
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Why CRM plays a major role in impacting sales ?

CRM is the major contributor of many businesses, but sometimes it turns out to be an inefficient and expensive sales killer. The truth behind this is most CRM platforms aren’t intended to help the end users who work with them day in and day out that is your sales representative. Most of them waste time in doing manual data entry. When there is poor execution of CRM, the organization has an insufficient picture of how it is selling its products. The data we are seeing is incomplete and possibly misleading. To know more, please read the following article: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/4-reasons-big-data-failed-impact-sales-01787213#R6gklCOP8mL83XgS.97

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Know when to outsource blog writing

When you have a small business, you need to draw attention of customers. So writing blogs will help to bring traffic to your website and also helps in the generation of leads. When your small business grows, you can outsource it. These are 3 sign’s when you should realize of outsourcing blog writing:

• When you are posting late or don’t post regularly then visitors may lose interest, which may also impact in attracting new visitors.

• When you feel that you are bored or sick of writing about the same topics, you may outsource it.

• When you don’t find any improve in traffic, leads and ultimately customers, you may need to bring some change or hire a professional who can fix the issue of your business blogs.

To know more please read the following article by Jennifer Mitchell:


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How to successfully start an online retail business

Nowadays we can start an e-commerce online retail business a lot easier than ever. Thanks to the internet which helps us to start our business with very little overhead or fixed cost and if we go with the trend that is creating something that people want then we can make much out of it. Here are some tips for starting a successful online retail business: We should create a business plan that should clearly show the route to achieve goal or success.

• Choose a creative business structure which includes tax benefits, requirements and how to legalize with government.

• Start a self-storage which will lower your cost of rent.

• Make a catchy website and make sure it includes all the information like store name, location and contact information for the betterment of customers.

• You should provide a convenient price chart and description of all products.

• Make your ordering process easy.

• Last but not the least show your policies of return, refund and warranties so that customers don’t jump to some other site.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/ecommerce/7-tips-starting-successful-online-retail-business-01798247#OCvXfd1Det8hkZMy.97

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A big red alert to the phishing emails!

Now a days we are receiving phishing emails. Security experts have discovered that these phishing emails contain Pony malware which when downloaded and opened, crashes the system moments later. In the background the infected attachments start invading the system and give access to all important credentials to the hackers. Now follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim to phishing emails:

• Note that publisher is not used for file sharing or word processing. If you receive these type of file, just be cautious of phishing attack.

• Install antivirus or anti-malware which will detect these types of files and alert you if any suspicious activity is running in background.

• Continuous changing of password and having a strong password will help you from hackers from hacking or accessing all your important credentials.

So, continue using these cybersecurity tips to be protected from these malicious activities.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/phishing-emails-spread-pony-malware-01783728#ifY3P7jKyFeVx4Y7.97

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Unlikeness in office may stop your advancement in your career

Everybody in this world has a feeling of getting liked by their workplace peers. For that reason, you start to create respect and try to collaborate with your peers. From your perspective, you do everything right, but somehow you fail to create that bonding or relation and can't get along with them. Here are some reasons for which your team members may not be liking you:

• Peers start insecurity when you name-drop as nobody likes when you talk about your past or famous personality you worked with.

• Peers feel annoyed when you back brag. Never mention “you are the reason behind the team’s success”.

• Peers don’t like when you don’t a chance to share their ideas.

• Don’t try to talk anything bad about peers while gossiping because that may eventually get back to him and you may lose your reputation.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/unlikeable-one-office-01813715#xDCYK4d4RSRkzyJl.97

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Is it necessary to have a LinkedIn profile?

According to some people, your resume and your LinkedIn profile are not one and the same. You need to have both. They both have their respective usability and advantages. Benefits of having a LinkedIn profile:

• It makes you more noticed and searchable in social media if you have a LinkedIn profile.

• You have an advantage to add extras to LinkedIn profile which is not possible in a resume which is a benefit for you to shine.

• You can have more leveraging connections with leaders, colleagues, co-workers and have an opportunity to show your skills.

Conclusion: You need to have both LinkedIn profile and resume. They must complement each other which will attract hiring interests.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/really-need-linkedin-profile-addition-resume-01818570#JJePIV0vziyMlpLF.97


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Understanding big data and how it helps businesses

Big data imply huge sets of organized and unstructured information. It is very complex and regular data processing techniques don't work in managing this kind of data sets. In business, the 3V model is utilized to depict enormous information. These 3V's are: volume, velocity, variety. Now let's understand how big data helps businesses and why it is important:

• Examining big data helps understanding the current economic situation so that it can get an idea of getting ahead of it’d competitors.

