificial intelligence based players in the game must imitate the human behavior. That means they also must be prone to errors and mistakes. This is the real challenge in gaming for AI. AI models remember the patterns, so this avoids repetition of mistakes. Humans can lie very easily at every step. This is a complex phenomenon for the AI models. So this is what computer engineers are working on to make games with AI appear more natural. Read more at: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2078134-cleverness-isnt-everything-for-a-gaming-artificial-intelligence/

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Artificial Intelligence for the good of consumers!

The intelligence exhibited by machines is called artificial intelligence (AI). To a layman this field is full of mystery. But AI is embedded is many things that often go unnoticed. Organizations are using AI to make the consumer experience better. So, you are no longer cluttered with irrelevant ads. The recommendations on the social media platforms are the result of machine learning and artificial intelligence models. There are smart entertainment apps that learn from your behavior and choose what is best suited for you. To read more follow:   http://insidebigdata.com/2016/02/12/why-consumers-need-to-stop-fearing-artificial-intelligence/

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Will AI replace Humans?

Since 19th century, Artificial Intelligence always made everyone very curious but only recently we started to see its applications. Even now its applications are very narrowly limited to natural language processing and image processing. Some people are scared that AI may one day replace humans in many industries and cause unemployment. Let's see what two pioneers in the industry of AI think. Read more at: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/537941/emtech-digital-where-is-ai-taking-us/

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Artificial intelligence: A Glance Into The Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) is important nowadays. Marketers and advertisers need to understand that without the help of AI, it is difficult for any business to sort through all the data and then take day-to-day strategic decisions, and ensures that there is no wastage and thus increasing ROI. Marketers also use AI to look at a customer’s past behavior and predict what they are going to be interested in future.  But, the main risk is that many of the jobs that require human attention may be performed better, faster and even cheaper in the future by robots or AI software systems. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/unlocking-the-potential-of-data-through-artificial-intelligence/1723




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