
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Predictive analytics helping healthcare industry

Many executives in the healthcare industry suggest that predictive analytics will cut cost in their organization. A survey conducted in February 2017 forecasted that predictive analytics processes will reduce 15% of the cost for more than five years. A majority of healthcare industries already use them. Lack of budget is a biggest challenge for the implementation of predictive analytics. Lack of skilled employees, too much data, lack of confidence in the accuracy of data and lack of support of technology and executives are some of the important challenges healthcare industry faces of implementing predictive analytics. Read more at :




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Regular blogging helps companies to grow

Companies might think writing and maintaining a blog takes up huge chunks of time but these following ways will prove them wrong about this strong marketing tool. Blogging is pretty easy as there are a lot of blog themes available to get you going. Companies can share their expert status to consumers by their blog, also increase their sales leads by more traffic on their blog. Blogging helps in better customer retention as you get their feedback via comments on the blog. Increase the sales as customers might trust you by something they read on your blog and come back to you. Also, with a lot of traffic, you may publish according to your customers interests and let SEO take care of the rest. Read more at :



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Business Intelligence can be scary at times

Transparency in companies, publishing dashboards to everyone to keep everyone updated of the progress and not being able to adjust data can be scary for some people. A BI fail in a large corporation, we often consider faulty process or management to be the reason but it might be due to lack transparency between managers, board members and shareholders. Managers always refer to preferring  accuracy over speed, but accuracy takes months to implement so managers tweak the data which makes it useless. Nowadays, new generation managers are politics free and depend on technology and SaaS apps for improvement and speedy delivery of data. They don’t mind sacrificing 100% accuracy to 80% if they can get the job done 5-10 times faster. Read more at :



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Ways to hold existing customers

There are many ways in which a first-time customer will feel enticed to be a full-time customer and maintain a long relationship with the company. One should understand the profile of the typical customer of the company and segment the group both geographically and demographically. Giving customer's a positive experience by accurately replying to their queries goes a long way. Companies should understand that customer retention is much more than the cost incurred in the advertising campaigns. While offering subscription information, companies should keep in mind not to cost their customers anything. Rather, moving subscriptions to social media can reach thousands customers within minutes. Hence social media posts should be updated according to the customers interests. Read more at :



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Rapid growth of Digital workplace

Organizations are evolving from a traditional environment to  digital workplace reveals that gaining competitive advantage and improving business process are among the top goals of digital transformation strategy. Today, the digital workplace is no longer just made up of managers and co-workers collaborating with one another to complete projects, It’s increasingly populated by ‘virtual employees’ who do not exist in a physically , but play an important role. While AI technology is still in its infancy, it is sufficiently advanced to be working its way into companies in the form of virtual assistants, in certain industries such as banking, virtual tellers and advisors. Embedded into  applications, virtual assistants draw on AI engines and machine learning technology to respond to basic queries. 64% use analytics to improve their customer services, 58% use analytics to benchmark their workplace technologies. Read more at :



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Why BI is crucial in decision making process

Data is an important aspect of decision making and for valuable insights over the data, BI has emerged crucial in organizations. Some useful ways to manage your data and team are : 1.Invest in a robust BI service like Google Analytics or CoolaData so as to get better insights on behavioral analytics and better collaboration. 2.Break down silos - when organizations go through silo effect and information stops flowing, BI can prevent this through transparency. 3.Teams should acquire data analysis skills and grow as they work. 4.One should relate to the context, not depend solely on the numbers but on the why, how. 5.Decide on how to decide for better data implementation. 6.Drive action through insights, study how trends correlate and act accordingly. Read more at :



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Technological advancement in BFSI

Smart-phones have widely changed our standard of living and access and management of our money. A recent study by EY and BBA states that customer usage of banking apps have risen by 354% in last five years, with an average of 159 logins per second. Not only for banking purposes, UK customers use mobile tools to manage their mortgage and investments, credit cards and savings. Some suggest that this increased usage on financial apps isn't  short term but will have a long term effect. The technology is helping customers in this financial revolution by adding check imaging, contactless payments and biometric identification. This will help in the launching  of Open Banking in 2018 when customers will have greater choice and control over their financial lives. Read more at :



