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Advent of Large Language Models or LLMs

Large Language Models, better known as LLMs, are at the forefront of the ongoing Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution that is transforming the world of technology. Popular representatives of AI such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard also deploy this astonishing technology, and the term "LLM" is mentioned constantly in discussions, events and keynotes. So, what exactly is an LLM? Let’s explore!

Large Language Models are a type of AI program, and to be more precise, a type of Machine Learning (ML) program. It is built on a neural network model known as transformer model. The model is fed large amounts of data, usually from well curated data sources and datasets found on the internet, and then trained to interpret diverse and complex types of data (including human language). Following this, Deep Learning (DL) is deployed to conduct an analysis of this unstructured data to distinguish between different pieces of input and research data. Through this process, LLMs are able to generate appropriate responses for any problem that they are presented with. 

LLM models are best used as a form of Generative AI (GenAI). GenAI can generate text-based responses to all kinds of problems and even write complex code in a matter of seconds! It also has several other applications such as sentiment analysis, customer service etc. As a technology it is still in its early stages, comprising of several key issues such as bugs and other types of manipulations. Regardless, LLMs are the next big thing in AI today, and are sure to become a staple of tomorrow.

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Predictive Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry Increasing Transmission of Information

A new firm has stepped into the oil and gas industry that uses AI to convey real-time oil analytics to its users. It uses of satellite tracking data and reports from different organizations,including customs,JODI and statistical agencies to build its own database and draw insights. According to the founders, speed and accuracy is what makes the venture unique. The data is more reliable and AI helps in demand, supply analysis in seconds. Algorithms in predictive analytics can be used to forecast prices as well. This is where AI is superior to human,they have predictive abilities. Change in methods of gaining insights is coming from small ,focused and specialized solutions that come together to form a comprehensive solution. Read more at: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Robots-Take-Over-Oil-Trade-And-OPEC-Is-Scared-To-Death.html#


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How AI affects the labour market and economy

The Partnership on AI published case studies on the impact of AI on economy,labour,productivity and society. The three companies involved in the case study were Axis Bank,Tata Steel Europe(TSE) and Zymergen. The conclusion was that- successful implementation of AI required adaption of the technology by the management and the employed workforce alike.An increase in productivity and financial gains was reported by each firm in the short term. Because each firm in the case study,operated in a different field,benefits of the adaptation of AI,manifested in different ways.The impact on the workforce was more varied depending on the labour market and the impact cascaded across supply chains,partners and customers.However each firm also faced its opportunity and challenges. The effects were not independent or exhaustive The area of research could be extended. More such case-studies will acknowledge other areas in which AI could work.

Read more at: https://www.aitrends.com/ai-adoption/real-world-impact-of-ai-on-labor-economy-told-through-case-studies/


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Artificial Intelligence Paving the Way for Cancer Diagnosis.

AI is redefining the way oncologists look at cancer treatments.Deep learning has proven useful in understanding the trajectory of tumors in the distinctive case of cancers . According to two doctors,AI is making its mark in the healthcare industry.CNN(convoluted neural networks) have been trained to recognize and categorize cancers.CNN is used to diagnose tumor volume and segment tumor with higher precision. They have an advantage over semi-automatic methods,because the former can independently identify common features. Studying and interpretation of sample slides are slow and unreliable. DNN can be used to quicken the process and give robust results.A deep learning model teaches itself and becomes more accurate as it studies clinical data so it can predefine the form that a tumor will take.AI in healthcare has revolutionized diagnostic methods that aid better treatment.

Read more at: https://www.aiin.healthcare/topics/research/5-ways-ai-being-used-advance-cancer-research


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AI based First Forex trading robot

Foreign exchange market is the word which is enough capable to draw attention of many people. Some people treat it as a fast money making technique while some people says it’s a way to enter the gambling world. Foreign exchange market is just a virtual platform which involves trading of different currencies. So what forex trading is? How AI and robotics can be involved in trading? What actually forex robots can do?

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How AI and ML can contribute towards developing an intelligent cloud?

With reference to the aura spread by artificial intelligence and machine learning every enterprise is making their ideas with the relevance of these two giants. We are aware of the concept of cloud computing that it provides the storage and networking space over the internet which eventually reduces human efforts and cost. This sounds absolutely awesome. But what’s next? Can cloud be developed as “Intelligent Cloud”? Introducing the union of AI, ML and cloud, this will definitely raise the standards of cloud computing in future. The intelligent cloud will have the ability to learn from the enormous amount of data, builds up predictions accordingly and end up analyzing situations. This platform seems to perform tasks with high speed and provides greater efficiency. 



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How AI is a blessing to all the organization?

We are aware of the spells by AI in changing the appearance of business process both online as well as offline. AI has replaced many human functions in the industry through automated systems in field of communication and answering phone calls, emails etc. Technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon are investing their more power, time and money in strengthening their AI sector. So how AI is helping these organizations?

   Want to know, visit: 



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Exposing the capabilities of AI, IoT and Blockchain

AI is in the way of setting its roots in every company. AI got its mass recognition and acceptance when different startups initiated its deployment in their businesses. Different sensors, reliable networks and intelligent analytics have enhanced IoT in a fantastic manner. Recently, Government of India announced a 13-digit mobile number that power IoT to GSM. And the ministry of electronics and IT are going to implement more such functional devices. Blockchains are somehow associated with cryptocurrency and that’s the reason companies are using a it for fraud control and patent tracking.  But, financial services along with banks and insurers are trying with blockchain technology to develop a useful common customer repository. 

