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The new CRM product

A global provider of SaaS based mobile life sciences customer relationship management solutions brings in new enhancement to its product StayinFront Touch RX(R) which can run both on iPad and Windows 8 tablet devices. This is very helpful since it provides better access to critical information and data resources which makes the work simpler and maximizes the impact while working with reps in field. It also enables access of sales territories, analytics and reports, track call activities streamline Time off Territory requests and execute field coaching reports. Viewing and tracking information and progress has become easier. They have more access to detailed information with better targeting and enhanced calendar which improves reps’ ability to more effectively manage and sell in their territories and eliminates the need to toggle between systems to see all scheduled appointments.

Stayin Front is a provider of full suite of mobile, cloud based field force effectiveness and CRM for consumer goods and life science organizations. Vast number of countries use it to make their work easier and to improve their business. Read more at: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/newest-release-of-stayinfront-crm-for-life-sciences-delivers-a-single-mobile-device-system-for-reps-and-managers-2014-07-14 

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Cloud computing: Are we on the verge of explosion?

In the modern era a device which is not connected to the cloud just cannot complete the scenario. Today’s consumers seek a more optimized experience across their phone, tablet and PC and the combined power of Microsoft devices and services provides the best experience they can have today across all these.


To gather more insight read the article by James Bourne, Technology journalist, follow http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/08/cloud-computing-india-are-we-verge-explosion/  

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Survey reports cloud technology to increase demand for IT Service Providers

If you are an IT Service Provider, then cloud technology is a potential area where you can look upon to increase your top line. ‘2014 IT Service Provider Benchmarking Survey’ by IT Business Management Software provider Autotask reports that cloud technology is the key driver for ITSPs. For the second year in row, cloud based apps were cited as the number one technology that’s changing clients’ expectations.

Keeping in tune with technological changes, as the demand for cloud services is increasing from clients, ITSPs can see cloud technology as an opportunity to grow their business. Compared to 2013, when increase in revenues was just five to fifteen percent, in 2014 this increase was reported between fifteen to twenty percent by service providers. This growing demand required extra workforce and ninety eight percent of the survey respondents reported increased hiring also.

Though cloud technology is proving advantageous, but security is a main concern and remains top priority for service providers’ clients. ITSPs can overcome this shortcoming by providing security support to their customers, thereby making it an area to grow their business.

To know more, please follow the link http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/cloud-technologies-drive-demand-service-providers-report


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Data centers as commodity

An article by Nick Razey, Co-founder and CEO of Next Generation Data, talks about the value in the IT chain that will migrate to the cloud providers leaving data centers to earn meagre commodity margins. A good data center service also needs well trained staff and embedded policies and procedures.  These parameters directly affect both the quality of the product and its price. For customers, the cost of transition from one data center to another is so high that they will not move their IT overnight if a new, better and cheaper option comes along. Instead they will wait for a natural break such as a technology refresh (and/or the end of a contract) before moving. As a result there are already hundreds (maybe thousands) of cloud service providers and more are emerging every day. Ironically it may be that cloud services are the next commodity and cloud providers will see their margins competed away while data centers remain relatively unaffected by the new IT world.



To know more visit http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2014/may/07/could-we-have-data-centres-commodity/ 

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Mobile future will force business into the cloud

An article by Aimee Chanthadavong, tech journalist with ZDNet, talks about how businesses have focused aggressively on virtualization and automating private clouds so that information can be shared. She also mentioned about the transition from the mainframe which happened over a decade and thus moving to the third platform of IT is going to take a while because there's so much invested in the existing infrastructure. Businesses redefine their infrastructures and look at ways to free up their existing budget to fund new projects, such as creating new apps; it's also an opportunity for IT to be innovative again.


To know more visit http://www.zdnet.com/mobile-future-will-force-business-into-the-cloud-emc-7000029095/



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Insurance industry: adopting cloud technology

The concept of transferring an existing platform to the cloud appears to have many businesses stumped, including those in the insurance industry. Cloud service providers like Microsoft, Oracle and VMware are not going to wait for the insurance company to make up their mind about it. So by the time they do, they could be restricted to having their data still on old hardware systems. But if the insurance industries do not move soon in enough into the cloud - whether that's adopting a private, public or hybrid model, there could be repercussions in the future as everybody could be worse off and face higher costs and risks of running old systems, and being noncompetitive.



