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Ways To Ensure Successful Marketing Campaign

Social media is inextricably related to almost every aspect of daily life. It has changed the  communicate mode, how we exchange information, and how we take decisions. Instead of looking up to television for news and entertainment, audiences now tend to look to Facebook and Twitter to learn about the world around them; in lieu of reading magazine articles about where to shop, eat, and vacation, consumers now seek out recommendations from YouTubers, Instagrammers, and Snapchat stars.

In response to these trends, influencer marketing has increasingly replaced traditional forms of advertising as one of the most effective ways to reach online audiences. Despite the growing popularity of this kind of marketing, however, many marketers are still unsure how to leverage the influence of social media stars to develop, launch, and measure effective influencer marketing campaigns. These days, launching first influencer marketing campaign can seem like an inhuman task, especially for marketers who have never worked with social media stars before. Hence, we will break the process into ten manageable steps to help companies navigate the complexities and avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with influencer marketing campaigns:

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The Right Metrics Required For Analytics In Business

Converting analytics to action is a nightmare as it is fraught with problems, of which, not the least is the political nature of organizational decision-making. When it comes to ROI, we see lots of organizations taking on the analytics bandwagon and are happy to have more insight into which pages, and segments are driving returns. A host of digital tools can transform data into pretty dashboards to help improve ROI.

Overall, businesses do a great job of monitoring, understanding, and utilizing ROI information–translating it into effective actions. These relatively simple metrics guide managers on which messages, segments, products, and channels are working their best, allowing them to tweak strategy in order to improve market performance and intelligence. Still, sometimes issues of data quality and politics impede implementation of the right actions based on available data.

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Ways To Ensure CRM Data Is Fit For Purpose

Constantly improvising on the quality of data is essential to remain ahead of business competition. However, failing to do so will result in a fatal erosion in the value of your most valuable asset, data, which is why it is vital to manage and maintain it effectively. 99% of marketers feel the urge to turn data into insights, yet 75% of organisations believe inaccurate data is undermining their ability to provide an excellent customer experience.

It’s impossible to provide outstanding customer experience with incomplete and incorrect customer data. However, improving the quality of your CRM data doesn’t have to be costly or time consuming.


Read here how you can effectively improve the quality of your CRM data: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/ensure-crm-data-fit-purpose-01706169#BufvU0yIxvoRxkdm.99


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Why Small Businesses Should Invest In Social Media Marketing

It has been estimated that an average person spends half an hour to one hour per day on various social media platforms, which amounts to almost two weeks in the course of the year.

This statement should provide enough incentive for businesses to get hold of the utilities of social media marketing; though at the same time it is necessary to consider that social media management is extremely tedious and time consuming. While maintaining the busy life of a small business owner, dedicating time as well as resources to advertise business on social media can prove to be costly.

Yet it is extremely necessary for small businesses to ensure social marketing to gain on various factors like developing connections or creating more promotional opportunities for customers to ensure advantage of business


Consider these four reasons given below as to why you should be using social media marketing for your small business: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/social-media-marketing-4-reasons-small-business-invest-01705099#jMzMGG2ZBxxrD10z.99

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Shaping your Analytics Maturity Pathway

Data is the latest weapon in the market and is the deciding leader in almost all the industries, especially consumer packaged goods, or CPG. The key reason being, the fast changing consumer preferences and influx of larger pool of 21st century competition, primarily the retailers – both, brick & mortar and online.

However, in spite of this gigantic pile of data generated every single day, the plight of CPG companies is similar to a soldier who is given a latest automatic machine gun but doesn’t know how to effectively use it. There are companies who just don’t know what to do with the data. Those who know, are, perhaps, not using it efficiently.

  To know more of effective use of data, read on :  http://blog.fractalanalytics.com/big-data-visualization/what-shapes-your-analytics-maturity-pathway/


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Marketing and Neuroscience

In recent times, marketing has become an integral part of any business. Your business may offer the best products or services in the industry, but without continuous projection of the product to the customers, the chances of your competitors taking over your products is very high.

In the early 1950s and 1960s, marketing was production oriented and the quality of the production was the driving factor of marketing. Later, as new production technologies started to develop, techniques evolved simultaneously to meet the needs of the customers and efforts were made to maximize customization. But the next major advancement in marketing is literally hacking the brain of the customer.

Neuroscience is the field of study where the response to products and consumer decision-making is understood at the level of body and mind. The Neuromarketing concept is based on a model wherein the major thinking part of human activity, including emotion, takes place in the subconscious area that is below the levels of controlled awareness. For this reason, the perception technologists of the market are very tempted to learn the techniques of effective manipulation of the subconscious brain activity.