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Still about a decade away from a real robot friend

CES 2018 showed the present scenario of the robot industry. The best of the companies presented the best of their futuristic gadgets, mostly smart home integration. The current progress is ready steady and mesmerizing but we are still about a decade behind having a real human like butler, or in better words a real human like robot friend sitting next to us. 

Read more at: https://www.popsci.com/personal-robot-butlers-ces-2018

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Adopting Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reaping benefits for early adopters but for laggards it is posing a problem. Due to developments in AI there have been a lot investment by tech giants such as Amazon, Google etc. but outside the tech sector, investments in AI is very less as adoption of AI is still at an experimental stage. Those who have adopted AI have found not only a surge in profits but also reduction in operations cost. The gap between the adopters and non-adopters of AI is increasing and it would be difficult for the laggards to reduce the gap. The government can setup retraining programmes where the employees can be taught how to work with machines and not compete against them.

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Big Data in 2018

Big data systems have been growing more efficient every day. The data trends have been ground breaking in 2018 as well. There has been implementation of one of the most enhanced cybersecurity model ever. Not just cyber crime, but the crime rate in general has started to come down all around the world in the last 20 years. The expansion of Internet of Things is another amazing influence of Big Data in todays industry. Artificial Intelligence has actually started reaching out to the masses. A number of new occupations have started coming up already. There are plenty of other news from around the world on Big Data. Find them out at: 



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Chatbots At Their Best

Chatbots and AI are being reshaped everyday for a better outcome. They are available 24/7 for specialized customer service. They are better at engaging with customers. They are intelligent and hence can provide support to customers. Chatbots provide many advantages with their highly-capable functionalities. Find out all of them at: 



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Artificial Intelligence at your Service

In the current scenario, AI is a big game changer in customer service, interaction and transitions. It uses data to effectively target the right audience with right content for best consumer experience. It has made Customer Relationship Management smarter then ever. AI-enabled chatbots render an ideal customer success paradigm. AI uses knowledge-base for customer success team. It improves customer success automation. Read more at: 



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Artificial Intelligence in Video Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has played a major role in video marketing since always, and it always will. Producing numerous new algorithms to find the related videos for the customer is one of the key features of AI in video marketing. Increasing the reach of video, making more people engage to it, and many more advantages of AI makes it one of the key components in video marketing. Read more at: 



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Are We Ready for Self-Driving Cars?

Driver-less cars are here. But do we have the key things to get it done right? What about the data, Big Data, do we have enough of it? AI isn’t only about software, it is also the integrated hardware that does the job, the right sensors are very much needed to make a car move on its own without a driver. Can the show still go on? Find out at: 



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Deep Learning Application That Codes

The latest version of Deep Learning Application (Bayou) will help humans in programming. With the help of just a little information and some keywords, Bayou can almost predict the programmers brain. The researchers have used method of Neural Sketch Learning to train its Neural Network.  It can easily take over forums like Stack-Overflow because of its instant reply to programming problems. Read more at: 



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Twitter will now be shaking hands with a machine-learning startup that specializes in working with images, to deliver better video and picture content to expand its Machine Learning and AI parts. According to the sources, nearly $150 million is invested in this machine learning startup. A team of engineers will help Twitter by letting the users explore new experiences and share them. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/twitter-allows-users-to-share-140-second-videos/articleshow/52848116.cms


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The Future Of Work: The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence And Human Resources

According to authors, AI and Machine Learning algorithms, introduces us to an era of intelligent conversational environments , by  bringing about a paradigm shift in technologies and strategies ,thereby collaborating the rate of progress in business and process for automation, thus making an enterprise more smarter ,flexible and conversational. AI mainly focuses on making support systems more efficient across a multitude of applications, processes and business domains, bringing about intelligent collaboration capabilities to the emerging Conversational Workspace platforms, improving workflows, automating repetitive tasks and initiating automated interactions via voice assistance ,thereby, helping an organization to take better decisions and grow. Read more at https://aitrends.com/speech-recognition/idg-contributor-network-the-growing-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-workplace-collaboration/


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Artificial intelligence in education system


The World is now more digital and with a better computational strength that ties up all humans. Can teachers will be replaced by the AI. We have crossed the technology sights of getting things more easy by robots and machines. There are situations where students under the shelter of teachers getting emotionally attached can be further given such place to AI. Our new step will turn up everything in the omnipresent form of technology. AI for future generations on education will be unpredictable. AI on another hand will need to be taken as pros or cons for developing new techniques for students. The digital future is still questionable in many fields Read more at: https://datafloq.com/read/artificial-intelligence-replace-human-education/3273

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Post-modern Markets: A change in today's world

The pact of era divides itself in three stages-pre-modern, modern, post-modern. The era with an ideology of marketing that walks with these three stages can be explained, now marketing is turning up to post-modern where it pushes down emotional and the left brain. The trend which is playing the most exogenous aspect to the buyers by recollecting them together and pushing all ideas of innovation tech to experience made to buyers. The greater impact that can change and will continue to change many marketing businesses are AI and machine learning, which provides accuracy based on sales. Marketers should focus on its strategies to use machine learning with much more creativity, use more analytical tools, should be emotional and more suitable. Read more at: www.thedrum.com/news/2017/06/06/get-ready-the-era-post-modern-marketing   

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