 To gather more information about this aspect, follow Aimee Chanthadavong, tech journalist with ZDNet's, article link http://www.zdnet.com/insurance-industry-under-pressure-to-plug-into-the-cloud-7000026920/

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What’s a Private Cloud

Cloud computing enables companies to get agile, leverage infrastructure on demand, and run it like a utility. The cloud environment provides flexibility, scalability and continuous availability with expert services. Rapid prototyping and to solve business process through analysis can be easily done by having access to a cloud environment. While the benefits are many but, the public cloud does not fulfill the needs of individual organizations which need better privacy and data security. In public cloud, many clients can access virtualized services from the same pool of servers and resources, but in private cloud clients mainly access services from a distinct pool of physical computers. Nowadays many organizations opt for a middle way i.e. hybrid cloud solution to avoid disadvantages of private cloud. Please go through the link for more details: http://www.daywatcher.com/what-is-a-private-cloud/

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easyJet takes off with Workday Human Capital Management

easyJet, UK's largest and Europe's fourth largest airline, plans to enhance talent management practices, modernize reporting and analytics capabilities with the help of Workday Human Capital Management, a provider of enterprise cloud applications for human resources and finance. With Workday's unified application for human resources (HR) in the cloud, easyJet plans to enhance talent management practices and modernize reporting and analytics capabilities. In addition, since Workday analytics are built into the core of the application, easyJet will gain access to meaningful insights around key indicators such as cost, capacity, and capability of its workforce, helping to drive hiring and sourcing decisions throughout the organization.

To know more, visit the following link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/easyjet-takes-off-with-workday-human-capital-management-2014-04-08

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IT security: It's time to change the game

How can we rethink the ways we protect our changing IT world? We do IT differently these days, with users bringing their own devices into networks, with apps in the cloud and users are wirelessly connected - from anywhere at any time. But we still do security the same old ways, with firewalls the mediaeval fortresses guarding the gates around our walled city data centers. Detecting malware is complex. New malware that's never been analyzed won't be blocked by conventional tools. The risk may be small, but it's still a risk. Changing the way we think about protecting our networks from malware changes the game. It lets us focus on understanding the software engineering implications of malware. It's a new world out there and it's good to see that the security industry is thinking about how it needs to react, taking advantage of the same new tools and techniques we're using in private, hybrid, and public clouds. Now it's up to us to think about how we can prevent attacks on our infrastructure and keep that vital data right where it belongs.



To know more, read the article by Simon Bisson, Freelance technology journalist, follow http://www.zdnet.com/it-security-its-time-to-change-the-game-and-heres-how-7000029246/ 

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Cloud computing: managing contractual risks

An article by Ryang Huang, Editor at ZDNet's Asia/Singapore, conveys that there will be both practical and commercial risks when choosing a cloud service which can be mitigated by focusing on the service contract. He also mentioned that the service contract must enable organizations to comply with their own obligations. Also, the service contract should include a plan detailing the steps to be taken on exit and how data will be extracted from the vendor. As cloud services may involve the use of software and other intellectual property rights under a license, organizations could be dragged into a legal dispute in the event of third party claims of infringement against the cloud service provider.



To gather better insights in this aspect follow http://www.zdnet.com/how-to-manage-contractual-risks-in-cloud-computing-7000027568/ 

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Law in the era of cloud

It is true that cloud computing is rapidly changing the nature of businesses. Now, it is spanning across various industries. Even, the legal industry has adopted the cloud technology in recent years.

Though, it is a fact that cloud has brought in numerous benefits, but security and privacy are main concerns. Particularly, these are very much important in legal issues as they deal with clients which are privileged information. But does that mean that lawyers will stop adopting cloud technology? Definitely not. They have to use the technology in such a way so that they can realize maximum benefits of using it.

At a panel discussion titled “Privacy and Your Practice: Data Sovereignty for Lawyers,” held at CUNY Law School, experts discussed how lawyers can cope with the technology maintaining privacy and security simultaneously. To know the discussions, read them at http://venturebeat.com/2014/05/06/practicing-law-in-the-age-of-cloud-computing/ .

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Data security in the cloud

The rapid rate of cloud adoption has given rise to the natural necessity to have some data generated live on cloud-based platforms. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is assuming that once you are managed by a hosting provider or other cloud-based platform company, the inbuilt security features will provide everything you need from a data safety perspective. Depending on the cloud service provider or managed service provider you use, you can expect scalability and flexibility to be built into the system so that you don't miss out on the cloud's ability to quickly respond to changes in demand. Having the technical skills in-house is just as important as finding the outsourced technical expertise that will enable a greater degree of secure infrastructure planning.


To know more visit the article at http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/blog-hub/2013/nov/19/the-reality-of-data-security-in-the-cloud/

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Protecting encryption keys is critical to keeping cloud data private

Implementing cloud data encryption and maintaining control over encryption keys is an important way for the enterprise to verify how information can be shared and unlocked. Cloud data encryption transforms data so that it is undecipherable without the key that can be used to change the data back to its original form. But several enterprises are now realizing that when they cede control of their encryption keys to their cloud providers, their sensitive data may not be as private as they had hoped. They need to look for peer reviewed security proofs and understand implications on end users of cloud applications if there are strong encryption techniques. Recommendation from Gartner and the security and compliance needs to control sensitive data and it becomes clear that having vast amounts of sensitive data dispersed to multiple cloud application providers and relying on those providers to keep the encryption keys safe creates a security paradox for the enterprise.



