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Data Value Chain for GeoSpatial Data

The value of data has changed over time. Companies have realized that collecting, analyzing, sharing, selling data and extracting actionable insights is critical to the development of their organization. Geospatial data is captured and analyzed by engineers and product managers to develop creative solutions and thus increasing productivity. People can view the flow of geospatial data from the instant it is collected throughout its lifecycle using a framework known as 'Data Value Chain'. Data intersects with analytics and can turn this information into decisions. A technological ecosystem built around a geospatial system provides new ways to work and reduce costs, accelerate schedules and supply high-value deliverables along the value chain. Read more at : http://dataconomy.com/2017/02/power-of-data-value-chain/

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Good Statistical Practice

You can’t be a good data scientist unless you have a good hold on statistics and have a way around data. Here are some simple tips to be an effective data scientist:
Statistical Methods Should Enable Data to Answer Scientific Questions - Inexperienced data scientists tend to take for granted the link between data and scientific issues and hence often jump directly to a technique based on data structure rather than scientific goal.
Signals Always Come with Noise - Before working on data, it should be analysed and the actual usable data should be extracted from it.
Data Quality Matters - Many novice data scientists ignore this fact and tend to use any kind of data available to them, if always a good practice to set norms for quality of data.
Check Your Assumptions - The assumptions you make tend to affect your output equally as your data and hence you need to take special care while making any assumption as it will affect your whole model as well as results.
These are some of the things to keep in mind when working around with data. To know more you can read the full article by Vincent Granville athttp://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/ten-simple-rules-for-effective-statistical-practice


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Real Time Analytics on Streaming Data

Today world has become smaller and faster, with increasing computation speed decisions are done in seconds instead of days. Product information and comparison is available on any device any time. Real Time analytics involve solving problems quickly as they happen or even before they happen. Companies now have more insights into their assets. Several industries are using streaming data and putting real time analytics. The big data revolution has further accelerated the demand of real time analytics to analyze customer behavior. Gone are the days when decisions were based on data stored on a disk , actions are taken on streaming data. Read more at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/do-you-know-what-is-powerful-real-time-analytics


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Shaping your Analytics Maturity Pathway

Data is the latest weapon in the market and is the deciding leader in almost all the industries, especially consumer packaged goods, or CPG. The key reason being, the fast changing consumer preferences and influx of larger pool of 21st century competition, primarily the retailers – both, brick & mortar and online.

However, in spite of this gigantic pile of data generated every single day, the plight of CPG companies is similar to a soldier who is given a latest automatic machine gun but doesn’t know how to effectively use it. There are companies who just don’t know what to do with the data. Those who know, are, perhaps, not using it efficiently.

  To know more of effective use of data, read on :  http://blog.fractalanalytics.com/big-data-visualization/what-shapes-your-analytics-maturity-pathway/


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CRM On The Go!

CRM On The Go!

In today’s world, Mobile CRM is becoming important as it helps business to grow and succeed. Mobile CRM helps in decentralizing sales force who are out on the road meeting clients and making deals. The advantages of Mobile CRM are - Selling on the go, you can up-to-date information, easily integrates with mobile devices, provides powerful insights and analytics, and IT costs are reduced. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-ways-mobile-crm-can-boost-your-small-business-73844


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Maximize the SEO with the Collaboration of Web Design Analytics

Search engine optimization (SEO) is process through which web data is collected .Web design directly affects the efforts of SEO. Analytics evaluates whether these efforts are working or not. Some of the efforts by web design analytics that can robust the search engine performance is:

1. Site analytics tools give the insights about most popular content on the web site. Therefore, one can tailor the content according to the theme.

2. One of the crucial analytics related to the web design is how fast (speed) the page loads, Google will take in consideration the speed factor in ranking the page.

3. Accessibility of the site is also important.

4. The content of the site should be relevant, specific location key words must be used in order to attract more customers.

To know more read article by Vinod Jethwanihttp://www.business2community.com/seo/streamlining-seo-efforts-using-web-design-analytics-01534695#kjhQ7oxU11kCZeWv.97



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Enhance the Supply Chain Management by Big Data Analysis

Big data Analytic can give real time analysis of huge, complex and continuously increasing dataset. It can be applied to many Business operations .But companies do not use this potential of big data analytics to supply chain management. Company can control the inventory and other supply chain operations more efficiently with help of analytic .for instance, companies can use unstructured data set in the inventory, forecasting and transportation for analysis and new insights can be delivered, like forecasting next date for restocking in supply chain planning. For the last 2 years big data had been used in the supply chain management but there is still a long way to go.