Neuromarketing is a flexible method to determine customer preferences and brand loyalty, because it can apply to anyone who has developed an opinion about a product or company.


To know more on neuromarketing, read : http://blog.fractalanalytics.com/integrated-marketing-effectiveness/neuroscience-in-marketing/

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Companies and Relationship Intelligence

How do companies attract and engage new clients while making sure the existing clients are happy? The simple answer to this question is, manage.

However, you will not find many executives who would respond to this conjecture candidly. You will, however, find plenty of companies that take the “we manage” approach with one of its most valuable assets: relationships.

While running any enterprise technology company, we’ve seen just how consistently data can be used to help improve sales. But we do know, all its good intentions to provide sales managers with a way to monitor pipeline and sales activity, CRM is still hugely inefficient. Representatives are required to spend time manually entering data, and then spend more time searching through it. While senior management clearly values the ability to monitor these representatives through CRM, the vast majority of sales people dislike the extra work and overhead it creates and generally use CRM begrudgingly – and rarely to its full potential.

Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/strategy/relationship-intelligence-companies-acquire-01702402#tAmo7XUOWfJJ6g3Z.97

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Email Marketing To Increase Revenue On The Go

It’s every marketer’s dream to be able to lay their head to rest at night with the knowledge that when they wake up, your bank balance will be just that little bit bigger. The passive income dream is common enough among marketers and entrepreneurs. But it’s always been an elusive goal. The dream of making money while you sleep often remains exactly that, a dream.


It’s difficult, but not entirely impossible. There’s countless examples of solo entrepreneurs, small businesses and huge corporations that have automated much of their income with much of this proliferation due to continuing advancements in technology.


Sure, we all know that email is also one of the most versatile methods for automating your income. Email is still the great lever for success. You can embrace it and live your passive income dreams, or ignore it and continue to work hard for little to no reward.


Read more about different automation campaigns here:  https://blog.crazyegg.com/2016/04/08/drive-revenue-while-sleeping/


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Using Cloud for Business Management

Starting a small business can seem tough and impossible at first when, there is so much to do on the front end before you even open the doors for your customers . We are now in the age of the art of technology which uses cloud computing to store all of our information and access if from anywhere we are. Not only does this make operating a business easier, but it makes the process much more efficient. The cloud can be your secret weapon to any aspect of the start-up process of your business. Here’s how.

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Incongruity experienced by Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs who are about to launch a startup, at the very introductory stage think about what is going to happen at the end. The thought process includes how they will encash the funding in lavish parties or the big checks brought in when the company is bought under some stalwarts of the industry. While keeping up “high hopes” proves to be motivational for them, the experts have expressed this habit to be a mistake.

David Skok is a Boston area entrepreneur who has founded four start-ups and is a regular blogger touching on relevant topics reaching out to people just like him. Skok is one of the experts who is skeptical about using external factors such as accumulated wealth as a driving force for beginning entrepreneurs. He says - “The big lesson I learned was that, in the start-up world, if your primary focus is on making money, you usually won’t make money.”

Know more :  http://www.business2community.com/leadership/the-entrepreneurial-paradox-01689339#Mb6MJc1MVAxSYSjV.99


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Using Big Data with Account Management

We all get those helpless looks on our face when a stack of information and numbers are thrown right in front of us which are not only difficult to understand but includes intense labour in order to be managed.

People who are regular at managing and working with data can also get lost in this labyrinth of information and end up drawing farcical conclusions. However, such troubling days are finally over. As the ways to collect and process data increases, so does the insights. So, it is high time that we ditched the traditional method of basing decisions on past experience and anecdotes in order to sell a product, and used the art of big data management to ensure better product management

Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/big-data/use-big-data-sell-account-management-01679323#yhUtXuzWvCDbDYI4.99


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Artificial Intelligence Expected to Double Economic Growth in 12 Developed Countries

Artificial intelligence (AI) could double annual economic growth rates by 2035 by changing the nature of work and ushering a new relationship between man and machine. The impact of AI technologies on business is projected to boost labour productivity by up to 40 percent by fundamentally changing the way work is done and reinforcing the role of people to drive growth in business.
“AI is poised to transform business in ways we’ve not seen since the impact of computer technology in the late 20th century,” said Paul Daugherty, chief technology officer, Accenture, the primary company to have come up with this research result: “The combinatorial effect of AI, cloud, sophisticated analytics and other technologies is already starting to change how work is done by humans and computers, and how organizations interact with consumers in startling ways. Our research demonstrates that as AI matures, it can propel economic growth and potentially serve as a powerful remedy for stagnant productivity and labour shortages of recent decades.”


