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Your sixth sense to increase sales: Big Data

To manage your sales upwards, you need to click your senses. Have you ever thought, that much talked Big Data is also a part of your ‘sense’?

The way big data and analytics are making a progress, especially in marketing and to increase sales, it can no longer be ignored. Your buyers are now more informed about your products and services and you have to dig in deeper to gain new insights about the mind and heart of your customers.

That’s where big data comes in effect. Lots of customer data are now available and without going hither and thither, you can mine for gold. Yes, gold – because customer data is like an asset to you depending on which you can gain that ‘new insight’ to keep yourself ahead of competition. Click on http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233969  to view on how big data can raise your sales. Who may say, you may be the next beneficiary of leveraging the power of Big Data!

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Telecom companies need to analyze data in real time

Giving constant connectivity to customers and ensuring customer satisfaction are two most important things for telecom companies. As an owner of telecom company, you have to ensure that customers lose their call to as minimum as possible to prevent business loss and inconvenience to them. 

For this, you have to analyze every moment and take preventive actions whenever any faults occur. It is necessary that you must have analytics tools for it. But, unlike in most business cases, you will not able to use traditional machine data analytics. It is of no doubt that you will get patterns and trends, and will be able to evaluate program performance and pinpoint defects – but all these after the fact. By that time, you may lose your customers and revenues costing millions!

What you should do is do a real time monitoring and real time analysis as well. Using ‘streaming big data analytics’, you will be able to collect and correlate streaming data at a customer’s specific location, cell site performance, call failure rates and event prevent momentary glitch before they turn up into a large scale event. Not only this, based on profile of your customers, you can prioritize their issues. All these will increase one of your important parameters – customer satisfaction.

Read more at: http://smartdatacollective.com/dale-skeen/199716/why-telcos-can-no-longer-rely-traditional-machine-data-analytics-deliver-high-qual  to know how streaming data analytics help telecom companies to monitor calls in real time and increase customer satisfaction.

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Advanced Marketing Analytics for CEOs: Cheat sheet

As businesses are becoming tougher and becoming more competitive, usage of advanced analytics is on rise. With the help of it, companies have increased their marketing effectiveness and they are able to generate more revenue out of the cost spent.

But, one thing has to be accepted. Deploying analytics tools in an organization is not an easy task. One of the main concerns is scalability – whether analytics will be utilized on a large scale or a small scale, because, depending on that, cost will vary; and if you choose the wrong one, it will eat your revenue. Change in organizational culture is also noteworthy – those who are not yet oriented to analytics, may face difficulty in adopting the technology.  In spite of all these, analytics have proved to be tremendous successful for marketers. Given in the present dynamic situation, CEOs must learn to adopt analytics and should motivate his or her marketing organization to use. Click on http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2014/05/19/an-advanced-marketing-analytics-cheat-sheet-for-ceos/?ss=business  to know the tips for CEOs.

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Calpian Commerce launches SecurePay Insights merchant analytics platform

Calpian Commerce (the U.S. payment processing division of Calpian), has launched the SecurePay Insights merchant analytics platform. It helps businesses to leverage value-added data and analytics to improve their businesses. Calpian Commerce's SecurePay Insights (powered by Womply, a San Francisco-based technology company) provides real-time vision into revenue, online reputation, social media performance and competitive intelligence on a web-based dashboard.

To read more, visit the following link:http://www.marketwatch.com/story/calpian-commerce-launches-securepay-insights-merchant-analytics-platform-powered-by-womply-2014-05-07?reflink=MW_news_stmp

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Fighting fraud: a new Analytics tool for banks

Though applying cutting edge technologies are on unprecedented rise in banking industry, security issues are cropping up more and more. Banks are becoming vulnerable to increased frauds and cyber-attacks.  This can negatively hamper the image of the bank in the minds of its customers.

To counteract this, banks have developed various analytics tools. But, they are rule based that depend on arbitrary thresholds to trigger alerts for potential frauds. The flip side here is that it may generate false positives. These can cause deep frustrations among honest customers who are falsely blocked for fraud or are constantly asked to undergo strict security procedures.

 A new type of analytics tool has been developed to solve this problem. The new tool is called Adaptive Behavioral Analytics. It produces an accurate result that reduces false positives. Unlike rule based analytics, Adaptive Behavioral Analytics combine customer information to create a behavioral profile at an individual level. This gives a clear picture about the customer and generates an alert if there is any deviation from typical behavior spotted in real time. Interested to know more?

Read at http://www.bobsguide.com/guide/news/2014/May/16/and-now-for-some-good-banking-news.html  for more details on how this new Analytics tool is helping banks to detect and fight fraud.