To know more read article by Bernard Marr : http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/04/22/how-big-data-and-analytics-are-transforming-supply-chain-management

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Does Analytics Play a Big Role in the Supply Chain?

The dilemma of supply chain exists in every sector; even in the pharmaceutical industry. Availability of medicine is an issue because of uncertainty and at the same time one can’t stock the shelves unnecessarily. Analytics tool plays a big role here in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Analytics had been used for a very long time in this sector but today's analytical tools are quicker, collaborative (to suppliers and customers), advance and give visual effects to the users. FusionOps is a new analytical tool which lets pharmaceuticals analyze the data at one place which was difficult earlier. It also gives users an opportunity to see different scenarios and then take final decision. This tool lets the user anticipate demands, sectors the data and meet the targets on time.

To read more, please visit the following link: http://www.cio.com/article/3063513/heres-why-analytics-is-eating-the-supply-chain.html


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A Snapshot of Free Analytics Resources

Today data has become an important part of decision making of any organization regardless of its size. In small & medium enterprises it’s a big challenge to incorporate data driven growth to optimize growth & revenue, the main reason behind that is resource constraint usually in this situation an organization uses free resources to meet the objective. In this article we talk about varied free resources related to consulting, analytic s tools, data sets & training, to give you a snapshot related to every aspect discussed in the article Free Consulting – free analytical consulting to solve time & bound business problem, Free tools related to business intelligence & analysis, sources from where we can get free data sets & training.  Read full article at :- http://www.forbes.com/sites/piyankajain/2015/06/16/ultimate-guide-to-free-analytics-resource-consulting-tools-training/#4531c82343ac


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How can we Develop Insights from Data?

As more and more organizations are becoming data driven, the importance of analytic or data insights is increasing. Following are the capabilities that business can adopt to turn data into insights.

Firstly, it is significant to meet business alignment, which means understanding the value a new insight will provide to the business.

Secondly, “data understanding” that is creation of glossaries, dictionary, updating the data and address where the data have been stored.

Thirdly, checking for the required quality (relevance and accuracy) of the data and accordingly seeking new adjustments.

Fourthly, Data centric process takes data as an input and not as an output in the operational processes.

Lastly, in order to establish data-centric process effectively and efficiently. Employees require training to acquire skills to handle data like six sigma quality training.

To read more:http://www.cio.com/article/3041483/analytics/5-critical-success-factors-to-turn-data-into-insight.html


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Risk Management & Risk Elimination in Banking Sector

According to a survey by KPMG, it has been seen that the bank board has played a very effective role in risk management for banking sector. Bank Board Bureau is formed to tackle the increasing bad loans and for the appointment of the directors of public sector bank. The majority of established banks have not shown more than single digit organic growth, but on the other hand it has also been seen that the banks, who had used analytics/models in effective manner, have shown a higher rate in growth. This is true that “model risk cannot be eliminated, but mitigated by good management. If the banks are using robust validation and expert modelling, it cannot necessary eliminate model risk”. Read More: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banks-board-can-be-effective-in-risk-management-kpmg-survey/articleshow/51684852.cms
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Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Analytics is gaining the highest popularity day by day in the business context. Reason is very simple. This provides a real time analysis of mind share and salience. Google is trying to venture in this section and finally it positioned themselves into this arena unlike other companies. Their model is mostly web specific because most companies are tracking their customers via web activities, no of hits, activity index and frequency. Not only that it helps to you understand social presence and real time web mining. For getting all these bunch of information you need to log in in google analytics. Such real time analysis not only provide you traffic notification but also provide user cookies which is closer to site relevance. Even they will provide detailed geographic, browsing info and language specific information which helps to u understand your customers need more specifically and accurately.  