To gather more insights visit the article by Gerry Grealish, Chief Marketing Officer of PerspecSys, follow http://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/blog-hub/2014/mar/20/when-deploying-cloud-data-encryption-protecting-encryption-keys-is-critical-to-keeping-cloud-data-private/

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Cloud computing: optimizing existing facilities

An article by Ryan Huang, editor at ZDNet's Asia/Singapore office, talks about recognizing vulnerabilities in existing facilities before embarking on a cloud computing deployment for potential adopters to fortify critical systems. The implementation of high-density configuration increases both the compute capacity and energy efficiency of an existing facility. When evaluating external cloud providers, the vendor's data center power infrastructure and availability strategy should also be examined and understood. To create an optimal cloud computing environment, data centers need to bridge the gap between the physical layer of the data center infrastructure and the IT infrastructure.



To know more visit http://www.zdnet.com/optimizing-existing-facilities-for-cloud-computing-7000028083/

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The public cloud market – where is it heading?

Hyper growth - this term is on its way to become attached with the 'Public Cloud' market.

As per the report of Forrester Research, the global public cloud market is expected to rise to $191 billion by 2020 as compared to 2013 which stood at $58 billion. The reason behind this growth is the shift from on premise technology to cloud which has proved to be cost effective. Nowadays cloud technology is considered as a replacement of the existing systems. Forrester’s report also predicts that by 2020, the global public cloud platform service will soar to $44 billion, the cloud business service will hit $14 billion and the cloud applications which will be Software – as – a – Service or SaaS, will hit $131 billion. The cause of this whopping valuation is attributable to the fact that more and more CIOs and their technology management organizations are taking initiative for this change.

So, what’s the future of public cloud market? Read at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9247883/Public_cloud_market_ready_for_hypergrowth_period_ for more details. 

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Business value of SaaS

Software as a Service and cloud computing service providers are targeting school administrators. The objective is to demonstrate to the students the virtues of the vendors' hardware products and software solutions to gain their allegiance later in the business world. So, smart SaaS companies can capitalize on the data they collect to provide benchmarks and KPIs that offer greater value to their customers.


To know more about this aspect, read the article by Jeff Kaplan, managing director of THINKstrategies and founder of the Cloud Computing Showplace, visit http://www.technewsworld.com/story/79979.html



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Workday: Growth continues with ERP as the SaaS application market is booming

Nowadays software industry around the world is focused on the cloud. Workday Inc. is a human capital management and financial management software firm that joined the cloud bandwagon recently. HCM which falls in the domain of ERP solutions is becoming more and more acceptable ever since ERP solutions are available over cloud. The global SaaS-based ERP software market will grow at CAGR of 14.21% from 2011 to 2105. The major factor for this ERP growth as SaaS model is due to the lower cost of ownership.

Read more about this aspect, visit the following link: http://www.gurufocus.com/news/255442/workday-growth-continues-with-erp-as-the-saas-application-market-is-booming 

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Nitin Sinha
Hi Maitree - i want to undergo a handson training in workday , Can you suggest a vendor in kolkata
Thursday, 17 July 2014 12:15
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Increasing business risk of cloud cyber-attacks

An article by E-Commerce Times columnist, Peter S. Vogel, says that it is hard to detect which is growing at a faster pace - cloud or cybercrime. Cloud may be anywhere in the world which creates interesting and complex legal questions regarding privacy of data stored in the cloud. Nevertheless, more businesses are migrating to the cloud to host data, often without regard to the legal consequences.  Many companies are migrating to the cloud to reduce their IT costs but are creating new malware-based and cyber-crime risks to their businesses. If cybercrime and cloud-focused malware continue to grow along with the cloud, the predicted growth of cloud migration may not be realized.


To know more follow http://www.technewsworld.com/story/80107.html

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Speech Analytics – a way to gain better customer insights

The information that can be obtained while communicating with customers and prospects is invaluable for recognizing and optimizing the performance of your workforce. Speech Analytics solutions are the key to uncover those opportunities and harness them to improve your business results. A blog by Sean Murphy, Product Marketing lead for Speech and Text analytics of Genesys, talks about how speech analytics delivers various benefits to companies and also how it helps in accelerating company ROI.

To know more follow http://blog.genesys.com/blog/2014/04/02/cloud-based-speech-analytics-what-are-99-of-your-customers-hiding/




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Can your customer experience overcome the switching economy?

Despite having huge data and insights into consumer desires and preferences, companies are still facing problems due to rising churn or switching rates among their customers. According to a recent study, it was found that 75% of customers are now using one or more online channels when researching about companies' products and services and 33% use mobile devices to access these online channels.

To know more about customer experiences, visit Remy Claret (Product Marketing Director at Genesys)'s, link http://blog.genesys.com/blog/2014/04/14/can-customer-experience-overcome-switching-economy/


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