• Big data analysis helps to understand your customer better, predict what they need in advance and can provide better service.

• You can control your online reputation with the help of doing sentiment analysis.

• Big data tools, save lots of money as it reduces the manpower to handle large amount of data.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/big-data-important-businesses-01818898#DOiRF3OOYiZ3JlAb.97

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Effects of organization culture

In today's world, maintaining a company's culture is the most important thing that should be kept in mind during an expansion. Communication can happen across different time zone. Expansion can lead to many problems like, poor communication or communication breakdown which in turn may affect company culture. For overcoming these situations, companies can take the help of some tools to preserve and enhance your culture. They are:

1. Videoconferencing,

2. Social Networking,

3. Collaborative tools such as Google docs, Mind Meister.

In short, by effectively coordinating collaborative technologies your organization culture can thrive. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/technology-can-save-company-culture-expansion-01810807#VcKudEFscr36wuVI.97

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Steps to reach your goal

There are many ways to succeed in finding your goal or a great job, provided one is willing to do the hard work. Here are some steps to be followed by career changers to succeed in reaching their goal.

1. Self-Appraisal: This is a type of activity that will rotate the abilities and an individual ascribes that they need to utilize and pitch to a future employer.

2. Improvement of marketing collateral: You should have an exceptional resume and LinkedIn profile which will attract the HR and will fetch you a good job.

3. Try to find out various job networking groups which will provide you better employment opportunities.

4. Interview preparation is the vital step towards getting your dream job and finding an appropriate answer to the situation, the action you will take for the benefit of employer and end result that will add value to the company.Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/5-essential-steps-great-job-01814295#j5rSZSdhfbEEbl25.97

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Get noticed by using effective keywords in a resume

Including valid keywords in your resume gives a fair chance of getting a call. Here are the ways you utilize keywords effectively. • If you want to get in through a job ad, then analyze what requirements they are looking for. Accordingly highlight the key requirements and qualifications in your resume.

• Be tactful in making your resume. Don’t overuse or include your keywords in every sentence.

Conclusion: Employers and selection representative alike, will mostly examine your resume for keywords like job requirements and qualification. Most of them use software to pick the keywords. So, give yourself the best chance to land that position today by including keywords effectively in your resume for your next employment.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/human-resources/keywords-resume-use-correctly-01813482#3cVXokF3syIJ72SA.97

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Entrepreneurial tips!

When you're initially beginning as an entrepreneur, you need to do all that you can strengthen your odds of survival. These tips are extremely valuable in helping you accomplish your objectives.

1. Know how to trim your non-essential spending and save for building your business.

2. Identify your variable expenses by looking at your past spending.

3. Identify every single income-generating source such as renting your house when you move for a long period.

4. Try to stay physically as well mentally healthy by doing regular exercise, eating sufficient food and getting sleep’

5. Keep separate tract of your financial expenses and personal expenses.

6. When you grow, you should make a revenue model for upcoming 6 months, 1 year or2 years.

7. You should always think about ramping of your salary in the initial months of your start. These tips are going to keep you financially solvent, fit and fine. Read more at: 


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Securing cloud computing

What is cloud computing?? It refers to a broad set of policies, technologies and controls deployed to protect data, application and associated infrastructure. Its sub-domain is computer security, network security and information security. Working on a cloud or not is a basic question asked to every employee. For instance, people working in hospitals are generally blamed for disclosing health records of their patients. Talking to a layman, it is a group in an organization connected through networks, but even if the hackers are good at hacking, the data will remain safe within the company boundaries. Therefore, cloud computing is very wonderful stuff to work upon, but only in a secured way. To know more please read the following article by Dennis Stevenson (author): http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/original-thinking/cloud-computing-must-be-securre-75892

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How to improve your company’s image

Business developer's role is to develop your organization's revenue and profit. The four basic rules to increase revenue are:

1. Increase relation with more number of clients,

2. Increase your fees,

3. Retain your existing clients,

4. Buy different companies.

 Your sales person should be given training time to time despite of the past training and initial knowledge due to changing market scenario. If the company is not doing well, then you can follow some basic rules about how to improve your growth through better interaction with your clients and grow faster.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/company-best-class-average-laggard-01778358#qxC2O2djpW5Xv2J4.97