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Pitney Bowes launches new Location Intelligence platform

Pitney Bowes Inc., provider of technology solutions for all size firms that help them to connect with customers to build loyalty and grow revenue, announced the launch of the Spectrum® Spatial platform. It’s a platform built on MapInfo technology that delivers advanced location intelligence that enable businesses to centrally manage and deliver location data. Companies can apply this technology across departments and applications to address diverse business challenges.

To read more, visit the following link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/pitney-bowes-launches-new-location-intelligence-platform-to-connect-the-dots-between-data-and-geography-2014-05-08

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Global Location Analytics software & applications market

Location analytics adoption rate is growing rapidly. It's fueled by various trends like: Exposure of geo-coding technology, increasing focus on regulatory requirements, market intelligence and competitive intelligence. Over 80% of all data contains a location component. Location intelligence is easily attained through utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS). Location Analytics helps to visualize & explore relationships within this data and uses the result in decision-making. Location analytics firms are focusing on packaged solutions that can be integrated into other solutions such as workforce management solutions and analytics software.

To read more, visit the following link:http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1905902 

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Building predictive models: What’s next?

New technologies are emerging and along with that various analytics tools are also developing. Unlike previously, where building predictive models would take as long as twelve months, it now takes only a day or a week, provided you have the right information in your hands.

 But, wait. Your task does not finish here. You have just built a predictive model. The main thing is how you implement it. Properly deploying your model must be made in a systematic approach, as otherwise, can take months. You have to keep in mind that you have to implement your model in the real world.

How to go about it? Read these tips: http://www.banktech.com/business-intelligence/5-tips-for-operationalizing-analytics/240168237 .

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Nitin Sinha
Thanks for this post, i havn't red yet those tips you show.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014 13:47
5930 Hits
1 Comment

Big Data does not do all by itself

Business leaders have embraced big data like never before. They believe that big data will bring miracles and will bring fortunes to their company. But, take a note - everything is not done by big data. If you do nothing, and sit on high hopes that big data will solve all problems, then you are wrong - instead of simplifying, big data will make your tasks more complex.

One thing you have to remember is that, although usage of big data has spurted, there are several analytical softwares that can give valuable outputs like how to become more competitive in the market or how to deliver better products and services, but still human intervention is necessary. Unless and until you guide your big data, it will not help you.

So, do not get lost in the midst of big data and take the right path to realize its full value and potential. Here are the ways you can do so: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-things-you-shouldnt-expect-big-data-to-do/# .

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Reduce your customer churn rate with big data

As a service provider, it is true that if you see your customer churn rate is reducing, then you are satisfied the most. Reason? A small reduction in customer churn rate can improve your profitability by millions.

Studies reveal that if you acquire new customers, it can cost you up to more than five times than to satisfy and retain your existing customers. After all, your existing customers who are like gems to your company,  provide treasures – you can gain deeper insights that will enable you to render better customer service which will create a favorable impact on your revenues. 

For this, you have to study your customers’ behavior. In the past, when technology and data were limited, knowing their behaviors was difficult. But now, with a handful of technologies and big data, you can analyze their behavior easily – even to the extent like at what time do they leave for work, how long it takes them to reach there, etc. By leveraging big data analytics, you can extract information on different metrics, based on which you can fine tune your service offerings according to your customers’ willing.

Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articles/how-big-data-smart-analytics-is-reducing-subscribers-churn/ericssonarticleshow/34166759.cms  to know how big data can help you to reduce your customer churn rate smartly.

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easyJet takes off with Workday Human Capital Management

easyJet, UK's largest and Europe's fourth largest airline, plans to enhance talent management practices, modernize reporting and analytics capabilities with the help of Workday Human Capital Management, a provider of enterprise cloud applications for human resources and finance. With Workday's unified application for human resources (HR) in the cloud, easyJet plans to enhance talent management practices and modernize reporting and analytics capabilities. In addition, since Workday analytics are built into the core of the application, easyJet will gain access to meaningful insights around key indicators such as cost, capacity, and capability of its workforce, helping to drive hiring and sourcing decisions throughout the organization.

To know more, visit the following link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/easyjet-takes-off-with-workday-human-capital-management-2014-04-08

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India Business and Analytics outlook – increased adoption in key verticals such as BFSI and telecom is fueling growth

A recent research report by Netscribes Inc., a global market intelligence firm, reveals that Business Intelligence and Analytics Market in India are growing. According to the report, continuous rise in trade and business activity across the globe have increased and this resulted in a huge amount of digital data. Over the last few years, social media also generated large amount of data. This data can be analyzed efficiently only with the help of Business Intelligence and Analytics.