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Prevention of Fraud in banks


 In the recent days, prevention of fraud is a very difficult task and banks should keep in mind some non-financial signals that might prevent a fraud. Fraudsters take advantage of the growing technology where a simple code interception can lead a criminal to hack a person's credentials. It is difficult to suspect any change in contact details as people change phone numbers very frequently and so the bank managers should put this down as a sign of potential threat. Bank managers should have the correct  solutions for these fraudulent actions happening. Fraud managers should have the latest fraud-preventing programs in order to receive the signals of a fraud before hand and can prevent it from causing severe damage. Read more at :



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Cloud solutions making it easier for small business owners

Cloud solutions for small businesses is efficient as you don't have to worry about physical storage of important documents, not pay anybody to maintain it and can access it anywhere, anytime you want to. You can do online banking and pay off loans and bills on the go, manage payroll and attendance of employees on the cloud. With cloud collaboration tools, employees can be connected via emails and video chats. Cloud solutions can help one to manage social media where you can plan the best posts at one time and queue them up to get published one by one. Cloud accounting software lets you monitor your company's financial health, check cash flow and makes you independent of an accountant. Read more at :



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Better Data Integration leads to better business growth

Business Intelligence software enabled the visualization and deciphering of data but it failed to understand the correlation in the data. Hence, Business Optimization evolved from BI and enabled stakeholders to get wider insights on data interaction and optimize business growth. This free passage of information allows the organization to further utilize raw data only if the company has industry-wide open API standard. Together it is called AoE (Analytics of Everything) now enables organizations to go through an integrated combinations of people, processes, data and technology to have greater insights on the business. Read more at :



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Why and How to recruit mature workers after their retirement

Matured retired workers have good experiences and developed skills from their lifetime of work. Recruiting them would be considered as good business for any organization and also potential retirees want to work to enjoy work-life and also income. The recruitment will work out if the workplace is age- friendly and the young employees delete the concept of age-difference and consider them as good influence to the company. Mature workers are more loyal, keen to learn new techniques and also have a good network of professionals and marketing contacts. To reach out to older workers, companies should use the talent recruitment agencies that focus on senior candidates like AARP. Demographic forces are prompting organizations to adopt this strategy for better ROI. Read more at :



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Why Social Business Intelligence is the next big thing in data management

With every passing day, improvement in technology keeps making our lives easier and more organized. Social business intelligence is a technology which allows systematic data sharing, computing and analysis to obtain an efficient market data through different social media analytics. It is of utmost importance for companies today to have an efficient business management system which is capable to deal with huge databases coming from social media and IT systems. Also, the systems should be accessible and cost-effective. But, the occurrence of cyber hacks and security impeachments hamper the growth of this market. In the coming years, open-source software framework systems like Hadoop and MapReduce will benefit the companies in efficient data management. FMI reports suggest that business intelligence tools are likely to take over the BSFI, IT and the telecommunication sector by 2017. Read more at



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How Telcos should analyze customer behavior

Telecom companies these days should be very active in providing their services and shift their attention from customer acquisition to customer retention in order to survive the head-to-head competition in this extremely fickle market. The companies should use the right technology to study their customers and make the right business decisions. Understanding the consumers would help the companies in efficient targeting and positioning in the market. But, the sheer magnitude of the data in the telecom industry might be a problem while storing and analysing. So, to acquire a more practical information, the companies should ask the right questions and find the correct software to be used for data analysis, so as to reach their goals efficiently. Read more at



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Proficient Data Interpretation

We all need data and findings to go about our work in our respective organizations and, to some extent, make our own deductions from a database available to us. To understand and consume our data well, we don't have to be an expert in interpreting the data, rather we could use this opportunity to learn and also gain knowledge to help ourselves in future data interpretations. In fact, we should seek help from the team in charge for more information. An organizational data can help you know a lot about the people working in it and the trends of your organization. One shouldn’t let inexperience hinder data implications. A little practice and confidence will help you go long in this path. Read more at :



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