Read more on the research results of the AI impact at : https://newsroom.accenture.com/news/artificial-intelligence-poised-to-double-annual-economic-growth-rate-in-12-developed-economies-and-boost-labor-productivity-by-up-to-40-percent-by-2035-according-to-new-research-by-accenture.htm


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7 Testaments To Ensure Success In Innovation

Innovation is a very critical aspect to any business strategy. The ability to think “out-of-the-box”, makes any business stand out among others. While most regard innovation as a necessary stimulus to any business, but they look at innovation milestones as a fortuity in terms of strategy and shy away from further strategic planning or making any formula for success in terms of innovation. This, is however not the ideal way to deal with innovation. Given below are a list of keys to ensure business innovation.

1.       Having a dedicated innovation team: The most important ingredient to induce innovation is to ensure a team of creative, intelligent and dedicated people to be included in the business. To include them will provide the ticket to multitask, collaborate as well as read minds well ahead of time.


2.       Innovation Labs: This is to enhance the ecosystem of our business. With an innovation lab, a group is created that is consistently and exclusively focused on innovation.


To know more : http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/7-things-must-succeed-innovation-01680313#K5sQRxXK0sCrXcW3.97



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What to do in Content Development

All businesses that are able to invest in content development are in for the best investment in the long-run. When people ask that what are some of the biggest challenges of developing tons of content? The answer is mostly organization. The key mantra to effective content management is to manage or organize your own marketing.

Those businesses with a documented content marketing strategy are far more likely to consider themselves effective at content marketing. They will also feel significantly less challenged with every aspect of content marketing, as they will generally be considered more effective in their use of all content marketing tactics and social media channels. All this enables them to justify spending a higher percentage of their marketing budget on content marketing.


Read more: http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/5-useful-facts-regarding-content-development-01680328#Q5CHJbYX5MZkSVFG.97


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Cloud Collaboration Reduces Disaster Recovery

Back during the times of floppy disks and tapes, disaster and data recovery used to be two different aspects.  Creating data backups on tapes used to be time-consuming and a hectic job. The disk backup did ease the time-taking aspect, yet backup and recovery of data during times of emergency turned out a tedious task.

In today’s world, Cloud has changed the entire scenario. Not only does it allow data backup facilities, but disaster recovery as well. While off-site backups can take time to retrieve from storage and then deliver, instant Disaster Recovery from a cloud data centre means that anyone can  back up and run data in a matter of hours. This procedure is drastically reducing Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and other factors, as well as obliterating the threat of unstable network configurations or incompatible drives.

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Habits Imbibed by a Millionaire of the Millennia

It has always been apprehended by famous persona, celebrities, creators and innovators, that “Morning shows the day”. The routines or habits followed right after waking up, always end up as a stigma for our success.

In the current millennium, people who have continuously been putting an effort for the betterment of the world have set certain ways of turning this dream into reality. This methodology of integrity and goals have been successful, due to various factors like positive line of thought, motivation and a conglomeration of hard work and consistency.

To learn more, Read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282495

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Blunders made by companies while working with Big Data

 Many a times we have observed companies quote data to support an argument to a statement. This however has been detrimental to the rise of data in general. How? Let us give an example. According to research it has been found that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created on a daily basis. Though that is a quintessential amount of data generation, but it is all the more astonishing to learn that 90% of this existing data has been already created in the last two years. The point is Big Data might be a huge hype in the industry, but the intelligent leaders should understand, that it is not the end-word. Big Data should be intelligently crafted with business strategies to provide desirable results.

To know and learn more, check out: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/biggest-mistake-companies-make-big-data-01645333#lClpgY4wJI7yodbO.97



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Snapchat: The new Mantra for Digital Marketing


 Snapchat, a mobile app that launched 4 years ago, have taken the app industry by storm. Over 150 million people now use Snapchat to send photos and videos—called Snaps—to their friends and followers and watch 10 billion videos every day. Snapchat recently launched a plethora of advertisement features for business, with the biggest rollout being Snap Ads-Between-Stories. Advertisements will now appear in between Snapchatters’ stories. Although they can be skipped, and won’t be inserted into the stories themselves, but will occasionally appear full screen with sound when Snapchatters will change from one story to the next. To know more, read on: https://blog.hootsuite.com/snapchat-for-business-guide/



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