To read, follow: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/getting-started-setting-google-analytics-01519623#FEKZ3JA1kj8FBQ8H.97


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Apache Arrow: A New Big Data Open Source Project

Apache Arrow, a new open source project, is designed to provide high performance in-memory analytics across different systems. It eliminates cross system communication overhead cost and can improve performance 100 times. It is based on the code of Apache Drill. Developers from other Apache projects. It removes the burden of serialization and deserialization of data. It also supports complex data in addition to relational data. Read the complete article here: http://www.cio.com/article/3034279/big-data-gets-a-new-open-source-project-apache-arrow.html

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Big Data to Boost Biotech Industry

The National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-20 plans to make India a world-class bio-manufacturing hub, with intent to launch big missions, creation of new biotech product and creating a strong infrastructure for R&D. The catalyst in this mission is harnessing the power of big data. IT and healthcare have always worked together. Big data and data analytics have helped a lot in cancer research, drug safety, genomics and clinical research. Big data helps in solving the complexities of healthcare that looked impossible to solve before. It helps in making sound decision within a short period of time and with cost effective measures. The error rates have also decreased enormously leading to a significant increase in efficiency. Read the full article here: http://tech.firstpost.com/news-analysis/national-dept-of-biotechnology-sees-big-data-propelling-it-to-100-bn-industry-by-2025-293213.html?utm_source=also_read

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Big data, Analytics offers the hottest job

According to a report, analytics and big data are going to see most vigorous hiring. Established firms and startups are offering handsome income to talented data scientists. Analytics and big data sector have been on consistent growth over last five years and are expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of (CAGR) of 33.2% and 26.4 % respectively. The demand for data professionals has increased. It has been predicted that in coming times data science is going to have most exciting jobs. Read the full article here: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/analytics-big-data-to-see-robust-hiring-high-pay-packets-report/articleshow/51105814.cms



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Super Bowl and real time data

The super bowl is the place where the big corporate battle within themselves to win a commercial spot. They use real time data. The use of real time data is helping marketers to solve some of the continuing mysteries of media value and also helping brands to understand the connections between paid and earned engagement. Want to experience more, then read this article by Rob Salkowitz (contributor in Forbes)-: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2016/02/07/whos-winning-the-super-bowl-ad-battle-live-blogging-the-big-game-with-real-time-data/#208c134c44c6


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Social CRM for Startups

For every start-up, customer engagement and promoting their brand is a big challenge. So if your business is in the start-up stage, integration of social media in your CRM will give you enormous opportunities to grow your business.

Social media in CRM aka Social CRM on cloud gives an extra edge to your business as engaging with your target audience will be limitless and creating brand communities which helps in monitoring and analysing customer’s demands will be very easy.

Here are the 5 benefits of having social CRM in your start-up -:

1.      Discover opportunities to engage with customers

2.      Monitor your notifications

3.      Real time updates in your customer contact records

4.      Integrate your marketing software and your contact records

5.      Share customer messages

To read visit on -: http://www.intellika.in/blogs/post/5-benefits-of-social-crm-for-startups





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Improve your employee engagement with Big Data Solutions.

Finding suitable talent for your workplace is a difficult process. It is much more difficult to retain talent, if the workplace conditions are not suitable. Most of the organizations use annual feedback system to know about the employees. But the better way is to have a continuous check on the performance and behavior of employees. This helps in getting a better picture. Big Data helps in identifying the relation between engagement and retention. Cloud based solutions provide access to all the data at one place and this can be used for further decisions by HR. Data can be collected, measured, analysed at one place. And accordingly solutions can be thought of to eliminate the problem. Organizations who use big data solutions have observed a better turnover. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/3023311/careers-staffing/how-big-data-can-drive-employee-engagement.html

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Get the most out of Display Marketing using Analytics

Firms often spend a huge amount of money on display marketing. But as a consumer, do you remember at all the last display ad you saw. The answer is NO. Display Marketing can be very effective if targeted. It is important to know which item should be placed on which site and what part of the site. Most vendors don't go into details of the strategy, thus shelling out more money out of those interested in display marketing. Algorithmic attributions can be used to determine how the impressions will impact the ROI. Learn more about it in the article written by Sandy Martin (Sr. Business Consultant) at : http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/analytics/how-to-get-more-from-display-marketing-with-analytics/

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What if Predictive Model goes wrong?

Predictive models are used to predict future outcomes on the basis of data collected from past. Many organizations take their crucial decisions based on the foundations laid by the predictive models. But what if the model goes wrong? "BOOM"- crash of a significant part of the strategy! Though each predictive model has some scope of error. There are chances that the input variables considered for the model were not appropriate. But we need to find out what kind of error and to what extent it is acceptable. There is a need to work on the foundation of the predictive models to prevent failures.  Read more about it in the article written by John Bates(Senior Product Manager for Data Science & Predictive Marketing Solutions) at: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/analytics/what-to-do-when-your-predictive-marketing-is-wrong/

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