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How to bring innovation in work

Everyone wants to improve in their life. This is possible when they think and imagine as imagination is a step towards innovation. This can possibly happen when you start asking innovative questions. This will help you to rethink what is the solution to a problem and how to tackle that. Some questions that will help you, your organization towards achieving success. 1. Questions that help our dream, 2. Questions that help us to think differently, 3. Questions that helps us in travelling in our past, present and future. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/what-drives-innovation-01774400#AHBeYOy3QQXA3hHA.97

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Knowledge required for the right role in accounting career

You must be worried about finding a right role to start or go further in your accounting career. To understand the right career, you must focus on these areas. Ethics and professionalism: You need to maintain the right quality and follow International Accounting Standards. You will have the access to confidential information and need to use them intelligently and remain unbiased to the company.

Qualification at the right level: For becoming a professional accountant, there is no specific route to follow. There are exams such as AAT which will help you to advance in your accounting career.

Key competencies: Having right attitudes, behaviors and knowledge is not enough but knowing accounting software, doing analysis and communicating to stakeholders helps you to hold your job in this fast changing world. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/finance/accounting-employers-look-01784982#632ur2QbZm8TQls1.97

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Cost cuts for a new business to start

Starting a business needs a huge investment and can be a very expensive venture. So here are some tips to save money, which is going to mean more profits on the other end.

1. Recycle: You don’t need to throw the old products rather recycle them. There are many companies who offer buying new products with exchange of old products in a discount.

2. Using of Laptop: In place of desktop using laptop can save energy and saving money at the same time.

3. Using window seating: Making maximum employee sit near window can improve one’s mood and helps you to save money on energy bills.

4. Trying to work with other business helps you to sponsor your events and you can get a lot more press this way which will benefit your business in long run. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/finance/help-business-save-money-01789180#ZDASPiHz13oFgDmH.97


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Do you know how payment redirection can reduce your customer?

Getting people to visit your website is not so easy especially today. If you are using the payment the third party or payment redirection then you are giving opportunity to your customer to go away and never come back. This article by Sandra Wrobel-Konior(Content marketing manager) discusses about the cons of payment redirection. Cons of Payment redirection:

1. Client’s reaction: When a customer adds some product to the cart and goes to payment button and then if it is redirected to an external website with different logo and URL, then it may discourage, creates a confusion and frustration.

2. Control and customer support: In case the payment process goes wrong, then due to third party you may have limited access over what is happening and you can’t fix it immediately.

So, for customer satisfaction, attraction and retention you should create your payment gateway and ensure the security, seamless and hassle free operation. Read more at:


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Creating a Data Security Solution to attract loyal customers

Nowadays, Internet is everything to us. But, there are some security problems too, and these costs companies millions of rupees. So, companies can create a data security solution and this article explains the steps of creating data security solutions.

1. Understand exactly what level of security each customer needs?

2. Create and maintain a security policy with the help of “Data Flow” and remember that.

3. Internal data security staff is not enough so hire every time data security professionals.

4. Test, test and then test some more every time for every single event that takes place.

Read more at:


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Why signature is considered as basic step of security?

Let's think of the security infrastructure of your application as its doctor. Let's say you have a cough, sore throat and runny nose and if the doctor assesses external symptoms, then the doctor will prescribe the wrong medicines as he has not done internal test to know what is happening inside the body. This same thing can happen to your application, allowing attacks on account information. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) cannot see what is happening inside the application and that is why it uses "Signature" to determine if the code in the request is threatening. So, the best way to protect your application from vulnerabilities is to combine both external observations and internal tests. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cybersecurity/signature-based-security-first-step-01773479#qAVrXsrP3ape3Hb5.97

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Have you ever thought of what it feels like to get “Hacked” ?



Ideally, your answer is "No" and aim of this blog is to keep you cyber safe in 2017. There are no ensured that malicious actors won't get to your data, here are some tips which will diminish the likelihood of having your data hacked. 1. Have unique, complicated, difficult to crack password.

2. Reduce the reuse of password.

3. On regular basis update your password.

4. Prevent “Dictionary Attacks”.

5. Keep your security and privacy settings current.

6. Enable two-factor authentication or 2-step verification.

7. Don’t store your password saved in the browser.

8. Have a security program installed.

9. Install software updates.

10. Be suspicious of URLs before you click.

Now play it safe.

To know more please read the following article:


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