To read more, visit the following link:http://www.pr.com/press-release/554334 

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The future of US healthcare

It is estimated that by 2020, 80% of the US hospital will shift to some form of value based healthcare model. It means that the system will need to successfully transit from a transactional per procedure/per patient/per visit model to early diagnosis, treatment and management of the population system. This system will not only benefit the care providers, but will also benefit the patients. Innovative solutions that offer earlier detection, increased patient engagement or improved disease management could save the healthcare system billions of dollars every year. Lean innovations in healthcare will assist care providers to create a successful strategy in order to provide better care. Constant technological improvement has changed the dynamics of healthcare. Hospitals are looking for cost-effective solutions that integrate data into every pre- and postoperative procedure plan to better evaluate and treat patients. So, now healthcare leaders will focus on big data analysis to progress in business. Read more about this aspect at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/reenitadas/2014/04/30/the-truth-behind-value-based-healthcare-are-companies-really-getting-it/


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Google analytics: tracking social media success

Analytics makes it easy for you to track how many conversions you are getting from your social profiles by using Google Analytics. Once you have installed Google Analytics, you need to collect data, but if you are like most of your clients who have built a large audience, you will have data points on your reports that are actionable and very insightful. Google has a great support center that answers most questions that are related to trouble shooting analytics and it is a great learning resource.


 To know more read the article by Sergio Aicardi, CEO of Miami SEO Company, from http://socialmediatoday.com/sergio-aicardi/2358246/tracking-social-media-success-google-analytics



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Training Big Data Talent is a Necessity, Not an Option

Delivering efficient data modelling & analytics solutions depends a lot on having manpower with relevant skills. Training an existing workforce is a necessity today in the field of big data as data scientists are an elusive catch and there certainly aren’t enough of them to go around just yet. With competitors catching up in this regard and university campuses are yet to address the huge demand of data scientists, organizations got no option other than training the manpower resources they already have! Bill Laberis, Social Media Manager, Custom Solutions Group at IDG said “Think of Big Data like a tsunami. Most of it is still out sea, a veritable wall of data born in large measure from the social media boom. As it approaches land and the shallows, suddenly it looms. Then crashes to shore. On top of your business”.

To read more on this aspect, visit the following link:


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How analytics can deliver insight for health care IT services

According to the research firm Gartner, health care providers in the Middle East and Africa will spend $2.8 billion on IT products and services in 2014, an increase of 2.8 percent over 2013.It is expected that Saudi Arabia & UAE will continue to focus on building and expanding their healthcare infrastructure. Information Technology enabled services got a huge role to play in this market and health care IT professionals are expected to deliver more in terms of quality while containing costs. Users of technology in the health care industry expect their IT systems to work, delivering what they need and when they need it. Lives can depend on this.An effective way of meeting these objectives is the deployment of robust IT analytics, which will provide hospitals with clear visibility into the health and performance of their IT infrastructure. Inefficiencies, disruptions and failures can be identified automatically as they occur, and often before end-users are even aware of them.

To read more, visit the following link:



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Teradata launches Query Grid, one workflow for big,little data

Teradata launched a technology called QueryGrid. It aims to extract analytical data from multiple systems storing, both big and little data. QueryGrid can bridge the division between data warehouses and big data. To know the model of QueryGrid, follow the article by Larry Dignan, Editor in Chief of ZDNet and SmartPlanet. - See more at:


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Lies, damned lies and big data: How firms get analytics wrong – and how to get it right

"This is the dirty secret of the analytics world - that there are so many errors" - Velamakanni, CEO, Fractal Analytics. Company politics, bad data and inefficient analysis are affecting many organizations, leading to some wrong conclusions. To know more about this aspect, follow the article by Toby Wolpe, senior reporter at ZDNet in London:


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Nucleus Research Value Matrix Finds Competition Intensifying for Human Capital Management Vendors

Nucleus Research, a global provider of investigative and case-based technology researcher, finds in a study that leading vendors are giving importance to core Human Resources (HR), talent management and workforce management (WFM) functions and putting them onto a single platform. In this study Nucleus Research also finds that vendors are linking HCM with Big Data analytics and business intelligence (BI) to integrate functionality across the core competencies of HCM. To make data more accessible, they are integrating their data sets to compile analytics into common dashboards.

To know more, follow the following link: http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwgeeks/article/Nucleus-Research-Value-Matrix-Finds-Competition-Intensifying-for-Human-Capital-Management-Vendors-as-they-Race-to-Deliver-Integrated-End-to-End-HCM-Platforms-20140410#.U0pYYFWSyZY 


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What can predictive analysis do for healthcare reforms?

For the long term purpose, Predictive analytics will be very significant for healthcare organizations and providers. With the advancement in technology and complexity in healthcare sector, predictive analytics must be implemented as it will make the work easier and reliable for the providers.
In order to avoid risk and uncertainty and for taking quick decision,
predictive analytics will be of a great substitute to a traditional business intelligence practices.

Please go through the link for more details: http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/patimes/what-can-predictive-analytics-do-for-healthcare-reform/

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